查了80端口的占用程序,是FMSEdge,看来还得关闭FMS服务 -_-!!!
Enable Apache
When you install Flash Media Server and choose to install Apache, it is enabled by default. To manually enable Apache, edit the fms.ini and Adaptor.xml files.
Open the fms.ini file in a text editor.
Add port 80 to the ADAPTOR.HOSTPORT tag.
To start and stop Apache when Flash Media Server starts and stops, set the SERVER.HTTPD_ENABLED parameter to true:
Open the Adaptor.xml configuration file in a text editor.
If you have multiple adaptors, open the file for the adaptor you want to configure. The default Adaptor.xml file is located in the RootInstall\conf\_defaultRoot_ folder.
Set the enable attribute of the HttpProxy tag to "true", as in the following:
<HttpProxy enable="true" maxbuf="16384">
    <Host port="80">${HTTPPROXY.HOST}</Host>
Set the value of the HTTPPROXY.HOST variable in the RootInstall/conf/fms.ini file. You can also remove the variable and set the value directly in the Host tag.
Save and validate the Adaptor.xml file.
Restart the server.
将SERVER.HTTPD_ENABLED设置为false,ADAPTOR.HOSTPORT = :1935, 80中的80去掉,重启FMS服务,OK了



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