UltraEdit是一款不错的软件,可以支持很多功能,最近刚刚开始使用,这里总结记录一下其与虚拟机上的Linux连接的方法:(罗列主要步骤,摘自于官网,其他设置这里没有说明,可以参考  官网说明)

Step 1: Create a New Account

To create your FTP account, go to the File menu, click on the FTP/Telnet menu item, then click on the FTP Account manager.

In the FTP/SFTP Account Manager, click the Add Account button to create a new account. You will see a new (empty) account is created.

Step 2: Protocol

You will need to know the protocol supported on the server. The basic protocol is FTP; however, UltraEdit/UEStudio both include secure protocol's. Please note, If you wish to use the secure protocol's, your server must support them.

A basic desrcription of the supported protocols follows below:

FTP: Creates a non-secure FTP connection.SFTP: Creates a secure FTP (SFTP) connection with the SSH2 protocol.FTPS - Control Only: Creates a secure FTP (FTPS) connection with an SSL layer below the standard FTP protocol. This method encrypts the control channel

ONLY.FTPS - Control + Data: Creates a secure FTP (FTPS) connection with an SSL layer below the standard FTP protocol. This method encrypts both the control

and the data channels.FTPS - Implicit: Creates a secure FTP (FTPS) connection with an SSL layer below the standard FTP protocol. This is an older FTPS method and is not generally

preferred, but is still supported on some servers.

Step 3: Server/IP Address

The server is the URL/IP address for the server you are connecting to. The server field may be in the format of ftp://ftp.ultraedit.com, ftp.ultraedit.com, or you may enter the IP Address in the form xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.

For the example below we are using ultraedit.com.

Step 4: Port

The default port for FTP is 21, and the default port for SFTP is 22. If your FTP/SFTP goes through a different port (as configured on your server) you can change the value here.

Step 5: Username and Password

This is the username and password you use to log into the server. Note: If you wish for UltraEdit/UEStudio to save the account information, simply check (enable) the Save Password checkbox.

Note: if the password is saved it is stored on the system; however, the password is stored in an encrypted format.



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