开源许可证 如何工作

by Radu Raicea

由Radu Raicea

开源许可证的工作方式以及如何将其添加到您的项目中 (How open source licenses work and how to add them to your projects)

Recently, there was some exciting news for developers around the world. Facebook changed the license of multiple libraries they develop. They switched from BSD-3+patents to a MIT.

最近,对于世界各地的开发人员来说,有一些令人振奋的消息。 Facebook更改了他们开发的多个库的许可。 他们从BSD-3 +专利转到了MIT

That seems good, but what does it mean? What are the implications of different open source licenses?

看起来不错,但这意味着什么呢? 不同的开源许可证有什么含义?

This article will give you a quick understanding of the popular licenses. It will also teach you how to apply them to your open source projects on GitHub.

本文将使您快速了解常用许可证。 它还将教您如何将它们应用于GitHub上的开源项目。

权威 (The Authority)

The most popular open source licenses have an important aspect in common. The Open Source Initiative (OSI) has approved them.

最受欢迎的开源许可证具有一个重要的共同点。 开放源代码计划 (OSI)已批准它们。

OSI formed in 1998 with the goal of promoting open source software. It has created the Open Source Definition (OSD) to define what an open source software means.

OSI成立于1998年,旨在推广开源软件。 它创建了开放源代码定义 (OSD)来定义开放源代码软件的含义。

This is how they describe themselves:


The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit corporation with global scope formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open source community.


执照 (The Licenses)

Most open source licenses include the following statements:


  1. Software can be modified, used commercially, and distributed.可以对软件进行修改,商业使用和分发。
  2. Software can be modified and used in private.可以私下修改和使用软件。
  3. A license and copyright notice must be included in the software.该软件必须包含许可证和版权声明。
  4. Software authors provide no warranty with the software and are not liable for anything.软件作者不对软件提供任何保证,也不对任何事情负责。

We will go through the most popular licenses, in order from the most restrictive to the most permissive (from a user’s perspective).


GNU通用公共许可证,版本3(GPLv3) (GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3))

GPLv3 is one of the most restrictive licenses. It offers high protection for the author of the software.

GPLv3是限制性最强的许可证之一。 它为软件作者提供了高度保护。

  • The source code must be made public whenever a distribution of the software is made.


  • Modifications of the software must be released under the same license.


  • Changes made to the source code must be documented.


  • If patented material was used in the creation of the software, it grants the right for users to use it. If the user sues anyone over the use of the patented material, they lose the right to use the software.如果创建软件时使用了专利材料,则它授予用户使用软件的权利。 如果用户起诉任何人使用专利材料,他们将失去使用该软件的权利。

GPLv2 is also very popular. The main difference from GPLv3 is the clause on patent grants.

GPLv2也很受欢迎。 与GPLv3的主要区别在于专利授权条款。

That clause was added in version 3 to prevent companies from charging users for the use of their patents.

在第3版中添加了该条款,以防止公司向用户收取使用其专利的费用 。

Popular projects using GPLv3 are Bash and GIMP. Linux uses GPLv2.


Ezequiel Foncubierta pointed something important for GPL licenses:

Ezequiel Foncubierta指出了GPL许可证的重要事项:

The license of your source code must be compatible with the license of the open source code you are linking to. For instance, if your code is proprietary, you won’t be allowed to use a library under the GPL license. This is where people tends to make more mistakes.

您的源代码的许可证必须与您链接到的开源代码的许可证兼容。 例如,如果您的代码是专有的,则将不允许您使用GPL许可下的库。 这是人们容易犯更多错误的地方。

Apache许可2.0 (Apache License 2.0)

Apache License 2.0 offers more flexibility to the users.

Apache License 2.0为用户提供了更大的灵活性。

  • The source code doesn’t need to be public when a distribution of the software is made.

    发行软件时, 不需要公开源代码。

  • Modifications to the software can be release under any license.


  • Changes made to the source code must be documented.


  • It offers the same patent usage protection as GPLv3.它提供与GPLv3相同的专利使用保护。
  • It explicitly prohibits the use of trademarked names found in the project.它明确禁止使用在项目中找到的商标名称。

Popular projects using Apache License 2.0 are Android, Apache, and Swift.

使用Apache License 2.0的流行项目是AndroidApacheSwift

伯克利软件发行(BSD) (Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD))

BSD has two main versions: 2-clause and 3-clause. They both offer more flexibility to the users than the Apache License 2.0.

BSD有两个主要版本: 2子句和3子句 。 与Apache License 2.0相比,它们都为用户提供了更大的灵活性。

  • The source code doesn’t need to be public when a distribution of the software is made.

    发行软件时, 不需要公开源代码。

  • Modifications to the software can be release under any license.


  • Changes made to the source code may not be documented.

    对源代码所做的更改可能 不会记录在案。

  • It offers no explicit position on patent usage.它对专利使用没有明确的立场。
  • The license and copyright notice must be included in the documentation of the compiled version of the source code (as opposed to only in the source code).


  • The BSD 3-clause states that the names of the author and contributors can’t be used to promote products derived from the software without permission.BSD 3条款规定,未经许可,不得使用作者和贡献者的名字来推广从该软件衍生的产品。

Popular projects using BSD license are Go (3-clause), Pure.css (3-clause), and Sentry (3-clause).

使用BSD许可证的热门项目是Go (3子句), Pure.css (3子句)和Sentry (3子句)。

麻省理工学院执照 (MIT License)

MIT is one of the most permissive licenses. It is also the most popular one. It offers very low protection for the author of the software.

麻省理工学院是最宽松的许可证之一。 它也是最受欢迎的一种。 它为软件作者提供了非常低的保护。

  • The source code doesn’t need to be public when a distribution of the software is made.

    发行软件时, 不需要公开源代码。

  • Modifications to the software can be release under any license.


  • Changes made to the source code may not be documented.

    对源代码所做的更改可能 不会记录在案。

  • It offers no explicit position on patent usage.它对专利使用没有明确的立场。

Popular projects using MIT are Angular.js, jQuery, Rails, Bootstrap, and many more.


Facebook’s React.js had a BSD-3+patents license up until September 25th. It combined the BSD-3 license with an extra clause on patents usage.

截至9月25日,Facebook的React.js拥有BSD-3 +专利许可。 它结合了BSD-3许可和关于专利使用的附加条款。

In a nutshell, if you sue Facebook or any of its subsidiaries, you lose the right to use React (or any other software under the same license).


React is now MIT licensed. You are now able to sue Facebook and still use React. What a relief!

React现在已获得MIT许可。 现在,您可以起诉Facebook并仍然使用React。 终于解脱了!

将许可证应用于开源项目 (Applying a license to your open source projects)

Licensing your projects is easy. You need to add a LICENSE, LICENSE.txt or LICENSE.md in the root directory of your repository.

许可您的项目很容易。 您需要在存储库的根目录中添加LICENSELICENSE.txtLICENSE.md

GitHub makes it even easier:


  1. Open your GitHub repository in a browser.在浏览器中打开GitHub存储库。
  2. In the root directory, click on Create new file.

    在根目录中,单击Create new file

  3. Name the file “LICENSE”.将文件命名为“ LICENSE”。
  4. Click on Choose a license template.

    单击Choose a license template

  5. Pick one of the licenses (all the ones mentioned in this article are there).选择其中一个许可证(本文中提到的所有许可证均已存在)。
  6. Once chosen, click on Review and submit.

    选择后,点击Review and submit

  7. Commit the file.


综上所述… (In summary…)

  • One of the most restrictive licenses is GPL.


  • One of the most permissive licenses is MIT.


  • Other popular licenses are Apache License 2.0 and BSD.

    其他流行的许可证是Apache License 2.0BSD

  • To apply a license on your GitHub project, you need to create a LICENSE file using GitHub’s license templates.


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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-open-source-licenses-work-and-how-to-add-them-to-your-projects-34310c3cf94/

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