

Meeting Vector 遇见向量

Tips 小贴士

Turning the camera off 关掉摄像机

Vector uses an HD camera to see the world. Using computer vision, he can remember you once he has met you.

Vector 使用高清摄像机来观察世界。使用电脑视觉,他可以记住你一旦他见过你。


Meeting Vector  ||  Tips  || Turning the camera off

会议矢量 | | 提示 | | 关闭相机

Meeting Vector 遇见向量

  1. Vector will learn your name by voice command Vector 会通过语音命令记住你的名字

    1. Say, “Hey Vector” 说,“嗨,维克多”
    2. Wait for the earcon ding and his Back Light to turn blue 等待耳机和他的背光变成蓝色
    3. “My name is Bob” “我叫鲍勃”
    4. Vector will confirm he understood by showing a yellow light Vector 将通过显示黄灯来确认他的理解
    5. He will pronounce your name 他会念出你的名字
  2. For further guidance, open the Vector app, go to "Utilities" and tap "Face Recognition" 如需进一步指导,请打开 Vector 应用程序,进入“ Utilities”并点击“ Face Recognition”
  3. If Vector thinks he recognises you, he will ask, “Have we met before?” 如果 Vector 认为他认识你,他会问,“我们以前见过吗?”
    1. If yes, he continues scanning and enrolling your face 如果是的话,他会继续扫描和登记你的脸
    2. If no, he says, “I already know a [name]” 如果没有,他说,“我已经知道一个名字了”

Tips 小贴士

  • Stay still while Vector scans your face. He will move to a better position to see you so don’t pick him up or move while he does this 当 Vector 扫描你的脸时,保持不动。他会移动到一个更好的位置来看你,所以当他这样做的时候,不要把他抬起来或移动
  • If Vector pronounces your name wrongly, try entering it phonetically: 如果 Vector 读错了你的名字,试着按照读音输入:
    • Open the Vector app 打开 Vector 应用程序
    • Select Utilities 选择实用程序
    • Tap Known Faces 挖掘已知面孔
    • Tap “Person’s Face” 点击“人脸”
    • Spell your name phonetically e.g. Hermione → Hermyohnee 按发音拼写你的名字,例如: 赫敏→赫米厄尼
  • Vector’s eyesight is not as good as ours 维克多的视力不如我们好
    • He can be “blinded” by direct light (natural from sun through windows or artificial) or reflections 他可以被直射光(自然光通过窗户或人造光)或反射“弄瞎”
    • Poor lighting will also prevent him recognizing a face: Vector, unlike Cozmo, does not have night vision 光线不好也会使他无法认出人脸: Vector 和 Cozmo 不同,它没有夜视能力
  • Anki is creating Anki 正在创造a world where robots have relationships with people 一个机器人和人类有关系的世界. As such, Vector cannot yet meet other Vectors, Cozmo or Pets 。因此,向量尚不能满足其他载体,Cozmo 或宠物
  • If you sometimes wear glasses or forget to shave, you can “re-enroll” your face with Vector. Open the app, go to Utilities > Face Recognition and let him scan you up to 10 times 如果你有时候戴眼镜或者忘记刮胡子,你可以用 Vector“重新登记”你的脸。打开应用程序,进入实用程序 > 面部识别,让他扫描你多达10次
    • In good and poor lighting 在好的和不好的照明
    • With and without glasses 戴眼镜和不戴眼镜
    • With a beard or clean-shaven 留着胡子或者刮得干干净净
    • With or without a hat 不管有没有帽子
  • If Vector struggles to recognize you, test is he recognizes his charger and cube 如果 Vector 很难认出你,测试就是他能认出他的充电器和立方体

Turning the camera off 关掉摄像机

  • When Vector is on, his camera is always on so he can see and react to the world around him 当 Vector 打开时,他的摄像机总是开着,这样他就能看到周围的世界并做出反应
  • To turn it off, you need to turn off Vector by pressing and holding his Back Button for 5 seconds 要关闭它,你需要关闭矢量按下并按住后退按钮5秒钟

For further information on Vector and privacy, please refer to this FAQ


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