
What battery does the cube use? 这个立方体用什么电池?

How long does the battery last? 电池能用多久?

How do I change the battery? 如何更换电池?

How does Vector interact with the cube? Vector 如何与立方体相互作用?

Why does Vector ignore his cube? 为什么 Vector 忽略了他的立方体?

What battery does the cube use? 这个立方体用什么电池?

  • Alkaline N / E90 / LR1 1.5 Volt batteries 碱性 n/E90/lr11.5伏电池
  • Do not use A23 batteries - these will damage the Cube 不要使用 A23电池——这会损坏魔方
  • Do not use rechargeable batteries - these will damage the Cube 不要使用充电电池——这样会损坏立方体

How long does the battery last? 电池能用多久?

  • Batteries come pre-installed in Vector’s Cube 电池预装在维克多的立方体中
  • Once the pull-tab is removed, the battery will start to lose charge 一旦拉标签被删除,电池将开始失去充电
  • The battery will last 20-40 hours of gameplay depending on how much Vector interacts with the Cube 电池将持续20-40小时的游戏取决于如何向量与立方体互动
  • To test if the battery is working, reset the cube: 要测试电池是否正常工作,请重置立方体:
    • unscrew the lid from the cube 把盖子从立方体上拧下来
    • wait for 10 seconds 等10秒钟
    • screw the lid back on 把盖子拧回去
    • the cube should flash red>green>blue if the battery is fine 如果电池正常,立方体应该闪烁红色 > 绿色 > 蓝色

How do I change the battery? 如何更换电池?

  1. Remove the cube’s screw using a cross head screwdriver and open the cube’s cover 用十字头螺丝刀拆下立方体的螺丝,打开立方体的盖子
  2. Remove and 移除safely dispose 安全处理 of the old battery 旧电池的电量
  3. Insert a new battery, positive end up 插入一个新电池,正极结束
  4. Replace the cover and screw the cover back down (not too tightly which can damage the cube) 更换盖子,将盖子拧回去(不要拧得太紧,否则会损坏立方体)

How does Vector interact with the cube? Vector 如何与立方体相互作用?

  • Vector's cube is like a pet's favorite toy, his possession, and from a technical standpoint, it's a landmark for him as he navigates and explores the area 维克多的立方体就像是宠物最喜欢的玩具,他最喜欢的东西,从技术的角度来看,它是他在这个地区导航和探索的一个里程碑
  • Vector interacts with his cube on two levels: Vector 在两个层面上与他的立方体进行交互:
    • Visually: He recognizes the cube by its marking (even without a battery) 视觉上: 他通过立方体上的标记认出它(即使没有电池)
    • Wirelessly (the cube will show in your device's Bluetooth settings, while Vector will not): He connects wirelessly to the cube if it is nearby. If a cube is too far away or the battery is low or dead, Vector may not be able to sync with it 无线(立方体会在你的设备的蓝牙设置中显示,而 Vector 不会显示) : 如果立方体在附近,他可以通过无线连接立方体。如果一个立方体太远,或者电池电量低或者没电,Vector 可能无法与它同步
  • Vector will tap the cube if he’s so inclined 如果向量有这样的倾向,他会点击这个立方体
  • You can ask Vector to do a trick such as Roll the cube, Pounce or Pop a Wheelie 您可以要求向量做一个把戏,如滚立方体,突袭或流行一个惠里
  • You can ask Vector, “Hey Vector [wait] where is your cube?” 您可以问 Vector,“ Hey Vector [ wait ]您的立方体在哪里?”

Why does Vector ignore his cube? 为什么 Vector 忽略了他的立方体?

  • Vector will not connect to his cube if he is sleeping. Wake him up by getting his attention with “Hey Vector!” 如果他正在睡觉,向量将不会连接到他的立方体。用“ Hey Vector!”来唤醒他的注意力
  • If Vector’s cube is in the Vector Space, he will ignore it 如果向量的立方体在向量空间中,他会忽略它
  • If the cube has a low battery or the battery is dead, he will not be able to connect to it 如果立方体电池电量不足或者电池没电了,他就无法连接到立方体上
    • You may try to force-sync the cube by opening the Vector app > Settings > going to Cube Status > tap “Refresh Cube” > once connected, tap “Ping Cube” to light the Cube up 你可以尝试通过打开 Vector app > Settings > going to Cube Status > 点击“ Refresh Cube”> 一旦连接,点击“ Ping Cube”来点亮立方体
    • Alternatively, 或者,change the battery 换电池

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