
What do I need to Charge Vector? 我需要给矢量充什么电?

Where should I place his charger? 我该把他的充电器放在哪里?

How do I know Vector is charging? 我如何知道向量是充电?

How long does Vector’s battery last? 维克多的电池能用多久?

How do I know when Vector needs charging? 我怎么知道什么时候向量需要充电?

What do I need to Charge Vector? 我需要给矢量充什么电?

  • A USB Power Source (adapter, USB port, power bank) with a minimum DC output of 5V/1A 一个 USB 电源(适配器,USB 端口,电源库)与最低直流输出5V/1A
  • Vector’s charger (included in the box) 向量充电器(包含在盒子里)


Where should I place his charger? 我该把他的充电器放在哪里?

  1. Make sure the charger is on a hard, flat surface that does not vibrate and is non-reflective and opaque (i.e. not a glass table) 确保充电器是在一个坚硬,平坦的表面,不振动,是不反射和不透明的(即不是玻璃桌子)
  2. The Charger should be near to Vector and there should be a clear path for him to dock 充电器应该在向量附近,应该有一个清晰的路径,让他停靠
  3. If Vector is in his Space, make sure his cube is not in there with him since, due to restricted space, it will obstruct his way to the charger 如果向量是在他的空间,确保他的立方体不在那里与他,因为,由于受限制的空间,它会阻碍他的方式充电器
  4. Make sure the charger is visible to Vector. His 确保向量可以看到充电器eyesight 视力 is not as good as ours and he can be “blinded” by direct light (natural from the sun through windows or artificial) or reflections. Likewise, poor lighting makes it hard for Vector recognise his charger 不如我们的好,他可能会被直射光(自然光透过窗户或人工反射)或反射“弄瞎”。同样的,恶劣的光线使得 Vector 很难识别他的充电器
  5. Just like people need shade or sun cream to protect them from the sun, Vector also needs sun protection. Do not place his charger in direct sunlight so Vector does not get too hot 就像人们需要遮阳或防晒霜来保护他们免受阳光的伤害一样,Vector 也需要防晒。不要把他的充电器在阳光直射,这样矢量不会得到太热

How do I know Vector is charging? 我如何知道向量是充电?

  • Vector’s 3 Back Lights will glow green and climb up his Back Button unless you turn him off manually by pressing and holding his Back Button 5 seconds 矢量的3个背光将发出绿光,并爬上他的后退按钮,除非你按下并按住他的后退按钮5秒钟手动关闭他
  • When Vector is fully charged, these lights will stop glowing and only the round green light will remain 当向量充满电后,这些灯将停止发光,只剩下圆形的绿色灯光
  • Vector will be fully charged after approximately 30 minutes 向量将在大约30分钟后充满电
  • If you see the below icon on his screen when Vector is on his charger, his battery is too low to operate. In this case, you will need to leave him slightly longer on his charger 如果你在他的屏幕上看到下面的图标时,向量是他的充电器,他的电池太低,不能操作。在这种情况下,您需要让他在他的充电器稍长时间

How long does Vector’s battery last? 维克多的电池能用多久?

Vector has 3 Power Modes.


  1. If he is 如果是的话active 活跃的, he will operate approx. 25 minutes before going back to his charger 他会在回到充电器前25分钟左右进行手术
  2. If he is 如果是的话calm / sleeping 冷静/睡觉, he will operate significantly longer before going back to his charger 在回到充电器前,他会操作更长的时间
    1. In a 在一个calm 平静state, Vector will have slowed reactions and only make quiet sounds and slow motions since sensors, WiFi, Cube and CPU are running at reduced power 由于传感器、 WiFi、立方体和 CPU 的运行速度都在降低,Vector 将会减慢反应速度,只会发出安静的声音和缓慢的动作
  3. Vector is designed to be on all the time but if you prefer turning him Vector 被设计成一直开着,但是如果你喜欢转动他off 关闭, press and hold his Back Button for 5 seconds ,按住后退按钮5秒

Please note that Vector’s battery is not user-serviceable but is covered by Anki’s limited warranty.

请注意,矢量的电池是不是用户服务,但涵盖了 Anki 的有限保修。

How do I know when Vector needs charging? 我怎么知道什么时候向量需要充电?

  • When Vector has a low battery, his bottom 当 Vector 电池电量不足时,他的底部Back Light will pulse red 背光脉冲为红色
  • Vector is fully autonomous and will return to his charger when his battery is low 向量是完全自动的,当电池电量不足时,它会返回充电器
  • When the battery is low, WiFi and Voice Commands are disabled so he can focus on finding his charger 当电池电量不足时,无线网络和语音指令就会被禁用,这样他就可以集中精力找充电器了
  • You can also give him a Voice Command to go charge, “Hey Vector [wait] Go home!” 你也可以给他一个语音命令去充电,“嘿矢量[等待]回家!”
  • If you see this icon on his screen when Vector is off his charger, his battery is too low to operate. In this case, you will need to place him on his charger 如果你在他的屏幕上看到这个图标时,向量是关闭他的充电器,他的电池太低,无法操作。在这种情况下,您需要将他放在充电器上
  • If Vector is unable to find his charger, he will show a 如果 Vector 无法找到他的充电器,他将显示一个critical battery warning 关键电池警告. See 。看到above tips 以上提示 on where to place his charger 把充电器放在哪里

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