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常见的jvm命令jstack  jmap   jps都在这里

package sun.tools.jstack;import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;import com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine;
import com.sun.tools.attach.AttachNotSupportedException;
import sun.tools.attach.HotSpotVirtualMachine;/** This class is the main class for the JStack utility. It parses its arguments* and decides if the command should be executed by the SA JStack tool or by* obtained the thread dump from a target process using the VM attach mechanism*/
public class JStack {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {if (args.length == 0) {usage(1); // no arguments}boolean useSA = false;boolean mixed = false;boolean locks = false;// Parse the options (arguments starting with "-" )int optionCount = 0;while (optionCount < args.length) {String arg = args[optionCount];if (!arg.startsWith("-")) {break;}if (arg.equals("-help") || arg.equals("-h")) {usage(0);}else if (arg.equals("-F")) {useSA = true;}else {if (arg.equals("-m")) {mixed = true;} else {if (arg.equals("-l")) {locks = true;} else {usage(1);}}}optionCount++;}// mixed stack implies SA toolif (mixed) {useSA = true;}// Next we check the parameter count. If there are two parameters// we assume core file and executable so we use SA.int paramCount = args.length - optionCount;if (paramCount == 0 || paramCount > 2) {usage(1);}if (paramCount == 2) {useSA = true;} else {// If we can't parse it as a pid then it must be debug serverif (!args[optionCount].matches("[0-9]+")) {useSA = true;}}// now execute using the SA JStack tool or the built-in thread dumperif (useSA) {// parameters (<pid> or <exe> <core>String params[] = new String[paramCount];for (int i=optionCount; i<args.length; i++ ){params[i-optionCount] = args[i];}runJStackTool(mixed, locks, params);} else {// pass -l to thread dump operation to get extra lock infoString pid = args[optionCount];String params[];if (locks) {params = new String[] { "-l" };} else {params = new String[0];}runThreadDump(pid, params);}}



 // Invoke SA tool  with the given argumentsprivate static void runTool(String option, String args[]) throws Exception {String[][] tools = {{ "-pmap",          "sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.PMap"             },{ "-heap",          "sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.HeapSummary"      },{ "-heap:format=b", "sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.HeapDumper"       },{ "-histo",         "sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.ObjectHistogram"  },{ "-clstats",       "sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.ClassLoaderStats" },{ "-finalizerinfo", "sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.FinalizerInfo"    },};


都是通过 executeCommand 来实现的,例如:datadump、threaddump、dumpheap、inspectheap、jcmd等,而最终的execute()在Linux上是由类LinuxVirtualMachine来完成。

public abstract class HotSpotVirtualMachine extends VirtualMachine {
...// --- HotSpot specific methods ---// same as SIGQUITpublic void localDataDump() throws IOException {executeCommand("datadump").close();}// Remote ctrl-break. The output of the ctrl-break actions can// be read from the input stream.public InputStream remoteDataDump(Object ... args) throws IOException {return executeCommand("threaddump", args);}// Remote heap dump. The output (error message) can be read from the// returned input stream.public InputStream dumpHeap(Object ... args) throws IOException {return executeCommand("dumpheap", args);}// Heap histogram (heap inspection in HotSpot)public InputStream heapHisto(Object ... args) throws IOException {return executeCommand("inspectheap", args);}// set JVM command line flagpublic InputStream setFlag(String name, String value) throws IOException {return executeCommand("setflag", name, value);}// print command line flagpublic InputStream printFlag(String name) throws IOException {return executeCommand("printflag", name);}public InputStream executeJCmd(String command) throws IOException {return executeCommand("jcmd", command);}// -- Supporting methods





    // The patch to the socket file created by the target VMString path;/*** Attaches to the target VM*/LinuxVirtualMachine(AttachProvider provider, String vmid)throws AttachNotSupportedException, IOException{super(provider, vmid);// This provider only understands pidsint pid;try {pid = Integer.parseInt(vmid);} catch (NumberFormatException x) {throw new AttachNotSupportedException("Invalid process identifier");}// Find the socket file. If not found then we attempt to start the// attach mechanism in the target VM by sending it a QUIT signal.// Then we attempt to find the socket file again.path = findSocketFile(pid);if (path == null) {File f = createAttachFile(pid);try {// On LinuxThreads each thread is a process and we don't have the// pid of the VMThread which has SIGQUIT unblocked. To workaround// this we get the pid of the "manager thread" that is created// by the first call to pthread_create. This is parent of all// threads (except the initial thread).if (isLinuxThreads) {int mpid;try {mpid = getLinuxThreadsManager(pid);} catch (IOException x) {throw new AttachNotSupportedException(x.getMessage());}assert(mpid >= 1);sendQuitToChildrenOf(mpid);} else {sendQuitTo(pid);}// give the target VM time to start the attach mechanismint i = 0;long delay = 200;int retries = (int)(attachTimeout() / delay);do {try {Thread.sleep(delay);} catch (InterruptedException x) { }path = findSocketFile(pid);i++;} while (i <= retries && path == null);if (path == null) {throw new AttachNotSupportedException("Unable to open socket file: target process not responding " +"or HotSpot VM not loaded");}} finally {f.delete();}}// Check that the file owner/permission to avoid attaching to// bogus processcheckPermissions(path);// Check that we can connect to the process// - this ensures we throw the permission denied error now rather than// later when we attempt to enqueue a command.int s = socket();try {connect(s, path);} finally {close(s);}}/*** Detach from the target VM*/public void detach() throws IOException {synchronized (this) {if (this.path != null) {this.path = null;}}}
  • 查找/tmp目录下是否存在".java_pid"+pid文件;
  • 如果文件不存在,则首先创建"/proc/" + pid + "/cwd/" + ".attach_pid" + pid文件,然后通过kill命令发送SIGQUIT信号给目标JVM进程;
  • 目标JVM进程接收到信号之后,会在/tmp目录下创建".java_pid"+pid文件
  • 当发现/tmp目录下存在".java_pid"+pid文件,LinuxVirtualMachine会通过connect系统调用连接到该文件描述符,后续通过该fd进行双方的通讯;





/*** Execute the given command in the target VM.*/InputStream execute(String cmd, Object ... args) throws AgentLoadException, IOException {assert args.length <= 3;                // includes null// did we detach?String p;synchronized (this) {if (this.path == null) {throw new IOException("Detached from target VM");}p = this.path;}// create UNIX socketint s = socket();// connect to target VMtry {connect(s, p);} catch (IOException x) {close(s);throw x;}IOException ioe = null;// connected - write request// <ver> <cmd> <args...>try {writeString(s, PROTOCOL_VERSION);writeString(s, cmd);for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {if (i < args.length && args[i] != null) {writeString(s, (String)args[i]);} else {writeString(s, "");}}} catch (IOException x) {ioe = x;}// Create an input stream to read replySocketInputStream sis = new SocketInputStream(s);// Read the command completion statusint completionStatus;try {completionStatus = readInt(sis);} catch (IOException x) {sis.close();if (ioe != null) {throw ioe;} else {throw x;}}if (completionStatus != 0) {// read from the stream and use that as the error messageString message = readErrorMessage(sis);sis.close();// In the event of a protocol mismatch then the target VM// returns a known error so that we can throw a reasonable// error.if (completionStatus == ATTACH_ERROR_BADVERSION) {throw new IOException("Protocol mismatch with target VM");}// Special-case the "load" command so that the right exception is// thrown.if (cmd.equals("load")) {throw new AgentLoadException("Failed to load agent library");} else {if (message == null) {throw new AttachOperationFailedException("Command failed in target VM");} else {throw new AttachOperationFailedException(message);}}}// Return the input stream so that the command output can be readreturn sis;}




// Table to map operation names to functions.// names must be of length <= AttachOperation::name_length_max
static AttachOperationFunctionInfo funcs[] = {{ "agentProperties",  get_agent_properties },{ "datadump",         data_dump },{ "dumpheap",         dump_heap },{ "load",             JvmtiExport::load_agent_library },{ "properties",       get_system_properties },{ "threaddump",       thread_dump },{ "inspectheap",      heap_inspection },{ "setflag",          set_flag },{ "printflag",        print_flag },{ "jcmd",             jcmd },{ NULL,               NULL }



// The attach mechanism on Linux uses a UNIX domain socket. An attach listener
// thread is created at startup or is created on-demand via a signal from
// the client tool. The attach listener creates a socket and binds it to a file
// in the filesystem. The attach listener then acts as a simple (single-
// threaded) server - it waits for a client to connect, reads the request,
// executes it, and returns the response to the client via the socket
// connection.
// As the socket is a UNIX domain socket it means that only clients on the
// local machine can connect. In addition there are two other aspects to
// the security:
// 1. The well known file that the socket is bound to has permission 400
// 2. When a client connect, the SO_PEERCRED socket option is used to
//    obtain the credentials of client. We check that the effective uid
//    of the client matches this process.....
// Initialization - create a listener socket and bind it to a fileint LinuxAttachListener::init() {char path[UNIX_PATH_MAX];          // socket filechar initial_path[UNIX_PATH_MAX];  // socket file during setupint listener;                      // listener socket (file descriptor)// register function to cleanup::atexit(listener_cleanup);int n = snprintf(path, UNIX_PATH_MAX, "%s/.java_pid%d",os::get_temp_directory(), os::current_process_id());if (n < (int)UNIX_PATH_MAX) {n = snprintf(initial_path, UNIX_PATH_MAX, "%s.tmp", path);}if (n >= (int)UNIX_PATH_MAX) {return -1;}// create the listener socketlistener = ::socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);if (listener == -1) {return -1;}// bind socketstruct sockaddr_un addr;addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;strcpy(addr.sun_path, initial_path);::unlink(initial_path);int res = ::bind(listener, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));if (res == -1) {::close(listener);return -1;}// put in listen mode, set permissions, and rename into placeres = ::listen(listener, 5);if (res == 0) {RESTARTABLE(::chmod(initial_path, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE), res);if (res == 0) {res = ::rename(initial_path, path);}}if (res == -1) {::close(listener);::unlink(initial_path);return -1;}set_path(path);set_listener(listener);return 0;



// The VM operation that dumps the heap. The dump consists of the following
// records:
//  [HPROF_UTF8]*
// The HPROF_TRACE records represent the stack traces where the heap dump
// is generated and a "dummy trace" record which does not include
// any frames. The dummy trace record is used to be referenced as the
// unknown object alloc site.
// The HPROF_HEAP_DUMP record has a length following by sub-records. To allow
// the heap dump be generated in a single pass we remember the position of
// the dump length and fix it up after all sub-records have been written.
// To generate the sub-records we iterate over the heap, writing
// records as we go. Once that is done we write records for some of the GC
// roots.// HPROF_TRACE记录表示堆转储的堆栈跟踪
//任何帧 虚拟跟踪记录用于引用
// HPROF_HEAP_DUMP记录的子记录长度如下。 允许
//我们去的记录。 完成后,我们会为某些GC编写记录
void VM_HeapDumper::doit() {HandleMark hm;CollectedHeap* ch = Universe::heap();ch->ensure_parsability(false); // must happen, even if collection does// not happen (e.g. due to GC_locker)if (_gc_before_heap_dump) {if (GC_locker::is_active()) {warning("GC locker is held; pre-heapdump GC was skipped");} else {ch->collect_as_vm_thread(GCCause::_heap_dump);}}// At this point we should be the only dumper active, so// the following should be safe.set_global_dumper();set_global_writer();// Write the file header - use 1.0.2 for large heaps, otherwise 1.0.1size_t used = ch->used();const char* header;if (used > (size_t)SegmentedHeapDumpThreshold) {set_segmented_dump();header = "JAVA PROFILE 1.0.2";} else {header = "JAVA PROFILE 1.0.1";}// header is few bytes long - no chance to overflow intwriter()->write_raw((void*)header, (int)strlen(header));writer()->write_u1(0); // terminatorwriter()->write_u4(oopSize);writer()->write_u8(os::javaTimeMillis());// HPROF_UTF8 recordsSymbolTableDumper sym_dumper(writer());SymbolTable::symbols_do(&sym_dumper);// write HPROF_LOAD_CLASS recordsClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_do(&do_load_class);Universe::basic_type_classes_do(&do_load_class);// write HPROF_FRAME and HPROF_TRACE records// this must be called after _klass_map is built when iterating the classes above.dump_stack_traces();// write HPROF_HEAP_DUMP or HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_SEGMENTwrite_dump_header();// Writes HPROF_GC_CLASS_DUMP recordsClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_do(&do_class_dump);Universe::basic_type_classes_do(&do_basic_type_array_class_dump);check_segment_length();// writes HPROF_GC_INSTANCE_DUMP records.// After each sub-record is written check_segment_length will be invoked. When// generated a segmented heap dump this allows us to check if the current// segment exceeds a threshold and if so, then a new segment is started.// The HPROF_GC_CLASS_DUMP and HPROF_GC_INSTANCE_DUMP are the vast bulk// of the heap dump.HeapObjectDumper obj_dumper(this, writer());Universe::heap()->safe_object_iterate(&obj_dumper);// HPROF_GC_ROOT_THREAD_OBJ + frames + jni localsdo_threads();check_segment_length();// HPROF_GC_ROOT_MONITOR_USEDMonitorUsedDumper mon_dumper(writer());ObjectSynchronizer::oops_do(&mon_dumper);check_segment_length();// HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_GLOBALJNIGlobalsDumper jni_dumper(writer());JNIHandles::oops_do(&jni_dumper);check_segment_length();// HPROF_GC_ROOT_STICKY_CLASSStickyClassDumper class_dumper(writer());SystemDictionary::always_strong_classes_do(&class_dumper);// fixes up the length of the dump record. In the case of a segmented// heap then the HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_END record is also written.end_of_dump();// Now we clear the global variables, so that a future dumper might run.clear_global_dumper();clear_global_writer();
void VM_HeapDumper::dump_stack_traces() {// write a HPROF_TRACE record without any frames to be referenced as object alloc sitesDumperSupport::write_header(writer(), HPROF_TRACE, 3*sizeof(u4));writer()->write_u4((u4) STACK_TRACE_ID);writer()->write_u4(0);                    // thread numberwriter()->write_u4(0);                    // frame count_stack_traces = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(ThreadStackTrace*, Threads::number_of_threads(), mtInternal);int frame_serial_num = 0;for (JavaThread* thread = Threads::first(); thread != NULL ; thread = thread->next()) {oop threadObj = thread->threadObj();if (threadObj != NULL && !thread->is_exiting() && !thread->is_hidden_from_external_view()) {// dump thread stack traceThreadStackTrace* stack_trace = new ThreadStackTrace(thread, false);stack_trace->dump_stack_at_safepoint(-1);_stack_traces[_num_threads++] = stack_trace;// write HPROF_FRAME records for this thread's stack traceint depth = stack_trace->get_stack_depth();int thread_frame_start = frame_serial_num;int extra_frames = 0;// write fake frame that makes it look like the thread, which caused OOME,// is in the OutOfMemoryError zero-parameter constructorif (thread == _oome_thread && _oome_constructor != NULL) {int oome_serial_num = _klass_map->find(_oome_constructor->method_holder());// the class serial number starts from 1assert(oome_serial_num > 0, "OutOfMemoryError class not found");DumperSupport::dump_stack_frame(writer(), ++frame_serial_num, oome_serial_num,_oome_constructor, 0);extra_frames++;}for (int j=0; j < depth; j++) {StackFrameInfo* frame = stack_trace->stack_frame_at(j);Method* m = frame->method();int class_serial_num = _klass_map->find(m->method_holder());// the class serial number starts from 1assert(class_serial_num > 0, "class not found");DumperSupport::dump_stack_frame(writer(), ++frame_serial_num, class_serial_num, m, frame->bci());}depth += extra_frames;// write HPROF_TRACE record for one threadDumperSupport::write_header(writer(), HPROF_TRACE, 3*sizeof(u4) + depth*oopSize);int stack_serial_num = _num_threads + STACK_TRACE_ID;writer()->write_u4(stack_serial_num);      // stack trace serial numberwriter()->write_u4((u4) _num_threads);     // thread serial numberwriter()->write_u4(depth);                 // frame countfor (int j=1; j <= depth; j++) {writer()->write_id(thread_frame_start + j);}}}
// dump the heap to given path.
int HeapDumper::dump(const char* path) {assert(path != NULL && strlen(path) > 0, "path missing");// print message in interactive caseif (print_to_tty()) {tty->print_cr("Dumping heap to %s ...", path);timer()->start();}// create the dump writer. If the file can be opened then bailDumpWriter writer(path);if (!writer.is_open()) {set_error(writer.error());if (print_to_tty()) {tty->print_cr("Unable to create %s: %s", path,(error() != NULL) ? error() : "reason unknown");}return -1;}// generate the dumpVM_HeapDumper dumper(&writer, _gc_before_heap_dump, _oome);if (Thread::current()->is_VM_thread()) {assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "Expected to be called at a safepoint");dumper.doit();} else {VMThread::execute(&dumper);}// close dump file and record any error that the writer may have encounteredwriter.close();set_error(writer.error());// print message in interactive caseif (print_to_tty()) {timer()->stop();if (error() == NULL) {char msg[256];sprintf(msg, "Heap dump file created [%s bytes in %3.3f secs]",JLONG_FORMAT, timer()->seconds());
PRAGMA_FORMAT_NONLITERAL_IGNORED_INTERNALtty->print_cr(msg, writer.bytes_written());
PRAGMA_DIAG_POP} else {tty->print_cr("Dump file is incomplete: %s", writer.error());}}return (writer.error() == NULL) ? 0 : -1;

说明:本文参考了《jstack是如何获取threaddump的》和《java attach机制源码阅读》这两篇都是java部分的缺少C++,然后C++部分是我加上的。



从整个加载本地库的流程来看,基本上还是调用和平台有关的函数来完成的,并在加载和卸载的时候分别调用了两个生命周期回调函数 JNI_OnLoadJNI_OnUnLoad


  1. 首先 System.loadLibrary() 被调用,开始整个加载过程。
  2. 其中调用 ClassLoader 对象来完成主要工作,将每个本地库封装成 NativeLibrary 对象,并以静态变量存到已经加载过的栈中。
  3. 执行NativeLibrary 类的 load native方法,来交给native层去指向具体的加载工作。
  4. native层 ClassLoader.c 中的 Java_java_lang_ClassLoader_00024NativeLibrary_load 函数被调用。
  5. 在native load函数中首先使用 dlopen 来加载so本地库文件,并将返回的handle保存到 NativeLibrary对象中。
  6. 接着查找已经加载的so本地库中的 JNI_OnLoad 函数,并执行它。
  7. 整个so本地库的加载流程完毕。

只有在 NativeLibrary 对象被GC回收的时候,其 finalize 方法被调用了,对应加载的本地库才会被 unload 。这种情况一般来说并不会发生,因为 NativeLibrary 对象是以静态变量的形式被保存的,而静态变量是 GC roots,一般来说都不会被回收掉的。


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