安装命令 rpm -i libstdc++2.10-2.95.4-29033cl.i386.rpm
上网认证客户端配置完全指南(linux1x -c)
happy@trubuntu:~/$unzip linux_client.zip
happy@trubuntu:~/$cd client/
happy@trubuntu:~/client$ su -                                               ##取得root权限
root@trubuntu:~/client# ./pre.ps                                            ##运行安装脚本
configuration directory exist
Refresh IP script is READY.
Authencation file is READY.
pre operation finished successfully
root@trubuntu:~/client# linux1x -c                                          ##配置上网参数
configure 802.1X network connection arguments
Current configuration is:
The way to initialize 802.1X authentication.......:multicast
Send all packets by multicast.....................:N
Refresh IP address after connecting...............:Y
Save message and package to log...................:N
Continue to configure your network connection arguments?(Y/N)
There are two ways to initialize 802.1X authentication:
           1. Trap by broadcast.
           2. Trap by multicast.
Please choose the way to initialize the 802.1X authentication :
Send all packets by multicast? (Y/N):
Refresh your IP address after connecting? (Y/N):
Save message and package to log?(Y/N):
The default save directory is '/var/log/h3c-linux1x/', do you want to change it?(Y/N):
Configuration has finished, do you want to save it?(Y/N)
Save configuration sucessfully!                                               ##配置成功
root@trubuntu:~/client# linux1x -d
Please enter your user name (less than 128 characters):xxxxxx                ##输入你的帐户名
Please enter your password (less than 64 characters):                        ##输入帐户密码
start 802.1X authentication
device check
server check
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.2
Copyright 2004 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit [url]http://www.isc.org/products/DHCP[/url]
sit0: unknown hardware address type 776
sit0: unknown hardware address type 776
Listening on LPF/eth0/00:yy:4c:zz:cb:xx
Sending on    LPF/eth0/00:yy:4c:zz:cb:xx
Sending on    Socket/fallback
DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
bound to 172.17.138.xx -- renewal in 38286 seconds.
pass authentication
proxy check off
multi-network-card off
http check off
root@trubuntu:~/client#sudo ./pre.ps
configuration directory exist
Refresh IP script is READY.
Authencation file is READY.
pre operation finished successfully

root@trubuntu:~/client#sudo ./linux1x -c
The way to initialize 802.1X authentication.......:multicast
Send all packets by multicast.....................:N
Refresh IP address after connecting...............:Y
Save message and package to log...................:N
Continue to configure your network connection arguments?(Y/N)
There are two ways to initialize 802.1X authentication:
1. Trap by broadcast.
2. Trap by multicast.
Please choose the way to initialize the 802.1X authentication :
Send all packets by multicast? (Y/N):
Refresh your IP address after connecting? (Y/N):
Save message and package to log?(Y/N):
Configuration has finished, do you want to save it?(Y/N)
Save configuration sucessfully!
root@trubuntu:~/client sudo ./linux1x
Please enter your user name (less than 128 characters):俺用户名
Please enter your password (less than 64 characters):
start 802.1X authentication
device check
server check
pass authentication
proxy check on
multi-network-card check on
http proxy check on



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