创建包含10个列(c01 - c10)的表my_table,用如下语句创建2个索引,并向表中插入6w条记录。这6w条记录的c01列,全部都是2017年04月21日的数据。

CREATE INDEX my_table_index1ON my_tableUSING btree(c05, c01, c02)
TABLESPACE smart_history_index;CREATE INDEX my_table_index2ON my_tableUSING btree(c01, c02, c03, c04, c05)
TABLESPACE smart_history_index;


select * from my_table t1
where (select count(*) from my_table t2 where
((t1.c01 = t2.c01 ) or (t1.c01 is null and t2.c01 is null)) and
((t1.c02 = t2.c02 ) or (t1.c02 is null and t2.c02 is null)) and
((t1.c03 = t2.c03 ) or (t1.c03 is null and t2.c03 is null)) and
((t1.c04 = t2.c04 ) or (t1.c04 is null and t2.c04 is null)) and
((t1.c05 = t2.c05 ) or (t1.c05 is null and t2.c05 is null)) and
((t1.c06 = t2.c06 ) or (t1.c06 is null and t2.c06 is null)) and
((t1.c07 = t2.c07 ) or (t1.c07 is null and t2.c07 is null)) and
((t1.c08 = t2.c08 ) or (t1.c08 is null and t2.c08 is null)) and
((t1.c09 = t2.c09 ) or (t1.c09 is null and t2.c09 is null)) and
((t1.c10 = t2.c10 ) or (t1.c10 is null and t2.c10 is null))


select * from my_table t1
where (select count(*) from my_table t2 where
((t1.c01 = t2.c01 ) or (t1.c01 is null and t2.c01 is null)) and
((t1.c02 = t2.c02 ) or (t1.c02 is null and t2.c02 is null)) and
((t1.c03 = t2.c03 ) or (t1.c03 is null and t2.c03 is null)) and
((t1.c04 = t2.c04 ) or (t1.c04 is null and t2.c04 is null)) and
((t1.c05 = t2.c05 ) or (t1.c05 is null and t2.c05 is null)) and
((t1.c06 = t2.c06 ) or (t1.c06 is null and t2.c06 is null)) and
((t1.c07 = t2.c07 ) or (t1.c07 is null and t2.c07 is null)) and
((t1.c08 = t2.c08 ) or (t1.c08 is null and t2.c08 is null)) and
((t1.c09 = t2.c09 ) or (t1.c09 is null and t2.c09 is null)) and
((t1.c10 = t2.c10 ) or (t1.c10 is null and t2.c10 is null)) and
(c01 >= '2017-04-20 00:00:00' and c01 < '2017-04-21 00:00:00')
)>1 and (c01 >= '2017-04-20 00:00:00' and c01 < '2017-04-21 00:00:00');


relname, indexrelname, idx_scan, idx_tup_read, idx_tup_fetch
from pg_stat_user_indexes
where relname = 'my_table'
order by idx_scan asc, idx_tup_read asc, idx_tup_fetch asc;




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