在PHP中,您可以执行if(isset($array['foo'])) { ... } 。 在JavaScript中,您经常使用if(array.foo) { ... }来执行相同的操作,但这并不完全相同。 如果array.foo确实存在,但条件为false0 (也可能还有其他值),则条件也将评估为false。





    module.exports = function isset () {//  discuss at: http://locutus.io/php/isset/// original by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kvz.io)// improved by: FremyCompany// improved by: Onno Marsman (https://twitter.com/onnomarsman)// improved by: Rafał Kukawski (http://blog.kukawski.pl)//   example 1: isset( undefined, true)//   returns 1: false//   example 2: isset( 'Kevin van Zonneveld' )//   returns 2: truevar a = argumentsvar l = a.lengthvar i = 0var undefif (l === 0) {throw new Error('Empty isset')}while (i !== l) {if (a[i] === undef || a[i] === null) {return false}i++}return true



//  tring to reference non-existing variable throws ReferenceError
//  before test function is even executed
//  example, if you do:
//     if ( isset( someVar ) )
//        doStuff( someVar );
//  you get a ReferenceError ( if there is no someVar... )
//  and isset fn doesn't get executed.
//  if you pass variable name as string, ex. isset( 'novar' );,
//  this might work:
function isset ( strVariableName ) { try { eval( strVariableName );} catch( err ) { if ( err instanceof ReferenceError ) return false;}return true;}



if (typeof obj.foo !== 'undefined') {// your code here

如果该属性不存在或其值是undefined ,它将返回"undefined"

(另请参见: undefinedundefined之间的区别。 )


if (obj.hasOwnProperty('foo')) {// your code here


if ('foo' in obj) {// your code here

最后两者之间的区别是, hasOwnProperty方法将检查属性的对象上实际存在(该财产不继承)。


var obj = { foo: 'bar'};obj.hasOwnProperty('foo'); // true
obj.hasOwnProperty('toString'); // false
'toString' in obj; // true

如您所见,在检查toString方法时, hasOwnProperty返回falsein运算符返回true ,该方法在原型链中定义,因为obj继承了Object.prototype形式。


if (!('foo' in obj)) {// not set.



function isset(str) {return window[str] !== undefined;


提供对象路径作为字符串,然后您可以将此字符串分解为路径,并在每一步解析hasOwnProperty ,同时用每次迭代覆盖对象本身。

如果您在ES6环境中进行编码,请查看一下stackoverflow Ques 。

 var a; a = { b: { c: 'e' } }; function isset (obj, path) { var stone; path = path || ''; if (path.indexOf('[') !== -1) { throw new Error('Unsupported object path notation.'); } path = path.split('.'); do { if (obj === undefined) { return false; } stone = path.shift(); if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(stone)) { return false; } obj = obj[stone]; } while (path.length); return true; } console.log( isset(a, 'b') == true, isset(a, 'b.c') == true, isset(a, 'bcd') == false, isset(a, 'bcde') == false, isset(a, 'bcdef') == false ); 



function isset(object){return (typeof object !=='undefined');



isset = function(obj) {var i, max_i;if(obj === undefined) return false;for (i = 1, max_i = arguments.length; i < max_i; i++) {if (obj[arguments[i]] === undefined) {return false;}obj = obj[arguments[i]];}return true;
};console.log(isset(obj));                   // returns false
var obj = 'huhu';
console.log(isset(obj));                   // returns true
obj = {hallo:{hoi:'hoi'}};
console.log(isset(obj, 'niet'));           // returns false
console.log(isset(obj, 'hallo'));          // returns true
console.log(isset(obj, 'hallo', 'hallo')); // returns false
console.log(isset(obj, 'hallo', 'hoi'));   // returns true



if (!_.isUndefined(data) && !_.isNull(data)) {//your stuff



var setOrNot = typeof variable !== typeof undefined ? true : false;



function isset(variable) {return typeof variable !== typeof undefined ? true : false;

但是,如果未定义变量variable ,则会产生参考错误,因为您无法将不存在的变量传递给函数:



var a = '5';var test = function(x, y) {console.log(isset(x));console.log(isset(y));
};test(a);// OUTPUT :
// ------------

即使没有将y值传递给函数test ,我们的isset函数在这种情况下也可以完美运行,因为y在函数test被称为undefined值。


function isset(variable) {try {return typeof eval(variable) !== 'undefined';} catch (err) {return false;}


window.isset = function(v_var) {if(typeof(v_var) == 'number'){ if(isNaN(v_var)){ return false; }}if(typeof(v_var) == 'undefined' || v_var === null){ return false;   } else { return true; }





if (typeof($('selector').html()) != 'undefined') {// $('selector') is existing// your code here


if (var) {// This is the most concise equivalent of Php's isset().




请参阅下面的说明。 注意我使用StandardJS语法


// IMPORTANT pass a function to our isset() that returns the value we're
// trying to test(ES6 arrow function)
isset(() => some) // false// Defining objects
let some = { nested: { value: 'hello' } }// More tests that never throw an error
isset(() => some) // true
isset(() => some.nested) // true
isset(() => some.nested.value) // true
isset(() => some.nested.deeper.value) // false// Less compact but still viable except when trying to use `this` context
isset(function () { return some.nested.deeper.value }) // false


/*** Checks to see if a value is set.** @param {Function} accessor Function that returns our value*/
function isset (accessor) {try {// Note we're seeing if the returned value of our function is not// undefinedreturn typeof accessor() !== 'undefined'} catch (e) {// And we're able to catch the Error it would normally throw for// referencing a property of undefinedreturn false}




// Referencing an undeclared variable
isset($some); // false$some = 'hello';// Declared but has no depth(not an array)
isset($some); // true
isset($some['nested']); // false$some = ['nested' => 'hello'];// Declared as an array but not with the depth we're testing for
isset($some['nested']); // true
isset($some['nested']['deeper']); // false



// Common pitfall answer(ES6 arrow function)
const isset = (ref) => typeof ref !== 'undefined'// Same as above
function isset (ref) { return typeof ref !== 'undefined' }// Referencing an undeclared variable will throw an error, so no luck here
isset(some) // Error: some is not defined// Defining a simple object with no properties - so we aren't defining
// the property `nested`
let some = {}// Simple checking if we have a declared variable
isset(some) // true// Now trying to see if we have a top level property, still valid
isset(some.nested) // false// But here is where things fall apart: trying to access a deep property
// of a complex object; it will throw an error
isset(some.nested.deeper) // Error: Cannot read property 'deeper' of undefined
//         ^^^^^^ undefined


// Any way we attempt to access the `deeper` property of `nested` will
// throw an error
some.nested.deeper.hasOwnProperty('value') // Error
//   ^^^^^^ undefinedObject.hasOwnProperty('value', some.nested.deeper) // Error
//                                  ^^^^^^ undefined// Same goes for typeof
typeof some.nested.deeper !== 'undefined' // Error
//          ^^^^^^ undefined


// Wrap everything in try...catch
try { isset(some.nested.deeper) } catch (e) {}
try { typeof some.nested.deeper !== 'undefined' } catch (e) {}// Or by chaining all of the isset which can get long
isset(some) && isset(some.nested) && isset(some.nested.deeper) // false
//                        ^^^^^^ returns false so the next isset() is never run



  1. 假设您仅检查变量是否未定义,这在某些用例中可以使用,但仍然会引发错误
  2. 假设您仅尝试访问顶级属性,这对于某些用例来说也很好
  3. 强迫您使用相对于PHP的isset()不太理想的方法
    例如isset(some, 'nested.deeper.value')
  4. 使用有效的eval()但我个人避免使用

我想我涵盖了很多。 我在回答中提出了一些要点,但我没有涉及,因为它们虽然相关,但不是问题的一部分。 不过,如果需要的话,我可以根据需要通过指向一些更多技术方面的链接来更新我的答案。





isset —确定是否设置了变量并且不为NULL


bool isset ( mixed $var [, mixed $... ] )

参数$var是要检查的变量。 它可以有任意数量的参数。

如果var存在并且具有非NULL值,则isset()返回TRUE 。 否则为FALSE


$foo = 'bar';
var_dump(isset($foo));        -> true$baz = null;
var_dump(isset($baz));        -> falsevar_dump(isset($undefined));  -> false

考虑到这一点,显然,不可能编写与php isset()函数完全等效的函数。 例如,当我们这样调用时:

if (isset(some_var)) {}function issset() {// function definition

Javascript触发器Uncaught ReferenceError: some_var is not defined at (file_name):line_number 。 关于此行为的重要且非凡的事情是,当尝试将不存在的变量传递给正常函数时,会触发错误。

但是在PHP中, isset()实际上不是常规函数,而是语言构造。 这意味着它们是PHP语言本身的一部分,不遵循正常的函数规则,因此可以避免不为不存在的变量触发错误。 当试图找出一个变量是否存在时,这一点很重要。 但是在javscript中,它首先触发一个错误,即使用不存在的变量进行函数调用。


if (typeof some_var !== 'undefined') {// your code here



$baz = null;
var_dump(isset($baz));        -> false


if (typeof some_var !== 'undefined' && some_var !== null) {// your code here


(typeof SOMETHING) !== 'undefined'

使用时写的时间太长了。 但是我们不能将typeof关键字打包到一个函数中,因为在调用该函数之前会抛出一个错误,如下所示:

function isdef($var) {return (typeof $var) !== 'undefined';
}isdef(SOMETHING); / thrown error: SOMETHING is not defined


function isdef($type) {return $type !== 'undefined';
}isdef(typeof SOMETHING);

它既可以使用单个变量(根本不存在的变量),也可以使用对象属性(不存在的属性)。 而且只比isset多7个字符。


我使用了可以检查变量和对象的函数。 使用jQuery非常方便

    function _isset (variable) {if(typeof(variable) == "undefined" || variable == null)return false;elseif(typeof(variable) == "object" && !variable.length) return false;elsereturn true;};


当我访问对象的更深的属性时,这对我来说确实是一个问题,因此我创建了一个函数,该函数将返回该属性值(如果存在),否则将返回false。 您可以使用它来节省时间,

//Object on which we want to test
var foo = {bar: {bik: {baz: 'Hello world'}}
USE: To get value from the object using it properties supplied (Deeper),if found it will return the property value if not found then will return falseYou can use this function in two ways
WAY - 1:
Passing an object as parameter 1 and array of the properties as parameter 2
EG: getValueFromObject(foo, ['bar', 'bik', 'baz']);
WAY - 2: (This will work only if, your object available in window object)
Passing an STRING as parameter 1(Just similarly how we retrieve value form object using it's properties - difference is only the quote)
EG: getValueFromObject('foo.bar.bik.baz');
function getValueFromObject(object, properties) {if(typeof(object) == 'string') {            //Here we extract our object and it's properties from the stringproperties = object.split('.');object = window[properties[0]];if(typeof(object) == 'undefined') {return false;}properties.shift();}var property = properties[0];properties.shift();if(object != null && typeof(object[property]) != 'undefined') {if(typeof(object[property]) == 'object') {if(properties.length != 0) {return getValueFromObject(object[property], properties);    //Recursive call to the function} else {return object[property];}} else {return object[property];}} else {return false;}
console.log(getValueFromObject('fooo.bar.bik.baz'));        //false
console.log(getValueFromObject('foo.bar.bik.baz'));         //Hello world
console.log(getValueFromObject('foo'));                     //false
console.log(getValueFromObject('foo.bar.bik'));             //returns an object { baz: 'Hello World' }
console.log(getValueFromObject(foo, ['bar', 'bik']));       //returns an object { baz: 'Hello World' }
console.log(getValueFromObject(foo, ['bar', 'bik', 'baz']));//Hello world



if (object) {//if isset, return true
} else {//else return false


 function switchDiv() { if (document.querySelector("#divId")) { document.querySelector("#divId").remove(); } else { var newDiv = document.createElement("div"); newDiv.id = "divId"; document.querySelector("body").appendChild(newDiv); } } document.querySelector("#btn").addEventListener("click", switchDiv); 
 #divId { background: red; height: 100px; width: 100px; position: relative; } 
 <body> <button id="btn">Let's Diiiv!</button> </body> 


javascript isset

let test = {a: {b: [0, 1]}
};console.log(test.isset('a.b'))   // true
console.log(test.isset('a.b.1')) // true
console.log(test.isset('a.b.5')) // false
console.log(test.isset('a.c'))   // false
console.log('abv'.isset('0'))    // true


    isset('user.permissions.saveProject', args);function isset(string, context) {try {var arr = string.split('.');var checkObj = context || window;for (var i in arr) {if (checkObj[arr[i]] === undefined) return false;checkObj = checkObj[arr[i]];}return true;} catch (e) {return false;}}

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