
How to fit the parameters theta for logistic regression,In particular, I'd like to define the optimization objective or the cost function that we'll use to fit the parameters.

Here's to supervised learning problem of fitting a logistic regression model.

是n+1维的特征向量。是hypothesis,and the parameters of the hypothesis is this  over here.

Because this is a classification problem,our training set has the property that every label y is either 0 or 1.

Back when we were developing the linear regression model,we use the followinbg cost function.

Now,this cost function function worked fine for linear regression,but here we're interested in logistic regression.

for logistic regression,We're using a multipower hypothetical function,this would be a non-convex function of the parameters theta.Here is what I mean by non-convex.We have some cost function J of theta(J(θ)), and for logistic regression this function H here has a non linearity,right?因为这里是sigmoid函数,so it's a pretty complicated nonlinear function.And if you take the sigmoid function and plug it in here.J(θ)looks like:

J(θ) can look like a unction just like this, with many local optima and the formal term for this is that this a nion convex function. If you were to turn gradient descent on this sort of function,it is not guaranteed to converge to the global minimum.whereas in contrast,what we would like is to have a cost function J of theta that is convex, that is a single bow-shaped function that looks like this, so that if you run gradient descent ,we would be guaranteed the gradient descent would converge to the global minimun.And the problem of using the squared cost function is that because of this very non linear sigmoid function that appear in the middle here,J of theta ends up being a non convex function if you were to define it sa the squared cost function.So what wewould  like to do is to instead come up with a different cost function that is convex and so that we can apply a great algorithm like gradient descent and be guaranteed to find a global minimum.


Here is a cost function that we're going to use for logistic regression.

We are going to the cost or the penalty that the algorithm pays.

When y=1,the curve looks like this:

Now,this cost function has a few interesting and desirable properties,First you notice that:


First you notice that if y is equal to 1,and h(x)=1,in other words,if the hypothesis exactly predicts h(x) equals 1, and y is exactly equal to what I predicted, Then the cost is equal 0,right?First notice that if h(x)=1,and if the hypothesis predicts that  y is equal to 1,and if indeed y is equal to 1,then the cost is equal to 0(the case that y equals 1 here).

But if h(x) is equal to 1,the cost is down here is equal to 0,and that's what we like it to be.Because if we correctly predict,the output y then the cost is 0。

But now notice also that as h(x) approaches ,the output of the hypoyhesis approaches 0,the cost blows up,and it goes to infinity,And what this does is it caputres the intuition.(如果假设函数输出0,相当于说我们的假设函数Y=1的概率等于0,这类似于我们对病人说你有一个恶性肿瘤的概率y=1的概率是0,就是说你的恶性肿瘤完全不可能是恶性,但是如果结果这个病人的肿瘤的确是恶性的即y=1,虽然我们告诉他,它发生的概率是0,他完全不可能是恶性的,如果我们这样确定无疑的告诉他我们的预测,结果却发现我们是错的,那么我们用非常非常大的代价值乘法这个学习算法,她是被这样呈现的,这个代价值区域无穷。如果y=1,但是h(x)=0)



If y turns out to be equal to 0,But we predicted y is equal to 1 with almost certainty with probability 1.Then we end up paying a very large cost.

相反,如果h(x)=0 and y=0,then the hypothesis nailed it(那么假设函数预测对了). The predicted y is equal to 0,and  it turns out y is equal to 0,so at this point the cost function is going to be 0(就是上图中的原点).

-------------------------上述定义了单训练样本的代价函数,我们所选的代价函数会给我们一个凸优化问题,整体的代价函数j(θ)将会是一个convex and local optima free凸函数和局部最优。

the cost functionfor a single training example to develop further and define  the cost functionfor the entire training set。

Those are examples of more sophisticated optimization algorithms,that need a way to compute J of θ,and need a way to computer the derivatives,and can then use more sophisticated strategies than gradient descent to minimize the cost function.

The details of exactly what these three alhorithms do is well beyond the scope of this course.

--------how to get logistic regression to work for mutil-class classification problrms.---an algorithm called one-versus-all classfication.

What's a multi-class classfication problem.





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