
What will we do if we need to control access to x, make it read-only or do something else to it? Won't we have to refactor everything to the getters and setters that we avoided?





  1. When to use @property decorator?
    When an attribute is derived from other attributes in the class, so the derived attribute will update whenever the source attributes is changed.(只读的时候用到@property)
  2. How to make a @property?
    Make an attribute as property by defining it as a function and add the @property decorator before the fn definition.(用法是在需要被装饰的函数前面加上@property)
  3. When to define a setter method for the property?
    Typically, if you want to update the source attributes whenever the property is set. It lets you define any other changes as well.("意思是两个属性如果一个需要修改,另外一个根据该属性自动修改,那么前者需要setter,后者仅仅@property')

By using property() method, we can modify our class and implement the value constraint without any change required to the client code. So that the implementation is backward compatible.(意思是在不修改原有代码的情况下就可以加入新的功能)









右侧所有成员函数都是def value,扫一眼就知道都是在服务于value这个参数




# Python program to explain property() function # Alphabet class
class Alphabet: def __init__(self, value): self._value = value # getting the values def getValue(self): print('Getting value') return self._value # setting the values def setValue(self, value): print('Setting value to ' + value) self._value = value # deleting the values def delValue(self): print('Deleting value') del self._value value = property(getValue, setValue, delValue, ) # passing the value
x = Alphabet('GeeksforGeeks')
print(x.value) x.value = 'GfG'del x.value 


# Python program to explain property()
# function using decorator class Alphabet: def __init__(self, value): self._value = value # getting the values     @propertydef value(self): print('Getting value') return self._value # setting the values     @value.setter def value(self, value): print('Setting value to ' + value) self._value = value # deleting the values @value.deleter def value(self): print('Deleting value') del self._value # passing the value
x = Alphabet('Peter')
print(x.value) x.value = 'Diesel'del x.value 


[1]What's the point of properties in Python?

[2]Python @Property Explained – How to Use and When? (Full Examples)

[3]Python | property() function


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