CrowdNet: A Deep Convolutional Network for Dense Crowd Counting
published in the proceedings of ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM) - 2016

针对人群密度估计问题,本文使用 deep and shallow, fully convolutional networks 两个网络相结合实现 large scale variations,
high-level semantic information (face/body detectors) and the low-level features (blob detectors)


Deep Network 主要用捕获 high-level semantics 信息,这里我们采用一个类似 VGG网络的结构,我们去掉了全连接层,网络变成了全卷积层。同时原来的 VGG网络使用了5个 max-pool layers each with a stride of 2,最终的特征图大小只有输入图像尺寸的1/32。我们这里需要输出像素级别的人群密度估计图,所以我们 set the stride of the
fourth max-pool layer to 1 and remove the fifth pooling layer,这样最终的特征图大小只有输入图像尺寸的 1/8.

the receptive-field mismatch caused by the removal of stride in the fourth max-pool layer
将第四最大池化层的步长设置为1会导致 the receptive-field mismatch, 这里我们使用了文献【4】中的 膨胀卷积。其结果就相当第四最大池化层的步长设置为2

Shallow Network
这里我们使用一个 shallow convolutional network 主要用于检测远离相机的人头, used for the detection of small head-blobs

Combination of Deep and Shallow Networks
这里 concatenate Deep and Shallow Networks 的输出,输入图像尺寸的 1/8, 使用一个 1x1 convolution layer, 再 upsampled to the size of the input image using bilinear interpolation to obtain the final crowd density prediction

3.2 Ground Truth
generate our ground truth by simply blurring each head annotation using a Gaussian kernel normalized to sum to one

3.3 Data Augmentation
primarily perform two types of augmentation
1)对 scale variations 我们多尺度采样

sampling high density patches more often


train.txt 内容

test.txt 内容

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