


如果在我们编写Exploit模块的时候没有编写check方法,当我们在Msfconsole中输入check时,会调用 Msf::Module 中定义好的check方法,并返回 Msf::Exploit::CheckCode::Unsupported 这个常量。


def checkif ***return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerableendreturn Exploit::CheckCode::Safe


Unknown = [ 'unknown', "Cannot reliably check exploitability."]

Can't tell if the target is exploitable or not. This is recommended if the module fails to retrieve enough information from the target machine, such as due to a timeout.

Safe = [ 'safe', "The target is not exploitable." ]

The target is safe and is therefore not exploitable. This is recommended after the check fails to trigger the vulnerability, or even detect the service.

Detected = [ 'detected', "The target service is running, but could not be validated." ]

The target is running the service in question, but the check fails to determine whether the target is vulnerable or not.

Appears = [ 'appears', "The target appears to be vulnerable." ]

The target appears to be vulnerable. This is recommended if the vulnerability is determined based on passive reconnaissance. For example: version, banner grabbing, or having the resource that's known to be vulnerable.

Vulnerable = [ 'vulnerable', "The target is vulnerable." ]

The target is vulnerable. Only used if the check is able to actually take advantage of the bug, and obtain hard evidence. For example: executing a command on the target machine, and retrieve the output.

Unsupported = [ 'unsupported', "This exploit does not support check." ]

The exploit does not support the check method.


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