作者 | 老坛酸菜WH

来源 | https://www.cnblogs.com/twzheng/p/5923642.html

> 字符串拼接一般使用“+”,但是“+”不能满足大批量数据的处理,Java中有以下五种方法处理字符串拼接,各有优缺点,程序开发应选择合适的方法实现。

  1. 加号 “+”

  2. String contact() 方法

  3. StringUtils.join() 方法

  4. StringBuffer append() 方法

  5. StringBuilder append() 方法

> 经过简单的程序测试,从执行100次到90万次的时间开销如下表:


  1. 方法1 加号 “+” 拼接 和 方法2 String contact() 方法 适用于小数据量的操作,代码简洁方便,加号“+” 更符合我们的编码和阅读习惯;

  2. 方法3 StringUtils.join() 方法 适用于将ArrayList转换成字符串,就算90万条数据也只需68ms,可以省掉循环读取ArrayList的代码;

  3. 方法4 StringBuffer append() 方法 和 方法5 StringBuilder append() 方法 其实他们的本质是一样的,都是继承自AbstractStringBuilder,效率最高,大批量的数据处理最好选择这两种方法。

  4. 方法1 加号 “+” 拼接 和 方法2 String contact() 方法 的时间和空间成本都很高(分析在本文末尾),不能用来做批量数据的处理。

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> 源代码,供参考

package cnblogs.twzheng.lab2;/*** @author Tan Wenzheng**/
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;public class TestString {private static final int max = 100;public void testPlus() {System.out.println(">>> testPlus() <<<");String str = "";long start = System.currentTimeMillis();for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {str = str + "a";}long end = System.currentTimeMillis();long cost = end - start;System.out.println("   {str + \"a\"} cost=" + cost + " ms");}public void testConcat() {System.out.println(">>> testConcat() <<<");String str = "";long start = System.currentTimeMillis();for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {str = str.concat("a");}long end = System.currentTimeMillis();long cost = end - start;System.out.println("   {str.concat(\"a\")} cost=" + cost + " ms");}public void testJoin() {System.out.println(">>> testJoin() <<<");long start = System.currentTimeMillis();List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {list.add("a");}long end1 = System.currentTimeMillis();long cost1 = end1 - start;StringUtils.join(list, "");long end = System.currentTimeMillis();long cost = end - end1;System.out.println("   {list.add(\"a\")} cost1=" + cost1 + " ms");System.out.println("   {StringUtils.join(list, \"\")} cost=" + cost+ " ms");}public void testStringBuffer() {System.out.println(">>> testStringBuffer() <<<");long start = System.currentTimeMillis();StringBuffer strBuffer = new StringBuffer();for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {strBuffer.append("a");}strBuffer.toString();long end = System.currentTimeMillis();long cost = end - start;System.out.println("   {strBuffer.append(\"a\")} cost=" + cost + " ms");}public void testStringBuilder() {System.out.println(">>> testStringBuilder() <<<");long start = System.currentTimeMillis();StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {strBuilder.append("a");}strBuilder.toString();long end = System.currentTimeMillis();long cost = end - start;System.out.println("   {strBuilder.append(\"a\")} cost=" + cost + " ms");}

> 测试结果:

  1. 执行100次, private static final int max = 100;

>>> testPlus() <<<{str + "a"} cost=0 ms
>>> testConcat() <<<{str.concat("a")} cost=0 ms
>>> testJoin() <<<{list.add("a")} cost1=0 ms{StringUtils.join(list, "")} cost=20 ms
>>> testStringBuffer() <<<{strBuffer.append("a")} cost=0 ms
>>> testStringBuilder() <<<{strBuilder.append("a")} cost=0 ms
  1. 执行1000次, private static final int max = 1000;

>>> testPlus() <<<{str + "a"} cost=10 ms
>>> testConcat() <<<{str.concat("a")} cost=0 ms
>>> testJoin() <<<{list.add("a")} cost1=0 ms{StringUtils.join(list, "")} cost=20 ms
>>> testStringBuffer() <<<{strBuffer.append("a")} cost=0 ms
>>> testStringBuilder() <<<{strBuilder.append("a")} cost=0 ms
  1. 执行1万次, private static final int max = 10000;

>>> testPlus() <<<{str + "a"} cost=150 ms
>>> testConcat() <<<{str.concat("a")} cost=70 ms
>>> testJoin() <<<{list.add("a")} cost1=0 ms{StringUtils.join(list, "")} cost=30 ms
>>> testStringBuffer() <<<{strBuffer.append("a")} cost=0 ms
>>> testStringBuilder() <<<{strBuilder.append("a")} cost=0 ms
  1. 执行10万次, private static final int max = 100000;

>>> testPlus() <<<{str + "a"} cost=4198 ms
>>> testConcat() <<<{str.concat("a")} cost=1862 ms
>>> testJoin() <<<{list.add("a")} cost1=21 ms{StringUtils.join(list, "")} cost=49 ms
>>> testStringBuffer() <<<{strBuffer.append("a")} cost=10 ms
>>> testStringBuilder() <<<{strBuilder.append("a")} cost=10 ms
  1. 执行20万次, private static final int max = 200000;

>>> testPlus() <<<{str + "a"} cost=17196 ms
>>> testConcat() <<<{str.concat("a")} cost=7653 ms
>>> testJoin() <<<{list.add("a")} cost1=20 ms{StringUtils.join(list, "")} cost=51 ms
>>> testStringBuffer() <<<{strBuffer.append("a")} cost=20 ms
>>> testStringBuilder() <<<{strBuilder.append("a")} cost=16 ms
  1. 执行50万次, private static final int max = 500000;

>>> testPlus() <<<{str + "a"} cost=124693 ms
>>> testConcat() <<<{str.concat("a")} cost=49439 ms
>>> testJoin() <<<{list.add("a")} cost1=21 ms{StringUtils.join(list, "")} cost=50 ms
>>> testStringBuffer() <<<{strBuffer.append("a")} cost=20 ms
>>> testStringBuilder() <<<{strBuilder.append("a")} cost=10 ms
  1. 执行90万次, private static final int max = 900000;

>>> testPlus() <<<{str + "a"} cost=456739 ms
>>> testConcat() <<<{str.concat("a")} cost=186252 ms
>>> testJoin() <<<{list.add("a")} cost1=20 ms{StringUtils.join(list, "")} cost=68 ms
>>> testStringBuffer() <<<{strBuffer.append("a")} cost=30 ms
>>> testStringBuilder() <<<{strBuilder.append("a")} cost=24 ms

> 查看源代码,以及简单分析

String contact 和 StringBuffer,StringBuilder 的源代码都可以在Java库里找到,有空可以研究研究。

  1. 其实每次调用contact()方法就是一次数组的拷贝,虽然在内存中是处理都是原子性操作,速度非常快,但是,最后的return语句会创建一个新String对象,限制了concat方法的速度。

public String concat(String str) {int otherLen = str.length();if (otherLen == 0) {return this;}int len = value.length;char buf[] = Arrays.copyOf(value, len + otherLen);str.getChars(buf, len);return new String(buf, true);}
  1. StringBuffer 和 StringBuilder 的append方法都继承自AbstractStringBuilder,整个逻辑都只做字符数组的加长,拷贝,到最后也不会创建新的String对象,所以速度很快,完成拼接处理后在程序中用strBuffer.toString()来得到最终的字符串。

/*** Appends the specified string to this character sequence.* <p>* The characters of the {@code String} argument are appended, in* order, increasing the length of this sequence by the length of the* argument. If {@code str} is {@code null}, then the four* characters {@code "null"} are appended.* <p>* Let <i>n</i> be the length of this character sequence just prior to* execution of the {@code append} method. Then the character at* index <i>k</i> in the new character sequence is equal to the character* at index <i>k</i> in the old character sequence, if <i>k</i> is less* than <i>n</i>; otherwise, it is equal to the character at index* <i>k-n</i> in the argument {@code str}.** @param   str   a string.* @return  a reference to this object.*/public AbstractStringBuilder append(String str) {if (str == null) str = "null";int len = str.length();ensureCapacityInternal(count + len);str.getChars(0, len, value, count);count += len;return this;}
/*** This method has the same contract as ensureCapacity, but is* never synchronized.*/private void ensureCapacityInternal(int minimumCapacity) {// overflow-conscious codeif (minimumCapacity - value.length > 0)expandCapacity(minimumCapacity);}/*** This implements the expansion semantics of ensureCapacity with no* size check or synchronization.*/void expandCapacity(int minimumCapacity) {int newCapacity = value.length * 2 + 2;if (newCapacity - minimumCapacity < 0)newCapacity = minimumCapacity;if (newCapacity < 0) {if (minimumCapacity < 0) // overflowthrow new OutOfMemoryError();newCapacity = Integer.MAX_VALUE;}value = Arrays.copyOf(value, newCapacity);}
  1. 字符串的加号“+” 方法, 虽然编译器对其做了优化,使用StringBuilder的append方法进行追加,但是每循环一次都会创建一个StringBuilder对象,且都会调用toString方法转换成字符串,所以开销很大。如果您正在学习Spring Cloud,推荐一个连载多年还在继续更新的免费教程:https://blog.didispace.com/spring-cloud-learning/

注:执行一次字符串“+”,相当于 str = new StringBuilder(str).append("a").toString();

  1. 本文开头的地方统计了时间开销,根据上述分析再想想空间的开销。常说拿空间换时间,反过来是不是拿时间换到了空间呢,但是在这里,其实时间是消耗在了重复的不必要的工作上(生成新的对象,toString方法),所以对大批量数据做处理时,加号“+” 和 contact 方法绝对不能用,时间和空间成本都很高。



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