
Outlook 2013 allows you to customize the font used to display the sender’s name, subject, date received, and size of each message in your message list. Maybe you want to just change the size to make the font bigger or smaller, or change the font to one you like better.

Outlook 2013允许您自定义用于显示发件人的姓名,主题,收到日期以及邮件列表中每封邮件大小的字体。 也许您只是想更改大小以使字体变大或变小,或者将字体更改为您更喜欢的字体。

To change the font settings for your message list, open Outlook and click on the View tab.


NOTE: Even if you closed Outlook when another module was active, such as Calendar or Tasks, Outlook opens by default with the Mail module active.


Click the View Settings button in the Current View section of the View tab.


On the Advanced View Settings dialog box, click Conditional Formatting.


On the Conditional Formatting dialog box, click Add to add a new rule.


Enter a name for the new rule, such as “List Font Size,” in the Name edit box and then click Font.


Change the Font, Font style, and Size, and select other settings such as Effects and Color, as desired. Click OK when you have made your changes.

更改字体,字体样式和大小,然后根据需要选择其他设置,例如效果和颜色。 进行更改后,单击“确定”。

Because we are applying the same font to all parts of the message list (sender’s name, subject, date received, and size of each message), we are not specifying a condition. A dialog box displays, warning you of that fact. Click Yes.

因为我们在消息列表的所有部分(发件人的姓名,主题,收到的日期和每条消息的大小)都应用了相同的字体,所以我们没有指定条件。 将显示一个对话框,警告您该事实。 单击是。

The font for all parts of each message in the message list (except for the excerpt of the message text) is changed to the font and size (and other font settings) you selected.


You can delete the rule you created to go back to the default settings, or you can deselect it in the list of Rules for this view on the Conditional Formatting dialog box.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/171907/how-to-change-the-font-size-used-in-the-message-list-in-outlook-2013/


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