
  • 图像融合
  • 代码结果示例



In CollageCreate function, there is a Fusion class object. The Fusion class will get the image folder name and contains different kinds of methods to process the images. You can put different numbers of images into the folder and it will process all these images and output a fusion image. In the class , it will first load the images and then calculate all their Laplacian pyramids. I use the pyramids to fuse the images in multiscale layers. Finally , I upsample the fused Laplacian pyramids and use all of them to create a new fusion type. So far, the fusion image is created and I plot this image in the end.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import data, transform, color,exposure, img_as_float, io
import osclass Fusion(object):def __init__(self,AddressofFolder):self.folder_name = AddressofFolderself.n_images = Noneself.images = self.load_images(self.folder_name)self.pyramids = self.get_laplacian()self.ls = Noneself.stack_ls()def load_images(self,path):names = os.listdir(path)self.n_images = len(names)images = [io.imread(os.path.join('images',n)) for n in names]new_ = []for i in images:new_.append(transform.resize(i,(600,600,3)))return new_def get_laplacian(self):ls = []for i in self.images:lp = list(transform.pyramid_laplacian(i, downscale=2, multichannel=True))ls.append(lp)return lsdef stack_ls(self):layers = len(self.pyramids[0])n1 = self.n_images//2n2 = self.n_images - n1ls1_imgs = []for l in range(0,layers):temp = self.pyramids[0][l]for i in range(1,n1):temp = np.hstack((temp[:,:],self.pyramids[i][l][:,:]))ls1_imgs.append(temp)#[print(i.shape) for i in ls1_imgs]ls1_shape = [l.shape for l in ls1_imgs]for i in range(n1,self.n_images):for l in range(0,layers):if i!=self.n_images-1:self.pyramids[i][l] = transform.resize(self.pyramids[i][l],(self.pyramids[i][l].shape[0],max(1,ls1_shape[l][1]//n2)))else:w = ls1_shape[l][1] - ls1_shape[l][1]//n2*(n2-1)#h = ls1_shape[l][0] - ls1_shape[l][0]//n2*(n2-1)self.pyramids[i][l] = transform.resize(self.pyramids[i][l],(self.pyramids[i][l].shape[0],w))[print(i[0].shape) for i in self.pyramids]ls2_imgs = []for l in range(0,layers):temp = self.pyramids[n1][l]for i in range(n1+1,self.n_images):temp = np.hstack((temp[:,:],self.pyramids[i][l][:,:]))ls2_imgs.append(temp)self.ls = [][print(i.shape) for i in ls1_imgs][print(i.shape) for i in ls2_imgs]for l1,l2 in zip(ls1_imgs,ls2_imgs):l = np.vstack((l1[:,:],l2[:,:]))self.ls.append(l)print(len(self.ls))[print(i.shape) for i in self.ls]def sfusion(self):new_image = self.ls[-1]for i in range(len(self.ls) - 1):temp_img = self.ls[len(self.ls) - 2 - i]# gs_tmp = GS[len(LS)-2-i]# z = temp_img.shape[0]# o = temp_img.shape[1]# new_image = transform.resize(new_image,(rows,cols))new_image = transform.rescale(new_image, 2, multichannel=True)temp_img = transform.resize(temp_img, (new_image.shape[0], new_image.shape[1]))# gs_tmp = transform.resize(gs_tmp, (new_image.shape[0], new_image.shape[1]))new_image = new_image + temp_imgself.fusion_image = new_imageplt.imshow(new_image*3)plt.show()def CollageCreate(AddressofFolder):f = Fusion(AddressofFolder)print([i.shape for i in f.images])f.sfusion()if __name__ == '__main__':CollageCreate('images')


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