
  • 一、dlib和opencv建立
  • 二、人脸图像采集并储存
  • 三、采集并保存特征值建立数据集
  • 四、计算均值
  • 五、总结
  • 六、参考链接





import cv2
import dlib
import os
import sys
import random# coding:utf-8
# 存储位置
output_dir = 'D:/renlian/p1'
size = 1080if not os.path.exists(output_dir):os.makedirs(output_dir)# 改变图片的亮度与对比度def relight(img, light=1, bias=0):w = img.shape[1]h = img.shape[0]# image = []for i in range(0, w):for j in range(0, h):for c in range(3):tmp = int(img[j, i, c] * light + bias)if tmp > 255:tmp = 255elif tmp < 0:tmp = 0img[j, i, c] = tmpreturn img# 使用dlib自带的frontal_face_detector作为我们的特征提取器
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
# 打开摄像头 参数为输入流,可以为摄像头或视频文件
camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)index = 1
while True:if (index <= 20):  # 存储20张人脸特征图像print('Being processed picture %s' % index)# 从摄像头读取照片success, img = camera.read()# 转为灰度图片gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)# 使用detector进行人脸检测dets = detector(gray_img, 1)for i, d in enumerate(dets):x1 = d.top() if d.top() > 0 else 0y1 = d.bottom() if d.bottom() > 0 else 0x2 = d.left() if d.left() > 0 else 0y2 = d.right() if d.right() > 0 else 0face = img[x1:y1, x2:y2]# 调整图片的对比度与亮度, 对比度与亮度值都取随机数,这样能增加样本的多样性face = relight(face, random.uniform(0.5, 1.5), random.randint(-50, 50))face = cv2.resize(face, (size, size))cv2.imshow('image', face)cv2.imwrite(output_dir + '/' + str(index) + '.jpg', face)index += 1key = cv2.waitKey(30) & 0xffif key == 27:breakelse:print('Finished!')# 释放摄像头 release cameracamera.release()# 删除建立的窗口 delete all the windowscv2.destroyAllWindows()break




from cv2 import cv2 as cv2
import os
import dlib
from skimage import io
import csv
import numpy as np# 要读取人脸图像文件的路径
output_dir = 'D:/renlian/p1'# Dlib 正向人脸检测器
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()# Dlib 人脸预测器
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat")# Dlib 人脸识别模型
# Face recognition model, the object maps human faces into 128D vectors
face_rec = dlib.face_recognition_model_v1("dlib_face_recognition_resnet_model_v1.dat")# 返回单张图像的 128D 特征
def return_128d_features(path_img):img_rd = io.imread(path_img)img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_rd, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)faces = detector(img_gray, 1)print("%-40s %-20s" % ("检测到人脸的图像 / image with faces detected:", path_img), '\n')# 因为有可能截下来的人脸再去检测,检测不出来人脸了# 所以要确保是 检测到人脸的人脸图像 拿去算特征if len(faces) != 0:shape = predictor(img_gray, faces[0])face_descriptor = face_rec.compute_face_descriptor(img_gray, shape)else:face_descriptor = 0print("no face")return face_descriptor# 将文件夹中照片特征提取出来, 写入 CSV
def return_features_mean_personX(path_faces_personX):personX = path_faces_personX.split('/')[-1]array_feature_path = './array_feature/' + personXif not os.path.exists(array_feature_path):  # 创建文件夹存储特征数组os.makedirs(array_feature_path)print('yes')features_list_personX = []photos_list = os.listdir(path_faces_personX)if photos_list:for i in range(len(photos_list)):# 调用return_128d_features()得到128d特征print("%-40s %-20s" % ("正在读的人脸图像 / image to read:", path_faces_personX + "/" + photos_list[i]))features_128d = return_128d_features(path_faces_personX + "/" + photos_list[i])# 保存每张图片的特征点face_feature_path = array_feature_path + '/face_features' + photos_list[i][:-4] + '.txt'with open(face_feature_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8')as fp:for j in range(len(features_128d)):fp.write(str(features_128d[j]))if j%2==0:fp.write(',')else:fp.write('\n')# 遇到没有检测出人脸的图片跳过if features_128d == 0:i += 1else:features_list_personX.append(features_128d)else:print("文件夹内图像文件为空 / Warning: No images in " + path_faces_personX + '/', '\n')# 计算 128D 特征的均值# N x 128D -> 1 x 128Dif features_list_personX:features_mean_personX = np.array(features_list_personX).mean(axis=0)else:features_mean_personX = '0'return features_mean_personX# 读取某人所有的人脸图像的数据
people = os.listdir(path_images_from_camera)
people.sort()with open("./person_feature/features_all.csv", "w", newline="") as csvfile:writer = csv.writer(csvfile)for person in people:print("##### " + person + " #####")# Get the mean/average features of face/personX, it will be a list with a length of 128Dfeatures_mean_personX = return_features_mean_personX(path_images_from_camera + person)writer.writerow(features_mean_personX)print("特征均值 / The mean of features:", list(features_mean_personX))print('\n')print("所有录入人脸数据存入 / Save all the features of faces registered into: ./feature/features_all2.csv")print('每张图片的特征点数组存入: ./array_feature')



from cv2 import cv2 as cv2
import os
import dlib
from skimage import io
import csv
import numpy as np# 要读取人脸图像文件的路径
path_images_from_camera = "D:/test/aa/"# Dlib 正向人脸检测器
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()# Dlib 人脸预测器
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("D:\\test\\shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat")# Dlib 人脸识别模型
# Face recognition model, the object maps human faces into 128D vectors
face_rec = dlib.face_recognition_model_v1("D:\\test\\dlib_face_recognition_resnet_model_v1.dat")# 返回单张图像的 128D 特征
def return_128d_features(path_img):img_rd = io.imread(path_img)img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_rd, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)faces = detector(img_gray, 1)print("%-40s %-20s" % ("检测到人脸的图像 / image with faces detected:", path_img), '\n')# 因为有可能截下来的人脸再去检测,检测不出来人脸了# 所以要确保是 检测到人脸的人脸图像 拿去算特征if len(faces) != 0:shape = predictor(img_gray, faces[0])face_descriptor = face_rec.compute_face_descriptor(img_gray, shape)else:face_descriptor = 0print("no face")return face_descriptor# 将文件夹中照片特征提取出来, 写入 CSV
def return_features_mean_personX(path_faces_personX):features_list_personX = []photos_list = os.listdir(path_faces_personX)if photos_list:for i in range(len(photos_list)):# 调用return_128d_features()得到128d特征print("%-40s %-20s" % ("正在读的人脸图像 / image to read:", path_faces_personX + "/" + photos_list[i]))features_128d = return_128d_features(path_faces_personX + "/" + photos_list[i])#  print(features_128d)# 遇到没有检测出人脸的图片跳过if features_128d == 0:i += 1else:features_list_personX.append(features_128d)else:print("文件夹内图像文件为空 / Warning: No images in " + path_faces_personX + '/', '\n')# 计算 128D 特征的均值# N x 128D -> 1 x 128Dif features_list_personX:features_mean_personX = np.array(features_list_personX).mean(axis=0)else:features_mean_personX = '0'return features_mean_personX# 读取某人所有的人脸图像的数据
people = os.listdir(path_images_from_camera)
people.sort()with open("D:\\test\\PERSION.txt", "w", newline="") as csvfile:writer = csv.writer(csvfile)for person in people:print("##### " + person + " #####")# Get the mean/average features of face/personX, it will be a list with a length of 128Dfeatures_mean_personX = return_features_mean_personX(path_images_from_camera + person)writer.writerow(features_mean_personX)print("特征均值 / The mean of features:", list(features_mean_personX))print('\n')print("所有录入人脸数据存入 / Save all the features of faces registered into: D:\\test\\PERSION.txt")





Dlib人脸识别】1. Dlib人脸检测的基本原理


  1. dlib 使用OpenCV,Python和深度学习进行人脸识别 源代码

    请直接访问原文章 dlib 使用OpenCV,Python和深度学习进行人脸识别 源代码 https://hotdog29.com/?p=595 在 2019年7月7日 上张贴 由 hotdog发表回 ...

  2. CV之FDFA:利用MTCNN的脚本实现对LFW数据集进行FD人脸检测和FA人脸校准

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  7. CNN表情识别系统制作(1)----fer2013人脸表情数据集简介

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  8. Github上10个开源好用的人脸识别数据集

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