





可以这么说,数据结构并不是一门语言,它是一种思想,一种方法,一种思维方式。它并不受语言的限制,你完全可以在gave 中轻而易举地实现一个用C语言给出的算法。

或许你在初入职场的时候并不会涉及到需要使用到数据结构的地方,也因而觉得数据结构貌似没用,但这和“农民工也能盖大楼,干嘛还学建筑呢?” 是一个道理,应该都懂。





class Node:def __init__(self, data):self.data = dataself.next = Nonedef __str__(self):return str(self.data)# 通过单链表构建一个list的结构: 添加  删除  插入   查找 获取长度  判断是否为空...
# list1 = []  list1.append(5)     [5,]             slist =  SingleList()   slist.append(5)
class SingleList:def __init__(self, node=None):self._head = nodedef isEmpty(self):return self._head == Nonedef append(self, item):# 尾部添加node = Node(item)if self.isEmpty():self._head = nodeelse:cur = self._headwhile cur.next != None:cur = cur.nextcur.next = node# 求长度def len(self):cur = self._headcount = 0while cur != None:count += 1cur = cur.nextreturn count# 遍历def print_all(self):cur = self._headwhile cur != None:print(cur)cur = cur.nextdef pop(self, index):if index < 0 or index >= self.len():raise IndexError('index Error')if index == 0:self._head = self._head.nextelse:cur = self._head# 找到当前下标的前一个元素while index - 1:cur = cur.nextindex -= 1# 修改的next的指向位置cur.next = cur.next.nextdef insert(self, index, item):if index < 0 or index >= self.len():raise IndexError('index Error')if isinstance(item, Node):raise TypeError('不能是Node类型')else:node = Node(item)if index == 0:node.next = self._headself._head = nodeelse:cur = self._headwhile index - 1:cur = cur.nextindex -= 1node.next = cur.nextcur.next = nodedef update(self, index, new_item):if index < 0 or index >= self.len():raise IndexError('index Error')if isinstance(new_item, Node):raise TypeError('不能是Node类型')else:node = Node(new_item)if index == 0:node.next = self._head.nextself._head = nodeelse:cur = self._headnode.next = cur.next.nextcur.next = nodedef remove(self, item):if isinstance(item, Node):raise TypeError('不能是Node类型')else:node = Node(item)cur = self._headwhile cur == node:cur = cur.nextcur.next = cur.next.nextif __name__ == '__main__':slist = SingleList()print(slist.isEmpty())  # Trueprint(slist.len())slist.append(5)print(slist.isEmpty())  # Falseprint(slist.len())  # 1slist.append(8)slist.append(6)slist.append(3)slist.append(1)print(slist.isEmpty())  # Trueprint(slist.len())print('---------------------')slist.print_all()print('----------pop-------------')slist.pop(2)slist.print_all()print('--------insert-------')slist.insert(1, 19)slist.print_all()print('--------update-------')slist.update(1, 18)slist.print_all()print('--------remove-------')slist.remove(18)slist.print_all()


'''class Node:def __init__(self, data):self.data = dataself.next = Noneself.prev = Nonedef __str__(self):return str(self.data)class DoubleList:def __init__(self):self._head = Nonedef isEmpty(self):return self._head == Nonedef append(self, item):# 尾部添加node = Node(item)if self.isEmpty():self._head = nodeelse:cur = self._headwhile cur.next != None:cur = cur.nextcur.next = node# 求长度def add(self, item):node = Node(item)if self.isEmpty():self._head = nodeelse:node.next = self._headself._head.prev = nodeself._head = nodedef len(self):cur = self._headcount = 0while cur != None:count += 1cur = cur.nextreturn countdef print_all(self):cur = self._headwhile cur != None:print(cur)cur = cur.nextdef insert(self, index, item):if index < 0 or index >= self.len():raise IndexError('index Error')if isinstance(item, Node):raise TypeError('不能是Node类型')else:node = Node(item)if index == 0:node.next = self._headnode.prev = self._head.prevself._head = nodeelse:cur = self._headwhile index - 1:cur = cur.nextindex -= 1node.next = cur.nextnode.prev = cur.prevcur.next = nodecur.prev = node.prevdef remove(self, item):if isinstance(item, Node):raise TypeError('不能是Node类型')else:node = Node(item)cur = self._headwhile cur == node:cur = cur.nextcur.next = cur.next.nextcur.prev = cur.prevdef update(self, index, new_item):if index < 0 or index >= self.len():raise IndexError('index Error')if isinstance(new_item, Node):raise TypeError('不能是Node类型')else:node = Node(new_item)if index == 0:node.next = self._head.nextnode.prev = self._head.prevself._head = nodeelse:cur = self._headnode.next = cur.next.nextnode.prev = cur.prevcur.next = nodecur.prev = nodeif __name__ == '__main__':dlist = DoubleList()print(dlist.len())print(dlist.isEmpty())# dlist.append(6)# dlist.append(9)# dlist.append(5)# print(dlist.len())# print(dlist.isEmpty())# dlist.print_all()dlist.add(6)dlist.add(9)dlist.add(5)dlist.print_all()print('--------insert-------')dlist.insert(1, 19)dlist.print_all()print('--------update-------')dlist.update(1, 18)dlist.print_all()print('--------remove-------')dlist.remove(18)dlist.print_all()

【python】数据结构和算法 + 浅谈单链表与双链表的区别相关推荐

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  7. 视频教程-Python数据结构与算法面试(上)-Python

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