python 程序耗时记录

A team of 5 people is assigned with a task to record the heights of students in a school and they have decided to make a python program using class to record all the student's height.


In the below program, we try to use class in python to build a Student Height Record program for a school. The Record will contain the student’s name along with its height. This article aims to develop an understanding of the usage of class in the student height record system.

在下面的程序中,我们尝试使用python中的class来为学校构建Student Height Record程序 。 记录将包含学生的姓名及其身高。 本文旨在加深对学生身高记录系统中班级用法的理解。



# definig a class student,
# which contain name and height of the student
class Student(object):
def __init__(self, name, height): = name
self.height = height
def getheight(self):
return self.height
def __str__(self):
return + ' : ' + str(self.getheight())
# Defining a function for building a Menu
# which generates list of Food
def HeightRecord(rec, name, height):
rec.append(Student(name, height))
return rec
Record = []
x = 'y'
while x == 'y':
name = input('Enter the name of the student: ')
height = input('Enter the height recorded: ')
Record = HeightRecord(Record, name, height)
x = input('another student? y/n ')
n = 1
for el in Record:
print(n,'. ', el)
n = n + 1



Enter the name of the student: Prerana Jain
Enter the height recorded: 165
another student? y/n y
Enter the name of the student: Monika Sharma
Enter the height recorded: 167
another student? y/n y
Enter the name of the student: Shivang Yadav
Enter the height recorded: 170
another student? y/n y
Enter the name of the student: Radib Kar
Enter the height recorded: 169
another student? y/n n
1 .  Prerana Jain : 165
2 .  Monika Sharma : 167
3 .  Shivang Yadav : 170
4 .  Radib Kar : 169


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