math 计算float

数学类静态浮点数min(float f1,float f2) (Math Class static float min(float f1 , float f2) )

  • This method is available in java.lang package.


  • This method is used to return the minimum one of both the given arguments or in other words this method returns the smallest value of the given two arguments.


  • This is a static method so this method is accessible with the class name too.


  • The return type of this method is float, it returns the smallest element from the given two arguments.

    此方法的返回类型为float ,它从给定的两个参数返回最小的元素。

  • This method accepts two arguments of float values.


  • This method does not throw any exception.




    public static float min(float f1, float f2){

Parameter(s): float f1, float f2 – two float values, in which we have to find the smallest/minimum value.

参数: float f1,float f2 –两个浮点值,我们必须在其中找到最小/最小值。

Return value:


The return type of this method is float, it returns the smallest/minimum value.

此方法的返回类型为float ,它返回最小值/最小值。



  • If we pass "NaN" (Not a Number), it returns the same value i.e. "NaN".

    如果我们传递“ NaN”(不是数字),它将返回相同的值,即“ NaN”。

  • If we pass zero (-0 or 0), it returns the 0.


  • If we pass the same values in both parameters, it returns the same value.


Java程序演示min(float f1,float f2)方法的示例 (Java program to demonstrate example of min(float f1, float f2) method)

// Java program to demonstrate the example of
// min(float f1, float f2) method of Math Class.
public class MinFloatTypeMethod {public static void main(String[] args) {// declaring variables
float f1 = -0.0f;
float f2 = 0.0f;
float f3 = -0.6f;
float f4 = 124.58f;
// displaying the values
System.out.println("f1: " + f1);
System.out.println("f2: " + f2);
System.out.println("f3: " + f3);
System.out.println("f4: " + f4);
// Here , we will get (-0.0) because we are passing parameter
// whose value is (-0.0f,0.0f)
System.out.println("Math.min(f1,f2): " + Math.min(f1, f2));
// Here , we will get (0.0) and we are passing parameter
// whose value is (0.0f,124.58f)
System.out.println("Math.min(f2,f4): " + Math.min(f2, f4));



E:\Programs>java MinFloatTypeMethod
f1: -0.0
f2: 0.0
f3: -0.6
f4: 124.58
Math.min(f1,f2): -0.0
Math.min(f2,f4): 0.0


math 计算float

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