java math 类

数学课静态长回合(双D) (Math Class static long round(double d) )

  • This method is available in java.lang package.


  • This method is used to return the closest long value to the given argument.


  • This is a static method, it is accessible with the class name too.


  • The return type of this method is long, it returns the long type number which will be converted from double floating to long by adding 1/2 of the given argument.

    此方法的返回类型为long ,它返回long类型号,通过添加给定参数的1/2可以将其从double浮点数转换为long类型。

  • In this method, we pass only one parameter of a double type value.


  • If the value of the given argument after the decimal point is greater than 4 then the value is incremented by 1 before the decimal point is returned else if the value of the given argument after the decimal point is less than or equal to 4 then the same value before the decimal point is returned.


  • This method does not throw any exception.




    public static long round(double d){

Parameter(s): d – a double value whose closest to long value to be found.

参数: d –一个双精度值,其最接近要找到的long值。



  • If we pass "NaN" (Not a Number), it returns 0.

    如果传递“ NaN”(非数字),则返回0。

  • If we pass negative infinity, it returns the "Long.MIN_VALUE".

    如果我们传递负无穷大,它将返回“ Long.MIN_VALUE”。

  • If we pass positive infinity, it returns the "Long.MAX_VALUE".

    如果我们传递正无穷大,它将返回“ Long.MAX_VALUE”。

  • If we pass the value which is less than or equal to "Long.MIN_VALUE", it returns "Long.MIN_VALUE".

    如果传递的值小于或等于“ Long.MIN_VALUE”,则返回“ Long.MIN_VALUE”。

  • If we pass the value which is greater than or equal to "Long.MAX_VALUE", it returns "Long.MAX_VALUE".

    如果传递的值大于或等于“ Long.MAX_VALUE”,则返回“ Long.MAX_VALUE”。

Return value:


The return type of this method is long, it returns a long value which is the closest to long value of given parameter.

此方法的返回类型为long ,它返回一个long值,该值最接近给定参数的long值。

Java程序演示round(double d)方法的示例 (Java program to demonstrate example of round(double d) method)

// Java program to demonstrate the example of
// round(double d) method of Math Class.
public class RoundMethod {public static void main(String[] args) {// declaring the variables
double d1 = -1.0 / 0.0;
double d2 = 1.0 / 0.0;
double d3 = 1234.56;
double d4 = 1234.42;
// Here , we will get (Long.MIN_VALUE) and we are
// passing parameter whose value is (-Infinity)
System.out.println("Math.round(d1): " + Math.round(d1));
// Here , we will get (Long.MAX_VALUE) and we are
// passing parameter whose value is (Infinity)
System.out.println("Math.round(d2): " + Math.round(d2));
// Here , we will get (1235) and we are
// passing parameter whose value is (1234.56)
System.out.println("Math.round(d3): " + Math.round(d3));
// Here , we will get (1234) and we are
// passing parameter whose value is (1234.12)
System.out.println("Math.round(d4): " + Math.round(d4));



E:\Programs>java RoundMethod
Math.round(d1): -9223372036854775808
Math.round(d2): 9223372036854775807
Math.round(d3): 1235
Math.round(d4): 1234


java math 类

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