
首先提醒您以前的要点–通常,在实际操作中,应将PBE密钥用作主密钥,该主密钥仅用于解锁工作密钥。 这具有三个主要优点:

  • 您可以有多个密码,例如,托管的恢复密钥,
  • 您无需更改密码即可更改密码,
  • 您可以更改工作密钥,而不必强行更改密码。



Java过去没有创建PBE密钥的标准方法。 各个密码提供者提供了自己的生成器,但是识别和使用与您的密码匹配的生成器是一个痛苦的过程。

Java 7对此进行了更改。现在,所有JCE实现中都提供了一种标准的密钥生成算法。 它绝对可以用于生成AES密钥。 我已经看到了一个示例,该示例用于生成任意长度的密钥,但是我无法复制该行为–这可能是非标准扩展。

该算法采用四个参数。 第一个是密钥长度– AES密钥使用128。 其他可能的值是192和256位。 第二个是迭代次数。 您的wifi路由器使用4096次迭代,但是现在很多人建议至少进行10,000次迭代。

第三个参数是“盐”。 wifi路由器使用SSID,许多站点使用一个小文件,下面我将讨论另一种方法。 盐应足够大,以使熵大于密钥长度。 例如,如果要使用128位密钥,则应该(至少)具有128位随机二进制数据或大约22个随机字母数字字符。

最后一个参数是密码。 同样,熵应大于密钥长度。 在Webapp中,密码通常是由应用服务器通过JNDI提供的。

最后,我们既需要密码密钥,又需要IV,而不仅仅是密码密钥。 缺乏IV或使用较弱的IV是不熟悉密码学的人最常见的错误之一。 (请参阅: 不使用具有密码块链接模式的随机初始化矢量 [owasp.org]。)一种常见的方法是生成随机盐,并将其添加到密文中以供解密期间使用,但是我将讨论另一种使用密码和盐。

现在的代码。 首先,我们了解如何从密码和盐创建密码密钥和IV。 (我们待会儿讨论盐。)

public class PbkTest {private static final Provider bc = new BouncyCastleProvider();private static final ResourceBundle BUNDLE = ResourceBundle.getBundle(PbkTest.class.getName());private SecretKey cipherKey;private AlgorithmParameterSpec ivSpec;/*** Create secret key and IV from password.* * Implementation note: I've believe I've seen other code that can extract* the random bits for the IV directly from the PBEKeySpec but I haven't* been able to duplicate it. It might have been a BouncyCastle extension.* * @throws Exception*/public void createKeyAndIv(char[] password) throws SecurityException,NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {final String algorithm = "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1";final SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm);final int derivedKeyLength = 128;final int iterations = 10000;// create saltfinal byte[][] salt = feistelSha1Hash(createSalt(), 1000);// create cipher keyfinal PBEKeySpec cipherSpec = new PBEKeySpec(password, salt[0],iterations, derivedKeyLength);cipherKey = factory.generateSecret(cipherSpec);cipherSpec.clearPassword();// create IV. This is just one of many approaches. You do// not want to use the same salt used in creating the PBEKey.try {final Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/NoPadding", bc);cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, cipherKey, new IvParameterSpec(salt[1], 0, 16));ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(cipher.doFinal(salt[1], 4, 16));} catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {throw new SecurityException("unable to create IV", e);} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {throw new SecurityException("unable to create IV", e);} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {throw new SecurityException("unable to create IV", e);} catch (BadPaddingException e) {throw new SecurityException("unable to create IV", e);} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {throw new SecurityException("unable to create IV", e);}}


/*** Create salt. Two values are provided to support creation of both a cipher* key and IV from a single password.* * The 'left' salt is pulled from a file outside of the app context. this* makes it much harder for a compromised app to obtain or modify this* value. You could read it as classloader resource but that's not really* different from the properties file used below. Another possibility is to* load it from a read-only value in a database, ideally one with a* different schema than the rest of the application. (It could even be an* in-memory database such as H2 that contains nothing but keying material,* again initialized from a file outside of the app context.)* * The 'right' salt is pulled from a properties file. It is possible to use* a base64-encoded value but administration is a lot easier if we just take* an arbitrary string and hash it ourselves. At a minimum it should be a* random mix-cased string of at least (120/5 = 24) characters.* * The generated salts are equally strong.* * Implementation note: since this is for demonstration purposes a static* string in used in place of reading an external file.*/public byte[][] createSalt() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {final MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");final byte[] left = new byte[20]; // fall back to all zeroesfinal byte[] right = new byte[20]; // fall back to all zeroes// load value from file or database.// note: we use fixed value for demonstration purposes.final String leftValue = "this string should be read from file or database";if (leftValue != null) {System.arraycopy(digest.digest(leftValue.getBytes()), 0, left, 0,left.length);digest.reset();}// load value from resource bundle.final String rightValue = BUNDLE.getString("salt");if (rightValue != null) {System.arraycopy(digest.digest(rightValue.getBytes()), 0, right, 0,right.length);digest.reset();}final byte[][] salt = feistelSha1Hash(new byte[][] { left, right },1000);return salt;}


/*** Create salt. Two values are provided to support creation of both a cipher* key and IV from a single password.* * The 'left' salt is pulled from a file outside of the app context. this* makes it much harder for a compromised app to obtain or modify this* value. You could read it as classloader resource but that's not really* different from the properties file used below. Another possibility is to* load it from a read-only value in a database, ideally one with a* different schema than the rest of the application. (It could even be an* in-memory database such as H2 that contains nothing but keying material,* again initialized from a file outside of the app context.)* * The 'right' salt is pulled from a properties file. It is possible to use* a base64-encoded value but administration is a lot easier if we just take* an arbitrary string and hash it ourselves. At a minimum it should be a* random mix-cased string of at least (120/5 = 24) characters.* * The generated salts are equally strong.* * Implementation note: since this is for demonstration purposes a static* string in used in place of reading an external file.*/public byte[][] createSalt() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {final MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");final byte[] left = new byte[20]; // fall back to all zeroesfinal byte[] right = new byte[20]; // fall back to all zeroes// load value from file or database.// note: we use fixed value for demonstration purposes.final String leftValue = "this string should be read from file or database";if (leftValue != null) {System.arraycopy(digest.digest(leftValue.getBytes()), 0, left, 0,left.length);digest.reset();}// load value from resource bundle.final String rightValue = BUNDLE.getString("salt");if (rightValue != null) {System.arraycopy(digest.digest(rightValue.getBytes()), 0, right, 0,right.length);digest.reset();}final byte[][] salt = feistelSha1Hash(new byte[][] { left, right },1000);return salt;}


/*** Obtain password. Architectually we'll want good "separation of concerns"* and we should get the cipher key and IV from a separate place than where* we use it.* * This is a unit test so the password is stored in a properties file. In* practice we'll want to get it from JNDI from an appserver, or at least a* file outside of the appserver's directory.* * @throws Exception*/@Beforepublic void setup() throws Exception {createKeyAndIv(BUNDLE.getString("password").toCharArray());}/*** Test encryption.* * @throws Exception*/@Testpublic void testEncryption() throws Exception {String plaintext = BUNDLE.getString("plaintext");Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(BUNDLE.getString("algorithm"), bc);cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, cipherKey, ivSpec);byte[] actual = cipher.doFinal(plaintext.getBytes());assertEquals(BUNDLE.getString("ciphertext"),new String(Base64.encode(actual), Charset.forName("UTF-8")));}/*** Test decryption.* * @throws Exception*/@Testpublic void testEncryptionAndDecryption() throws Exception {String ciphertext = BUNDLE.getString("ciphertext");Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(BUNDLE.getString("algorithm"), bc);cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, cipherKey, ivSpec);byte[] actual = cipher.doFinal(Base64.decode(ciphertext));assertEquals(BUNDLE.getString("plaintext"),new String(actual, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));}
  • 完整的源代码可从http://code.google.com/p/invariant-properties-blog/source/browse/pbekey获取 。
  • 另请参阅: NIST SP 800-132,基于密码的密钥派生建议 ,第5.3节。
  • 另请参阅: http : //stackoverflow.com/questions/2465690/pbkdf2-hmac-sha1/2465884#2465884 ,有关创建WPA2网络主密钥的讨论。
参考: Invariant Properties博客中的JCG合作伙伴 Bear Giles 创建了基于密码的加密密钥 。

翻译自: https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2013/10/creating-password-based-encryption-keys.html


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