
I am very tired of seeing arbitrary password rules that are different for every web or mobile app. It's almost like these apps aren't following a standard and are just making up their own rules that aren't based on good security practices.

我对看到每个Web或移动应用程序都不同的任意密码规则感到非常厌倦。 几乎就像这些应用没有遵循标准,只是在制定自己的规则,这些规则并不基于良好的安全实践。

All too often I see password entry requirements like this:


Who came up with the idea that you need to have short passwords with only certain types of symbols that are impossible for the average human to remember?


XKCD made an excellent point about this here:


更安全的密码 (More Secure Passwords)

Decades ago, it was recommended that people use more complex passwords containing numbers and symbols to make them more secure. That is no longer the recommendation of security professionals – even the ones who used to recommend more complex passwords now say that practice is outdated.

几十年前,建议人们使用更复杂的密码(包含数字和符号)来提高安全性。 这不再是安全专家的建议-即使是曾经建议使用更复杂密码的人现在也说这种做法已经过时了 。

Security testing shows that the best ways to make passwords more secure is to simply make them longer and use a unique one for every app or website. They don't even have to be fancy or completely random. But you should be using a password manager to generate them anyway.

安全测试表明,使密码更安全的最佳方法是简单地延长密码长度,并对每个应用程序或网站使用唯一的密码。 他们甚至不必幻想或完全随机。 但是无论如何,您都应该使用密码管理器来生成它们。

I recommend using 1Password (browser), Encryptr (desktop), or RoboForm (browser). Then you will just have one password to remember and have the password manager do the hard work of generating a unique one for every app or website you use.

我建议使用1Password (浏览器), Encryptr (桌面)或RoboForm (浏览器)。 然后,您只需要记住一个密码,并让密码管理器完成为您使用的每个应用程序或网站生成唯一密码的艰苦工作。

更多信息 (More Information)

  • Here is a full list of best practices for creating passwords by security researcher Troy Hunt.

    这是安全研究人员Troy Hunt 创建密码的最佳做法的完整列表 。

  • If you want to dive deep into password strength estimation, I highly recommend this talk by Daniel Wheeler at Dropbox.

    如果您想深入了解密码强度估计,我强烈建议Dropbox上的Daniel Wheeler讲这个话题 。

结论 (Conclusion)

Remember, make longer passwords, educate yourself by reading Troy Hunt's article, and use a password manager.

请记住,设置更长的密码,阅读Troy Hunt的文章以进行自我教育,并使用密码管理器。

I hope you enjoyed this brief article. Let me know your feedback or additional recommendations in the comments.

希望您喜欢这篇简短的文章。 在评论中让我知道您的反馈或其他建议。

Here is how you can reach me:


  • gwenf@protonmail.comgwenf@protonmail.com
  • https://gwenfaraday.com


  • Faraday Academy YouTube Channel


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/actually-secure-passwords/



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