
Ok, now I'm confused.  I just noticed this on Dare's blog and again Oleg's blog:

好吧,现在我很困惑。 我刚刚在Dare的博客和Oleg的博客中注意到了这一点:

The problem was that the XPathDocument had a radically different programming model than the XmlDocument meaning that anyone who'd written code using the XmlDocument against our v1.0/v1.1 bits would have to radically rewrite their code to get performance improvements and new features...

问题在于,XPathDocument的编程模型与XmlDocument的根本不同,这意味着使用XmlDocument针对我们的v1.0 / v1.1位编写代码的任何人都必须从根本上重写其代码,以获得性能改进和新功能。 ...

For this reason we've reverted the XPathDocument to what it was in v1.1 while new functionality and perf improvements will be made to the XmlDocument. Similarly we will keep the new and improved XPathEditableNavigator XPathNavigator class which will be the API for programming against XML data sources where one wants to abstract away what the underlying store actually is. We've shown the power of this model with examples such as the ObjectXPathNavigator and the DataSetNavigator.

因此,我们将XPathDocument恢复为v1.1中的版本,同时将对XmlDocument进行新功能和性能改进。 同样,我们将保留新的和改进的XPathEditableNavigator XPathNavigator类该类将是针对XML数据源进行编程的API,在XML数据源中,人们想抽象出底层存储的实际含义。 我们已经通过ObjectXPathNavigatorDataSetNavigator等示例展示了此模型的强大功能

So what are we saying here?


  • Oleg infers that XPathDocument won't be editable. But it seems to me that Dare still called it new and improved and says later in Oleg's comments (emphasis mine):Oleg推断XPathDocument将不可编辑。 但是在我看来,Dare仍然称其为新的和改进的,后来在Oleg的评论中强调了我的观点:
    • The XPathNavigator will be editable in Whidbey. However the XPathDocument will not be.
      XPathNavigator将在Whidbey中进行编辑。 但是,XPathDocument不会。
  • XPathDocument in 2.0 will be the same as it was in 1.1, and the new perf improvements will be rolled into XmlDocument. This should speed up all the XSLT transformations people are doing against XmlDocuments today, rather than forcing them to use XPathDocument.
    2.0版中的XPathDocument与1.1版中的相同,并且新的性能改进将纳入XmlDocument中。 这应该可以加快人们今天针对XmlDocuments进行的所有XSLT转换,而不是强迫他们使用XPathDocument。

Is this correct?  Time to go re-write my chapter on XML! :)

这样对吗? 是时候重新编写关于XML的文章了! :)

UPDATE: I fat fingered the quote and reversed the meaning.  Dare cleared it up in the comments.

更新:我胖了引号,并扭转了含义。 敢于在评论中清除它。

Dare sez:  "I said XPathDocument will still be read-only but the XPathNavigator interface will allow editing. This means I can use the XPathNavigator API to edit an XmlDocument but not an XPathDocument."

Dare sez: “我说XPathDocument仍然是只读的,但是XPathNavigator接口将允许编辑。这意味着我可以使用XPathNavigator API编辑XmlDocument,但是不能编辑XPathDocument。”

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/oyxpathdocument-20-changes-moved-back-into-xmldocument


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