

[root@ghq~]# cd /usr/local/src

[root@ghqsrc]# ls



[root@ghq src]# wgethttp://apache.fayea.com//httpd/httpd-2.2.31.tar.bz2

--2015-08-2007:24:43-- http://apache.fayea.com//httpd/httpd-2.2.31.tar.bz2


Connectingto apache.fayea.com||:80... connected.

HTTPrequest sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length:5610489 (5.3M) [application/x-bzip2]

Savingto: “httpd-2.2.31.tar.bz2”


[root@ghqsrc]# ls


[root@ghqsrc]# tar zxvf  httpd-2.2.31.tar.gz

[root@ghqsrc]# ls


httpd-2.2.31.tar.bz2  mysql-5.1.40-linux-i686-icc-glibc23.tar.gz

[root@ghqsrc]# cd httpd-2.2.31

[root@ghqhttpd-2.2.31]# ls

ABOUT_APACHE  config.layout httpd.spec      LICENSE        README.platforms

acinclude.m4  configure     include         Makefile.in    README-win32.txt

Apache.dsw    configure.in   INSTALL        Makefile.win   ROADMAP

build         docs           InstallBin.dsp  modules       server

BuildAll.dsp  emacs-style   LAYOUT          NOTICE         srclib

BuildBin.dsp  httpd.dep     libhttpd.dep    NWGNUmakefile  support

buildconf     httpd.dsp      libhttpd.dsp    os             test

CHANGES       httpd.mak      libhttpd.mak    README         VERSIONING

[root@ghq httpd-2.2.31]# cat README(查看readme,知道怎么安装)

Apache HTTP Server

What is it?


The Apache HTTP Server is a powerful andflexible HTTP/1.1 compliant

web server. Originally designed as a replacement for the NCSA HTTP

Server, it has grown to be the most popularweb server on the

Internet. As a project of the Apache Software Foundation, the

developers aim to collaboratively develop andmaintain a robust,

commercial-grade, standards-based server withfreely available

source code.

The Latest Version


Details of the latest version can be found onthe Apache HTTP

server project page under.



The documentation available as of the date ofthis release is

included in HTML format in the docs/manual/directory.  The most

up-to-date documentation for the 2.2.xreleases can be found at




Please see the file called INSTALL.  Platform specific notes can be

found in README.platforms.



Please see the file called LICENSE.

Cryptographic Software Notice


This distribution may include software thathas been designed for use

with cryptographic software.  The country in which you currently reside

may have restrictions on the import,possession, use, and/or re-export

to another country, of encryptionsoftware.  BEFORE using any encryption

software, please check your country's laws,regulations and policies

concerning the import, possession, or use,and re-export of encryption

software, to see if this is permitted.  See

for more information.

The U.S. Government Department of Commerce,Bureau of Industry and

Security (BIS), has classified this softwareas Export Commodity

Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, whichincludes information security

software using or performing cryptographicfunctions with asymmetric

algorithms. The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation

distribution makes it eligible for exportunder the License Exception

ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU)exception (see the BIS

Export Administration Regulations, Section740.13) for both object

code and source code.

The following provides more details on theincluded files that

may be subject to export controls oncryptographic software:

Apache httpd 2.0 and later versions includethe mod_ssl module under


for configuring and listening toconnections over SSL encrypted

network sockets by performing calls to ageneral-purpose encryption

library, such as OpenSSL or the operatingsystem's platform-specific

SSL facilities.

In addition, some versions of apr-utilprovide an abstract interface

for SSL encrypted network sockets in thefiles under the directory


that makes use of a general-purpose encryptionlibrary, such as

OpenSSL or the operating system'splatform-specific SSL facilities.

Apache httpd currently does not use thatapr-util interface.

Some object code distributions of Apachehttpd, indicated with the

word "crypto" in the packagename, may include object code for the

OpenSSL encryption library as distributedin open source form from


The above files are optional and may beremoved if the cryptographic

functionality is not desired or needs to beexcluded from redistribution.

Distribution packages of Apache httpd thatinclude the word "nossl"

in the package name have been created withoutthe above files and are

therefore not subject to this notice.



o If you want to be informed about newcode releases, bug fixes,

security fixes, general news andinformation about the Apache server

subscribe to the apache-announce mailinglist as described under

o If you want freely available support forrunning Apache please join the

Apache user community by subscribing toUsers Mailing List at

or one of the following

USENET newsgroups:



Also available at:

o If you want commercial support forrunning Apache please contact

one of the companies and contractorswhich are listed at

o If you have a concrete bug report forApache please go to the

Apache Group Bug Database and submityour report:

o If you want to participate in activelydeveloping Apache please

subscribe to the `dev@httpd.apache.org'mailing list as described at



We wish to acknowledge the followingcopyrighted works that

make up portions of the Apache software:

Portions of this software were developed atthe National Center

for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at theUniversity of

Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

This software contains code derived from theRSA Data Security

Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, includingvarious

modifications by Spyglass Inc., CarnegieMellon University, and

Bell Communications Research, Inc (Bellcore).

Regular expression support is provided by thePCRE library package, which

is open source software, written by PhilipHazel, and copyright by the

University of Cambridge, England.  The original software is available from


Apache 2 relies heavily on the use ofautoconf and libtool to provide

a build environment.

编译安装源码包的三个步骤(不绝对):(1)./configure(2)make(3)make install




[root@ghqhttpd-2.2.31]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --with-include-apr--with-pcre --enable-mods-shared=most


[root@ghqhttpd-2.2.31]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --with-include-apr

checkingfor chosen layout... Apache

checkingfor working mkdir -p... yes

checkingbuild system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu

checkinghost system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu

checkingtarget system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu

ConfiguringApache Portable Runtime library ...

[root@ghqhttpd-2.2.31]# make

[root@ghqhttpd-2.2.31]# make install

[root@ghqhttpd-2.2.31]# ls /usr/local/apache2

bin  build cgi-bin  conf  error htdocs  icons  include lib  logs  man manual  modules






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