试卷代号: 1378
管理英语3 试题
1. — I’ m leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.
A. See you later.
B, Have a pleasant trip!
C. Let’s go out for a drink.
2. — I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?
A. Sure, go ahead.
B. It doesn’t matter.
C. Who cares? ’
3. — I suppose there’ll be a lot of arguments.
A. I should imagine so.
B. No problem.
C. That’s a good idea.
4. —Could I help you with your heavy box? You are so tired.
—________________ I can manage it.
A. A1l right.
B. Yes, please.
C. No. Thanks.
5. — Sorry, I made a mistake again.
—________________Practice more and you’ll succeed.
A. Never mind.
B. Certainly not.
C. Don’t mention it.
6. ________________ important it is for kids to imagine freely!
A. What B. How
C. What an
7. ________________ is known to all, too much fat causes heart problems.
A. It B. As
C. That
8. You can go out, ________________ you promise to be back before 12 o’clock.
A. as long as B. as far as
C. so far as
9. I am ________________ your early coming.
A. looking forward to B. looking forward
C. look forward to
10. This is the man last night.
A. whom I saw him B. whom I saw
C. who I saw him
11. If you need further information, please ________________our office.
A. constant B. construct
C. contact
12. I’m used to ________________ up early now.
A. get B. getting
C. to get
13. I’m going to have a ________________ with Mark about this issue tomorrow.
A. speech B. sentence
C. word
14. The programme gives students the ________________to learn more about global warming.
A. success B. ambition
C. opportunity
15. The products of this company are always ________________to standard because they have very strict quality control process.
A. up B. down
C. close
16. I ________________to know how often the bus runs during rush hour.
A. occur B. happen
C. take place
17. Let’s discuss these problems at the meeting, ________________?
A. do we B. shall we
C. will you
18. The child ________________ fluent French.
A. says B. talks
C. speaks
19. They ________________ leave next Friday.
A. decided B. decided to
C. decide
20. It is one of the best concerts I ________________.
A. went to B. had gone to
C. have ever been to
Of all the family members, grandparents are probably the least valued. They are just the people who have always been around. They make a fuss over the children in the family, show off to their friends the achievements of this child or that child, and show countless pictures of new babies. Grandfathers can fix anything and grandmothers always have homemade biscuits around.
When you are small, it is fun to stay with your grandparents because they always let you do things you can’t do at home, and of course, they buy you things. They are always able to baby-sit because they don’t go out much and actually prefer to see their grandchildren. They are usually good for a small loan now and then that does not need to be paid back because they turned it into a gift. You respectfully listen to their advice but do not follow it because they are old and do not understand h ow things are in this day and age. You thank them politely for what they do for you, and then do not call or visit them until you
need something else. And, of course, you never tell them how dear they are to you because they know how you feel about them anyway. Then all of a sudden, they are no longer there to do the things that only grandparents can do, and you find yourself wishing that you had told them what they meant to you as people and not as grandparents.
21. What is the position of grandparents in the family?
A. They are the least important members of ‘the family.
B. They are the most important members of the family.
C. They are the ones at whom their children or grandchildren usually laugh.
22. What do grandparents never do?
A. Looking after their grandchildren.
B. Buying their grandchildren things.
C. Telling their grandchildren how dear they are to them.
23. Why don’t children need to pay back the loan from their grandparents’?
A. Grandparents turn the loan into a gift.
B. Their parents pay back the loan for them.
C. Their grandparents died before they have enough money to pay it back.
24. Why don’t children take their grandparents’ advice?
A. Their advice is not of any help in the present situation.
B. They don’t like the advice itself.
C. Following their advice will make them act like old people.
25. How do children feel after their grandparents died?
A. They feel sorry that grandparents are the least valued in the ‘family.
B. They miss them very much because no one does the things that only grandparents do.
C. They regret’ they didn’t express their true feelings to them.

The road system ‘n Beijing’s central business district (CBD) is being re-designed to make public transportation easy and improve efficiency.
Plans for’45 roads. within the CBD have been approved, measuring 41.5 kilometers in total. In addition to public buses, free or low. price shuttle buses. from residence areas to subway stations will also be provided for commuters.
This is just over. four times the number of roads opened in 2007, and will add another 15. 5 km to the existing road network.
Besides roads, an underground traffic system has also been operating, which includes four new subway lines. beneath the CBD.
The underground connection system is made up of two levels. The first underground floor is set aside mainly for pedestrians and commercial facilities, while the second underground floor is planned for parking.
The city has also invested 140 million yuan to set up a traffic inquiry system, through which the public can check traffic conditions online and see the most convenient routes on their GPS system. In the future, the CBD will be fully covered by an intelligent traffic control system.
26. The road system in Beijing’ s central business district (CBD) is being designed again.
27. Commuters can only take public buses from residence areas to subway stations.
28. The re-designed road will be 15. 5 kilometers long.
29. The underground traffic system has four new subway lines beneath the CBD.
30. Both levels of the underground connection system are planned for parking.
以秘书李芳的名义,给John Smith写一份电话留言。
访问意图:Mr Patrick将于下周到John Smith的办公室洽谈一项新的技术开发项目并询问对方时间是否合适,如果时间不合适,请John Smith回电话。


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