试卷代号: 3896
人文英语1 试题


  1. — How are you getting along with your work?
    A. Nice to meet you.
    B. Quite well, thank you.
    C. I’m ill.
    2. — Would it bother you if I talked to you for a minute?
    A. Not at all.
    B. No, I don’t.
    C. Yes, please.
    3.— Why are you so happy?
    A. No, I’m not happy.
    B. Oh, I finally got a position in a company.
    C. Pretty good.
  2. — Would you like to have dinner with my family?
    A. No, I am busy.
    B. Yes, I like some books.
    C. Thank you. I’d love to.
  3. — Could you tell me how to get to the Railway station, please?
    A. No, I couldn’t.
    B. Certainly. You can take the No. 1 bus.
    C. Thank you all the same.
    6.I’m interested taking care of homeless people.
    A. of
    B. in
    C. on
    7. Social. Workers should learn how to ___________ people.
    A. look at
    B. look into
    C. look after
    8.I saw him , and afterwards he was caught by the police.
    A. steal
    B. stole
    C. stolen
    9. They
    some social work at the weekends.
    A. do
    B. does
    C. did
    10. The __________ driver was seriously hurt in the traffic accident.
    A. 40-years-old
    B. 40-year-old
    C. 40 year old
    11.I have two brothers. One is a driver, and __________ is a policeman.
    A. one
    B. other
    C. the other
    12. The higher the temperature is, __________ the liquid evaporates.
    A. the faster
    B. the fastest
    C. the slower
    13. We can’t afford a bicycle, __________ a car.
    A. let down
    B. let alone
    C. let out
    14. __________she wins __________ loses, this is her last chance.
    A. If … or
    B. Whether … or
    C. Whether … or not
    15. She suggested that the class __________ a gathering this Saturday.
    A. hold
    B. would hold
    C. held
    16. Never get off the bus __________ it has stopped.
    A. if
    B. as soon as
    C. until
    17. Look! It __________ heavily. Why not take an umbrella with you?
    A. is going to rain-’
    B. rains
    C. is raining
    18. I would __________ any weakness and any fear.
    A. come
    B. overcome
    C. throw
    19. It has been ten years since the Labour Party came into __________ in that country.
    A. power
    B. control
    C. force
    20. He __________ to Shanghai for I saw him a minute ago.
    A. can’t go
    B. can’t have gone
    C. didn’t go
    21-25题 :阅读短文.,从 A.B.C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上 。
    Ten workers in China pushed their boss’ s car three miles home after an office party because they were all too drunk to drive. The group was enjoying a meal at a restaurant in downtown Changchun, Jilin Province (northeast China). When the party was over, Boss Zhang Fei found 'that he was too drunk to drive Then suddenly they realized nobody had stayed sober enough to drive his car.
    Drink-driving was listed as a dangerous offence in China in 2014, esp. when the driver is drunk. Those who break the law will have their driving license revoked, face a heavy fine and may be put in jail. Zhang did not want to leave his car downtown-and it was too late to call out another driver to drive the car for him. Someone then suggested they push the car home, and said that the exercise would do them all good. Thus, all ten quickly agreed and set off with Zhang at the wheel. All ten workers pushed their boss’s car home through the city streets, laughing and singing during the 45-minute journey. Passers-by were shocked to see the group.
    Traffic officers said that as long as the car’s engine was not running, it would not be classed as drink-driving under the law. However, it is still very dangerous for so many people to push the car along the road, as it may cause traffic accidents.
    21. __________ workers in China pushed their boss’s car home in minutes.
    A. 45,10
    B. 3,8
    C. 10,45
    22. Drink-driving has been regarded as a dangerous offence in China since __________.
    A. 2013
    B. 2014
    C. 2015
    23. Those who break the law may .
    A. not have their driving license revoked
    B. not face a heavy fine
    C. be put in jail
    24. People pushing the car along the road would not be classed as drink-driving because
    A. the car engine was 'not running
    B. those people didn’t drink
    C. there were no police on the road
    25. We can infer from the passage that drink-driving __________the law.
    A. is not against
    B. is against
    C. has nothing to do with
    26—30题:请根据文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T” ,错误的写“F”,并将答案写在纸上。
    One study in the United States found that thirty-eight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends.
    Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New York. She says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detail. But she says these efforts should begin with the college or university, and that these institutions have been working harder.
    Ms. Gareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activities, such as taking walks, going on bike rides, field or camping trips, and attending parties, sporting events or film festivals. She says such activities should be held repeatedly throughout the school term to bring students together. She also suggests that foreign students share housing with American students.
    She says if the new students make friends as they begin school, they will come to feel part of the life and traditions of the university, as well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career.
    26.A study showed that 38% foreign students had many close American friends.
    27. Universities have been working on improving the relationships between foreign and American students.
    28. Ms. Gareis thinks taking part in some activities is a good way to improve the relationship.
    29. Ms. Gareis says the activities shouldn’t be held repeatedly throughout the term.
    30. Making friends when they begin school is helpful for the students to create long lasting friendships.

31.I want to know when he is leaving for New York tomorrow.
32. In those years, a very young mother was not as common as it is now.
33. What time are you available?
34. I used to take care of the elderly at a nursing home when l was in middle school.
35. They find out what kinds of help people need.


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