
分析:求树的重心的变形题,poj3107的简单版,一遍dfs从叶子到根转移找出找到以每个节点为根的子树的结点数,f[u]={ f[v1]+f[v2]+.....+f[vn] }+1;使得每棵子树节点数小于n/2,并且父节点得那个连通图节点数小于等于n/2,即n-f[u]<=n/2.


Time limit     1000 ms

Memory limit     65536 kB

OS     Linux

Source      USACO 2004 December Silver

After Farmer John realized that Bessie had installed a "tree-shaped" network among his N (1 <= N <= 10,000) barns at an incredible cost, he sued Bessie to mitigate his losses.

Bessie, feeling vindictive, decided to sabotage Farmer John's network by cutting power to one of the barns (thereby disrupting all the connections involving that barn). When Bessie does this, it breaks the network into smaller pieces, each of which retains full connectivity within itself. In order to be as disruptive as possible, Bessie wants to make sure that each of these pieces connects together no more than half the barns on FJ.

Please help Bessie determine all of the barns that would be suitable to disconnect.


* Line 1: A single integer, N. The barns are numbered 1..N.

* Lines 2..N: Each line contains two integers X and Y and represents a connection between barns X and Y.


* Lines 1..?: Each line contains a single integer, the number (from 1..N) of a barn whose removal splits the network into pieces each having at most half the original number of barns. Output the barns in increasing numerical order. If there are no suitable barns, the output should be a single line containing the word "NONE".

Sample Input

1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
3 8

Sample Output




The set of connections in the input describes a "tree": it connects all the barns together and contains no cycles.


If barn 3 or barn 8 is removed, then the remaining network will have one piece consisting of 5 barns and two pieces containing 2 barns. If any other barn is removed then at least one of the remaining pieces has size at least 6 (which is more than half of the original number of barns, 5).





大输出,如果没有符合条件的节点,则输出 “NONE”。
#define N 10010
using namespace std;
int n,s,e,first[N],book[N],ans[N];
struct node
{int x,y;
void add(int x,int y) //构建邻接表的函数
int dfs(int x)
{int num=0,sum=0;book[x]=1;int k=first[x],flag=0;while(k!=-1){if(!book[que[k].x]){num=dfs(que[k].x);sum+=num;if(num>n/2)   //x节点下的图的大小超过了n/2,不符合条件flag=1;}k=que[k].y;}if(n-sum-1>n/2)    //另一半是否小于等于n/2flag=1;if(!flag)ans[s++]=x;return sum+1;     //加上自己
int main()
{while(~scanf("%d",&n)){memset(first,-1,sizeof(first));//初始化memset(book,0,sizeof(book));s=e=0;   //有s个节点符合条件,e用邻接表表示无向图的大小int a,b;for(int i=1;i<n;i++){scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);add(a,b);       //构建邻接表add(b,a);       //无向图}a=dfs(1);        //从第一个点开始尝试if(s)      //有s个节点符合条件{sort(ans,ans+s);    //从小到大排序,输出for(int i=0;i<s;i++)printf("%d\n",ans[i]);}else    //没有符合条件的节点printf("NONE\n");}

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