

​ pandas 是基于NumPy 的一种工具,该工具是为解决数据分析任务而创建的。Pandas 纳入了大量库和一些标准的数据模型,提供了高效地操作大型数据集所需的工具。pandas提供了大量能使我们快速便捷地处理数据的函数和方法。

  • Python在数据处理和准备⽅⾯⼀直做得很好,但在数据分析和建模⽅⾯就差⼀些。pandas帮助填补了这⼀空⽩,使您能够在Python中执⾏整个数据分析⼯作流程,⽽不必切换到更特定于领域的其它语⾔

  • 与出⾊的 jupyter⼯具包和其他库相结合,Python中⽤于进⾏数据分析的环境在性能、⽣产率和协作能⼒⽅⾯都是卓越的

  • pandas是 Python 的核⼼数据分析⽀持库,提供了快速、灵活、明确的数据结构,旨在简单、直观地处理关系型、标记型数据。pandas是Python进⾏数据分析的必备⾼级⼯具。

  • pandas的主要数据结构是 Series(⼀维数据)与 DataFrame (⼆维数据),这两种数据结构⾜以处理⾦融、统计、社会科学、⼯程等领域⾥的⼤多数案例

  • 处理数据⼀般分为⼏个阶段:

    • 数据整理与清洗

    • 数据分析与建模

    • 数据可视化与制表

  • pandas模块安装:pip install pandas -i

-i 指定pip源,使用国内pip提高下载安装速度、



⽤列表⽣成 Series时,Pandas 默认⾃动⽣成整数索引,也可以指定索引


import numpy as np
import pandas as pdlist_info = [0, 1, 7, 9, np.NAN, None, 1024, 512]
s1 = pd.Series(data=list_info)
print(s1)""" 输出结果
0       0.0
1       1.0
2       7.0
3       9.0
4       NaN
5       NaN
6    1024.0
7     512.0
dtype: float64
  1. ⽆论是numpy中的np.NAN,还是Python中的None在pandas中都以缺失数据NaN对待
  2. pandas⾃动添加索引项
  3. 不指定dtype,默认值为dtype=‘float64’


import numpy as np
import pandas as pdlist_info = [0, 1, 7, 9, np.NAN, None, 1024, 512]
s2 = pd.Series(data=list_info, index=list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')[:len(list_info)], dtype='float32')
print(s2)""" 输出结果
a       0.0
b       1.0
c       7.0
d       9.0
e       NaN
f       NaN
g    1024.0
h     512.0
dtype: float32



import pandas as pds3 = pd.Series(data={'wow': "魔兽世界", 'ow': "守望先锋", 'diablo': "暗黑破坏神"}, name='Blizzard_game', dtype='str')
print(s3)""" 输出结果
wow        魔兽世界
ow         守望先锋
diablo    暗黑破坏神
Name: Blizzard_game, dtype: object



DataFrame是由多种类型的列构成的⼆维标签数据结构,类似于 Excel 、SQL 表,或 Series 对象构成的字典


import pandas as pddf1 = pd.DataFrame(data={'腾讯': ["英雄联盟", "王者荣耀", "地下城与勇士"],'网易': ["魔兽世界", "守望先锋", "暗黑破坏神"],'盛大': ["龙之谷", "传奇世界", "星辰变"]},index=['小美', '小丽', '小兔'])
""" 输出结果腾讯     网易    盛大
小美    英雄联盟   魔兽世界   龙之谷
小丽    王者荣耀   守望先锋  传奇世界
小兔  地下城与勇士  暗黑破坏神   星辰变

1.index 作为⾏索引




import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf2 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 151, size=(5, 3)),index=['周杰伦', '林俊杰', '周润发', '张绍忠', '唐国强'],columns=['语文', '数学', '外语'])
""" 输出结果语文   数学   外语
周杰伦  107   59  114
林俊杰  148  137   24
周润发   83    3   19
张绍忠   89  147   56
唐国强  123   30  123




import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 101, size=(12, 3)), index=None, columns=['语文', '数学', '外语'])
print("----- print(df) -----")
print(df)print("----- df.head(4) -----")
print(df.head(4))print("----- df.tail(4) -----")
print(df.tail(4))# 查看形状,⾏数和列数
print("----- df.shape -----")
print(df.shape)# 查看数据类型
print("----- df.dtypes -----")
print(df.dtypes)# 查看行索引
print("----- df.index -----")
print(df.index)# 查看列索引
print("----- df.columns -----")
print(df.columns)# 对象值,⼆维ndarray数组
print("----- df.values -----")
print(df.values)# # 查看数值型列的汇总统计,计数、平均值、标准差、最⼩值、四分位数、最⼤值
print("----- df.describe() -----")
print(df.describe())# 查看列索引、数据类型、⾮空计数和内存信息
print("----- -----")
print(""" 输出结果
----- print(df) -----语文  数学  外语
0   27  19  30
1   56   2  92
2   81  42  24
3   72  18  44
4   50  23   3
5   18   4  94
6   13  83  96
7   90  76  73
8   38  12  86
9   39   8  52
10  18   0  10
11  68  30  48----- df.head(4) -----语文  数学  外语
0  27  19  30
1  56   2  92
2  81  42  24
3  72  18  44----- df.tail(4) -----语文  数学  外语
8   38  12  86
9   39   8  52
10  18   0  10
11  68  30  48----- df.shape -----
(12, 3)----- df.dtypes -----
语文    int32
数学    int32
外语    int32
dtype: object----- df.index -----
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=12, step=1)----- df.columns -----
Index(['语文', '数学', '外语'], dtype='object')----- df.values -----
[[27 19 30][56  2 92][81 42 24][72 18 44][50 23  3][18  4 94][13 83 96][90 76 73][38 12 86][39  8 52][18  0 10][68 30 48]]----- df.describe() -----语文         数学         外语
count  12.000000  12.000000  12.000000
mean   47.500000  26.416667  54.333333
std    26.182923  27.628899  33.499887
min    13.000000   0.000000   3.000000
25%    24.750000   7.000000  28.500000
50%    44.500000  18.500000  50.000000
75%    69.000000  33.000000  87.500000
max    90.000000  83.000000  96.000000----- -----
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 12 entries, 0 to 11
Data columns (total 3 columns):#   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------  --------------  -----0   语文      12 non-null     int321   数学      12 non-null     int322   外语      12 non-null     int32
dtypes: int32(3)
memory usage: 272.0 bytes





import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 50, size=[3, 5]),columns=['IT', '化⼯', '⽣物', '教师', '⼠兵'])
# 查看数据
print(df)df.to_csv('./20221205_info.csv',sep=',',header=True,index=True)""" 输出结果IT  化⼯  ⽣物  教师  ⼠兵
0   31   24   49   23    3
1    9    1   27   31    4
2   20   30    7   32   24

sep = ‘,’ # ⽂本分隔符,默认是逗号

header = True # 是否保存列索引

index = True # 是否保存⾏索引,保存⾏索引,⽂件被加载时,默认⾏索引会作为⼀列

  • 找到文件所在路径打开文件


  • 使用read_csv
import pandas as pddf = pd.read_csv('./20221205_info.csv',sep=',',header=[0],index_col=0)
print(df)""" 输出结果IT  化⼯  ⽣物  教师  ⼠兵
0   31   24   49   23    3
1    9    1   27   31    4
2   20   30    7   32   24
  • 使用read_table
import pandas as pddf = pd.read_table('./20221205_info.csv',sep=',',header=[0],index_col=0)
print(df)""" 输出结果IT  化⼯  ⽣物  教师  ⼠兵
0   31   24   49   23    3
1    9    1   27   31    4
2   20   30    7   32   24



pip install xlrd -i
pip install xlwt -i
pip install openpyxl -i


FutureWarning: As the xlwt package is no longer maintained, the xlwt engine will be removed in a future version of pandas. This is the only engine in pandas that supports writing in the xls format. Install openpyxl and write to an xlsx file instead. You can set the option io.excel.xls.writer to ‘xlwt’ to silence this warning. While this option is deprecated and will also raise a warning, it can be globally set and the warning suppressed.




import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf1 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 50, size=[3, 5]),columns=['IT', '化⼯', '⽣物', '教师', '⼠兵'])
df1.to_excel('./20221206.xlsx',sheet_name='salary',header=True,index=False)df_info = pd.read_excel('./20221206.xlsx',sheet_name='salary',header=0,index_col=0)
print(df_info)""" 输出结果
IT  化⼯  ⽣物  教师  ⼠兵
26  33    2   15   47
33   1   11   48   39
26   7   24   30    0



import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf1 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 50, size=[3, 5]),columns=['IT', '化⼯', '⽣物', '教师', '⼠兵'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 50, size=[4, 3]),columns=['Python', 'Tensorflow', 'Keras'])with pd.ExcelWriter('./20221206_data.xlsx') as writer:df1.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='salary', index=False)df2.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='score', index=False)data_salary = pd.read_excel('./20221206_data.xlsx',sheet_name='salary')
print(data_salary)data_score = pd.read_excel('./20221206_data.xlsx',sheet_name='score')
print(data_score)""" 输出结果IT  化⼯  ⽣物  教师  ⼠兵
0   43   31   17   33  28
1   17   15   44   26  43
2   47   21   15   19   3Python  Tensorflow  Keras
0      48          32     16
1      14          30      3
2      10          28     36
3      42           1      1




pip install sqlalchemy -i
pip install pymysql -i

[root@wangting ~]# mysql -uroot -p123456
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
MariaDB [(none)]> create database pandas;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.000 sec)


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sqlalchemy import create_enginedf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 50, size=[150, 3]),columns=['Python', 'Tensorflow', 'Keras'])
conn = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://root:123456@')
df.to_sql('score',conn,if_exists='append')data = pd.read_sql('select * from score limit 5', conn,index_col=None)
print(data)""" 输出结果index  Python  Tensorflow  Keras
0      0       1           1     14
1      1      43          40     43
2      2       0           3     31
3      3      27           0     10
4      4      38          45     24


MariaDB [(none)]> use pandas;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -ADatabase changed
MariaDB [pandas]> show tables;
| Tables_in_pandas |
| score            |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)MariaDB [pandas]> select * from score limit 3;
| index | Python | Tensorflow | Keras |
|     0 |      1 |          1 |    14 |
|     1 |     43 |         40 |    43 |
|     2 |      0 |          3 |    31 |
3 rows in set (0.000 sec)MariaDB [pandas]> desc score;
| Field      | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| index      | bigint(20) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
| Python     | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| Tensorflow | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| Keras      | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
4 rows in set (0.001 sec)


  • HDF5是⼀个独特的技术套件,可以管理⾮常⼤和复杂的数据收集。

  • HDF5,可以存储不同类型数据的⽂件格式,后缀通常是.h5,它的结构是层次性的。

  • ⼀个HDF5⽂件可以被看作是⼀个组包含了各类不同的数据集

对于HDF5⽂件中的数据存储,有两个核⼼概念:group 和 dataset

dataset 代表数据集,⼀个⽂件当中可以存放不同种类的数据集,这些数据集如何管理,就⽤到了group


​ ⽬录就是HDF5中的group, 描述了数据集dataset的分类信息,通过group 有效的将多种dataset 进⾏管

理和区分;⽂件就是HDF5中的dataset, 表示的是具体的数据。


pip install tables -i


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf1 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 50, size=[4, 5]), columns=['IT', '化⼯', '⽣物', '教师', '⼠兵'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 50, size=[6, 3]), columns=['Python', 'Tensorflow', 'Keras'])
df1.to_hdf('./data.h5', key='salary')
df2.to_hdf('./data.h5', key='score')salary_info = pd.read_hdf('./data.h5', key='salary')
print(salary_info)score_info = pd.read_hdf('./data.h5', key='score')
print(score_info)""" 输出结果IT  化⼯  ⽣物  教师  ⼠兵
0  30  43   4  21  23
1   9  39  37  48  41
2  29  36  39  31  46
3   7  40  27  14  48Python  Tensorflow  Keras
0      22          49     23
1      47          18     25
2      17          17     31
3       2           1     24
4      33          38     16
5      14          21     47



import pandas as pd
import numpy as npdf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 150, size=[8, 3]), columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
print("----- print(df) -----")
print(df)# 获取单列,Series
print("----- df['Chinese'] -----")
print(df['Chinese'])# 获取单列,Series
print("----- df.English -----")
print(df.English)# 获取多列,DataFrame
print("----- df[['Chinese', 'English']] -----")
print(df[['Chinese', 'English']])# 行切片
print("----- df[3:15] -----")
print(df[3:15])""" 输出结果
----- print(df) -----Chinese  Math  English
0       87    24      107
1       37    55        8
2       28    22       77
3       77   138       76
4       16    98       57
5       93    63       60
6      120    26       52
7       84     8      110----- df['Chinese'] -----
0     87
1     37
2     28
3     77
4     16
5     93
6    120
7     84
Name: Chinese, dtype: int32----- df.English -----
0    107
1      8
2     77
3     76
4     57
5     60
6     52
7    110
Name: English, dtype: int32----- df[['Chinese', 'English']] -----Chinese  English
0       87      107
1       37        8
2       28       77
3       77       76
4       16       57
5       93       60
6      120       52
7       84      110----- df[3:15] -----Chinese  Math  English
3       77   138       76
4       16    98       57
5       93    63       60
6      120    26       52
7       84     8      110


import pandas as pd
import numpy as npdf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 150, size=[10, 3]),index=list('ABCDEFGHIJ'), columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])print("----- df -----")
print(df)# 选取指定⾏标签数据
print("----- df.loc[['A', 'C', 'D', 'F']] -----")
print(df.loc[['A', 'C', 'D', 'F']])# 根据⾏标签切⽚,选取指定列标签的数据
print("----- df.loc['A':'E', ['Chinese', 'English']] -----")
print(df.loc['A':'E', ['Chinese', 'English']])# :默认保留所有⾏
print("----- df.loc[:, ['English', 'Math']] -----")
print(df.loc[:, ['English', 'Math']])# ⾏切⽚从标签E开始每2个中取⼀个,列标签进⾏切⽚
print("----- df.loc['E'::2, 'Chinese':'Math'] -----")
print(df.loc['E'::2, 'Chinese':'Math'])# 选取标量值
print("----- df.loc['A', 'Chinese'] -----")
print(df.loc['A', 'Chinese'])""" 输出结果
----- df -----Chinese  Math  English
A       64    46      107
B      115   104        9
C       30    78       27
D       30    52       47
E      120    38      143
F       14    32       22
G       63   146      106
H       78    22       17
I       31    63      147
J       26   110       78----- df.loc[['A', 'C', 'D', 'F']] -----Chinese  Math  English
A       64    46      107
C       30    78       27
D       30    52       47
F       14    32       22----- df.loc['A':'E', ['Chinese', 'English']] -----Chinese  English
A       64      107
B      115        9
C       30       27
D       30       47
E      120      143----- df.loc[:, ['English', 'Math']] -----English  Math
A      107    46
B        9   104
C       27    78
D       47    52
E      143    38
F       22    32
G      106   146
H       17    22
I      147    63
J       78   110----- df.loc['E'::2, 'Chinese':'Math'] -----Chinese  Math
E      120    38
G       63   146
I       31    63----- df.loc['A', 'Chinese'] -----


import pandas as pd
import numpy as npdf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 150, size=[10, 3]), index=list('ABCDEFGHIJ'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A      107     3      101
B      100     3      108
C       75     5       90
D      143    86       22
E       97    76       22
F       80    33       99
G      111    60        5
H       48   126       60
I        7    44       74
J       80    99      125
# ⽤整数位置选择
Chinese    97
Math       76
English    22
Name: E, dtype: int32
"""# ⽤整数切⽚,类似NumPy
print(df.iloc[2:8, 0:2])
"""Chinese  Math
C       75     5
D      143    86
E       97    76
F       80    33
G      111    60
H       48   126
"""# 整数列表按位置切⽚
print(df.iloc[[1, 3, 5], [0, 2, 1]])
"""Chinese  English  Math
B      100      108     3
D      143       22    86
F       80       99    33
"""# ⾏切⽚
print(df.iloc[1:3, :])
"""Chinese  Math  English
B      100     3      108
C       75     5       90
"""# 列切⽚
print(df.iloc[:, :2])
"""Chinese  Math
A      107     3
B      100     3
C       75     5
D      143    86
E       97    76
F       80    33
G      111    60
H       48   126
I        7    44
J       80    99
"""# 选取标量值
print(df.iloc[0, 2])


import pandas as pd
import numpy as npdf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 150, size=[8, 3]),index=list('ABCDEFGH'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])print(df)
"""Chinese  Math  English
A      145   115      112
B       75   138      146
C      110   149        0
D      114    78      124
E      134    32      111
F      112   136      118
G       59    39       33
H       74   132      145
"""print(df[df.Chinese > 100])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A      145   115      112
C      110   149        0
D      114    78      124
E      134    32      111
F      112   136      118
"""# 多个条件同时满足使用&符连接
print(df[(df.Chinese > 50) & (df['English'] > 50)])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A      145   115      112
B       75   138      146
D      114    78      124
E      134    32      111
F      112   136      118
H       74   132      145
"""# 选择DataFrame中满⾜条件的值,如果满⾜返回值,不满足则返回空数据NaN
print(df[df > 50])
"""Chinese   Math  English
A      145  115.0    112.0
B       75  138.0    146.0
C      110  149.0      NaN
D      114   78.0    124.0
E      134    NaN    111.0
F      112  136.0    118.0
G       59    NaN      NaN
H       74  132.0    145.0
"""# isin判断是否在数组中,返回也是boolean类型值
print(df[df.index.isin(['A', 'C', 'F'])])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A      145   115      112
C      110   149        0
F      112   136      118


import pandas as pd
import numpy as npdf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 150, size=[8, 3]),index=list('ABCDEFGH'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A       25   130       34
B       41   146       23
C       98    53       37
D      127   119       64
E       19   103      100
F      108   146       68
G      149   107       40
H       36   131      125
s = pd.Series(data=np.random.randint(0, 150, size=8), index=list('ABCDEFGH'), name='Python')
df['Python'] = s
"""Chinese  Math  English  Python
A       25   130       34      49
B       41   146       23       5
C       98    53       37      76
D      127   119       64     139
E       19   103      100      38
F      108   146       68      59
G      149   107       40      41
H       36   131      125     122
# 按标签赋值:索引A和科目索引Python赋值
df.loc['A', 'Python'] = 256
# 按位置赋值
df.iloc[3, 2] = 512
# 按NumPy数组进⾏赋值
df.loc[:, 'Chinese'] = np.array([128] * 8)
# 按照where条件进⾏赋值,⼤于等于128变成原来的负数,否则不变
df[df >= 128] = -df
"""Chinese  Math  English  Python
A     -128  -130       34    -256
B     -128  -146       23       5
C     -128    53       37      76
D     -128   119     -512    -139
E     -128   103      100      38
F     -128  -146       68      59
G     -128   107       40      41
H     -128  -131      125     122



import pandas as pd
import numpy as npdf1 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 150, size=[3, 3]),index=list('ABC'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 150, size=[3, 3]),index=list('DEF'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
df3 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 150, size=(3, 2)),index=list('ABC'),columns=['Python', 'Java'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A      148   143       47
B       16    50       31
C      121    75       95
"""Chinese  Math  English
D      120    97       67
E       94    99       59
F       67    64       78
"""Python  Java
A      93    28
B     110    61
C      56    15
print(pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=0))
"""Chinese  Math  English
A      148   143       47
B       16    50       31
C      121    75       95
D      120    97       67
E       94    99       59
F       67    64       78
"""Chinese  Math  English
A      148   143       47
B       16    50       31
C      121    75       95
D      120    97       67
E       94    99       59
F       67    64       78
print(pd.concat([df1, df3], axis=1))
"""Chinese  Math  English  Python  Java
A      148   143       47      93    28
B       16    50       31     110    61
C      121    75       95      56    15


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 151, size=(3, 3)),index=list('ABC'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
# 插⼊列
df.insert(loc=1, column='Python', value=1024)
"""Chinese  Python  Math  English
A       32    1024   103       51
B      141    1024   120       62
C      148    1024    57       38
# 注意:
# 1.对⾏的操作,使⽤追加append,默认在最后⾯追加,行插入⽆法指定位置
# 2.所以想要在指定位置插⼊⾏:切割-> 添加-> 合并

6-3.Join SQL风格合并

​ 数据集的合并(merge)或连接(join)运算是通过⼀个或者多个键将数据链接起来的。这些运算是关系型数据库的核⼼操作。pandas的merge函数是数据集进⾏join运算的主要切⼊点


import pandas as pddf1 = pd.DataFrame(data={'name':['周淑怡', '沫子', '呆妹', '阿冷'], 'weight': [70, 55, 75, 65]})df2 = pd.DataFrame(data={'name':['周淑怡', '沫子', '呆妹', '阿冷'], 'height': [165, 164, 167, 166]})
df3 = pd.DataFrame(data={'名字':['周淑怡', '沫子', '呆妹', '阿冷'], 'height': [165, 164, 167, 166]})print(df1)
"""name  weight
0  周淑怡      70
1   沫子      55
2   呆妹      75
3   阿冷      65
"""name  height
0  周淑怡     165
1   沫子     164
2   呆妹     167
3   阿冷     166
"""名字  height
0  周淑怡     165
1   沫子     164
2   呆妹     167
3   阿冷     166
data1 = pd.merge(df1, df2,how='inner',on='name')
"""name  weight  height
0  周淑怡      70     165
1   沫子      55     164
2   呆妹      75     167
3   阿冷      65     166
data2 = pd.merge(df1, df3,how='outer',left_on='name',right_on='名字')
"""name  weight   名字  height
0  周淑怡      70  周淑怡     165
1   沫子      55   沫子     164
2   呆妹      75   呆妹     167
3   阿冷      65   阿冷     166


import pandas as pd
import numpy as npdf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 151, size=(3, 3)),index=list('ABC'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A       38   139       87
B      107   127       74
C       76    88      102
score_mean = pd.DataFrame(df.mean(axis=1).round(1), columns=['平均分'])
data = pd.merge(left=df, right=score_mean,left_index=True,right_index=True)
"""Chinese  Math  English    平均分
A       38   139       87   88.0
B      107   127       74  102.7
C       76    88      102   88.7



import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data={'color':['red', 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'blue', None, 'red'],'price': [10, 20, 10, 15, 20, 0, np.NaN]})print(df)
"""color  price
0    red   10.0
1   blue   20.0
2    red   10.0
3  green   15.0
4   blue   20.0
5   None    0.0
6    red    NaN
  • 重复数据删除过滤
import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data={'color':['red', 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'blue', None, 'red'],'price': [10, 20, 10, 15, 20, 0, np.NaN]})# 判断是否存在重复数据
# 删除重复数据
df_new = df.drop_duplicates()
"""color  price
0    red   10.0
1   blue   20.0
3  green   15.0
5   None    0.0
6    red    NaN


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data={'color':['red', 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'blue', None, 'red'],'price': [10, 20, 10, 15, 20, 0, np.NaN]})# 判断是否存在空数据,存在返回True,否则返回False
# 删除空数据
data1 = df.dropna(how='any')
"""color  price
0    red   10.0
1   blue   20.0
2    red   10.0
3  green   15.0
4   blue   20.0


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data={'color':['red', 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'blue', None, 'red'],'price': [10, 20, 10, 15, 20, 0, np.NaN]})# 判断是否存在空数据,存在返回True,否则返回False
# 将空数据替换成默认值500
data2 = df.fillna(value=500)
print(data2)"""color  price
0    red   10.0
1   blue   20.0
2    red   10.0
3  green   15.0
4   blue   20.0
5    500    0.0
6    red  500.0


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data={'color':['red', 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'blue', None, 'red'],'price': [10, 20, 10, 15, 20, 0, np.NaN]})# 直接删除某列
# del df['color']
# print(df)
0   10.0
1   20.0
2   10.0
3   15.0
4   20.0
5    0.0
6    NaN
# 删除指定列
# data1 = df.drop(labels=['price'], axis=1)
# print(data1)
0    red
1   blue
2    red
3  green
4   blue
5   None
6    red
# 删除指定⾏
data2 = df.drop(labels=[0, 1, 5], axis=0)
"""color  price
2    red   10.0
3  green   15.0
4   blue   20.0
6    red    NaN


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(np.array(([3, 7, 1], [2, 8, 256])),index=['dog', 'cat'],columns=['China', 'America', 'France'])
"""China  America  France
dog      3        7       1
cat      2        8     256
print(df.filter(items=['China', 'France']))
"""China  France
dog      3       1
cat      2     256
# 根据正则表达式删选列标签
print(df.filter(regex='a$', axis=1))
""" 列索引中以a结尾的数据China  America
dog      3        7
cat      2        8
# 选择⾏中包含og
print(df.filter(like='og', axis=0))
""" 行索引中包含og关键词China  America  France
dog      3        7       1


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randn(10000, 3))
# 根据条件找出不满⾜条件数据
data = (df > 3 * df.std()).any(axis=1)  # std()标准差
# 找出不满⾜条件的⾏索引
index = df[data].index
# 再根据⾏索引,进⾏数据删除
data_new = df.drop(labels=index, axis=0)
[9943 rows x 3 columns]



import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(5, 3)),index=list('ABCDE'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A        3     8        0
B        0     2        5
C        0     4        1
D        1     2        9
E        2     2        0
# 定义指定位置为空数值
df.iloc[3, [1, 2]] = None
""" 行索引3,列索引1和2的改为空Chinese  Math  English
A        3   8.0      0.0
B        0   2.0      5.0
C        0   4.0      1.0
D        1   NaN      NaN
E        2   2.0      0.0
# 重命名行与列索引
data1 = df.rename(index={'A': 'AAA', 'B': 'BBB'}, columns={'Chinese': '语文'})
""" 行索引和列索引替换语文  Math  English
AAA   3   8.0      0.0
BBB   0   2.0      5.0
C     0   4.0      1.0
D     1   NaN      NaN
E     2   2.0      0.0
"""# 替换值
print(df.replace(3, 33333))
""" 3替换为33333Chinese  Math  English
A    33333   8.0      0.0
B        0   2.0      5.0
C        0   4.0      1.0
D        1   NaN      NaN
E        2   2.0      0.0
"""print(df.replace([0, 7], 777000))
""" 将值为0或7替换为777000Chinese  Math   English
A        3   8.0  777000.0
B   777000   2.0       5.0
C   777000   4.0       1.0
D        1   NaN       NaN
E        2   2.0  777000.0
print(df.replace({0: 512, np.nan: 666}))
""" 数值为0的值替换为512,空值替换为666Chinese   Math  English
A        3    8.0    512.0
B      512    2.0      5.0
C      512    4.0      1.0
D        1  666.0    666.0
E        2    2.0    512.0
print(df.replace({'Chinese': 0}, -666))
""" Chinese列中数值为0的替换为-666Chinese  Math  English
A        3   8.0      0.0
B     -666   2.0      5.0
C     -666   4.0      1.0
D        1   NaN      NaN
E        2   2.0      0.0
""" Series元素改变

import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 3, size=(5, 3)),index=list('ABCDE'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A        1     0        1
B        0     1        0
C        1     1        0
D        0     2        0
E        2     2        2
# map批量元素改变,Series专有
data1 = df['English'].map({0: '低', 1: '中', 2: '高'})
A    中
B    低
C    低
D    低
E    高
data2 = df['Chinese'].map(lambda x: True if x >= 1 else False)
A     True
B    False
C     True
D    False
E     True
"""def convert(x):if x == 0:return "低"elif x == 1:return "中"else:return "高"data3 = df['Math'].map(convert)
A    低
B    中
C    中
D    高
E    高



import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(6, 3)),index=list('ABCDEF'),columns=['语文', '数学', '外语'])
"""语文  数学  外语
A   3    2    5
B   6    4    4
C   2    8    8
D   7    6    4
E   1    0    3
F   5    1    0
"""data1 = df['外语'].apply(lambda x: True if x > 5 else False)
A    False
B    False
C     True
D    False
E    False
F    False
"""# 列的中位数
data2 = df.apply(lambda x: x.median(), axis=0)
语文    4.0
数学    3.0
外语    4.0
"""# ⾏平均值,计数
def convert(x):return x.mean().round(1), x.count()print(df.apply(convert, axis=1))
A    (3.3, 3)
B    (4.7, 3)
C    (6.0, 3)
D    (5.7, 3)
E    (1.3, 3)
F    (2.0, 3)
"""# 计算DataFrame中每个元素
print(df.applymap(lambda x: x + 100))
""" 每个值增加100语文   数学   外语
A  103  102  105
B  106  104  104
C  102  108  108
D  107  106  104
E  101  100  103
F  105  101  100


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(6, 3)),index=list('ABCDEF'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A        8     6        5
B        3     4        4
C        7     7        5
D        8     7        5
E        1     9        6
F        2     8        3
# 单列执⾏多项计算
data1 = df['Chinese'].transform([np.sqrt, np.exp])
"""sqrt          exp
A  2.828427  2980.957987
B  1.732051    20.085537
C  2.645751  1096.633158
D  2.828427  2980.957987
E  1.000000     2.718282
F  1.414214     7.389056
"""def convert_aa(x):return x + 100def convert_bb(x):return x + 200def convert_cc(x):return x + 300# 多列分别执⾏不同的计算
data2 = df.transform({'Chinese': convert_aa, 'Math': convert_bb, 'English': convert_cc})
"""Chinese  Math  English
A      108   206      305
B      103   204      304
C      107   207      305
D      108   207      305
E      101   209      306
F      102   208      303



import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(6, 3)),index=list('ABCDEF'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A        9     8        0
B        6     2        1
C        4     5        5
D        9     8        5
E        1     1        3
F        6     8        7
# 获取随机排序数
ran = np.random.permutation(6)
[3 0 2 1 5 4]
# 根据ran获取随机排序数来随机重排DataFrame
df1 = df.take(ran)
"""Chinese  Math  English
D        9     8        5
A        9     8        0
C        4     5        5
B        6     2        1
F        6     8        7
E        1     1        3
# 随机抽样
print(df.take(np.random.randint(0, 6, size=4)))
"""Chinese  Math  English
F        6     8        7
D        9     8        5
D        9     8        5
C        4     5        5


import pandas as pd# 哑变量,独热编码,1表示有,0表示没有
df = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['b', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'b']})
print(pd.get_dummies(df, prefix='', prefix_sep=''))
"""a  b  c
0  0  1  0
1  0  1  0
2  1  0  0
3  0  0  1
4  1  0  0
5  0  1  0


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf1 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(5, 3)),index=list('ABCDE'),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A       93    32       14
B       55    79       84
C       14    10       36
D        4    42       88
E       91    81       20
# 转置
"""A   B   C   D   E
Chinese  93  55  14   4  91
Math     32  79  10  42  81
English  14  84  36  88  20
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(10, 3)),index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([list('ABCDE'), ['期中', '期末']]),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
A 期中       80    56       98期末       86    46       53
B 期中       72    81       22期末       98    99       23
C 期中       75    38       91期末       11    95       28
D 期中       98    13       29期末       46    23       87
E 期中        6    33       70期末       44    30       67
# ⾏旋转成列,level指定哪⼀层,进⾏变换
"""Chinese     Math     English    期中  期末   期中  期末      期中  期末
A      80   86     56  46        98  53
B      72   98     81  99        22  23
C      75   11     38  95        91  28
D      98   46     13  23        29  87
E       6   44     33  30        70  67
# 列旋转成⾏
A  期中  Chinese    80Math       56English    98期末  Chinese    86Math       46English    53
B  期中  Chinese    72Math       81English    22期末  Chinese    98Math       99English    23
C  期中  Chinese    75Math       38English    91期末  Chinese    11Math       95English    28
D  期中  Chinese    98Math       13English    29期末  Chinese    46Math       23English    87
E  期中  Chinese     6Math       33English    70期末  Chinese    44Math       30English    67
# ⾏列互换
"""期中  期末
A Chinese  80  86Math     56  46English  98  53
B Chinese  72  98Math     81  99English  22  23
C Chinese  75  11Math     38  95English  91  28
D Chinese  98  46Math     13  23English  29  87
E Chinese   6  44Math     33  30English  70  67
# 各学科平均分
Chinese    61.6
Math       51.4
English    56.8
# 各学科,每个⼈期中期末平均分
"""Chinese  Math  English
A     83.0  51.0     75.5
B     85.0  90.0     22.5
C     43.0  66.5     59.5
D     72.0  18.0     58.0
E     25.0  31.5     68.5
# 各学科,期中期末所有⼈平均分
"""Chinese  Math  English
期中     66.2  44.2     62.0
期末     57.0  58.6     51.6


​ pandas对象拥有⼀组常⽤的数学和统计⽅法。它们属于汇总统计,对Series汇总计算获取mean、max值或者对DataFrame⾏、列汇总计算返回⼀个Series。


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(10, 3)),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
0       16     4       24
1       13    78       31
2       15    79       75
3       25    18       29
4       77     6       41
5       53    32       32
6        7    37       16
7       60    61       29
8       56    76        0
9       59    39       86
"""# ⾮NA值的数量
Chinese    10
Math       10
English    10
"""# 轴0最⼤值,即每⼀列最⼤值
Chinese    77
Math       79
English    86
"""# 默认计算轴0最⼩值
Chinese    7
Math       4
English    0
"""# 中位数
Chinese    39.0
Math       38.0
English    30.0
"""# 求和
Chinese    381
Math       430
English    363
"""# 轴1平均值,即每⼀⾏的平均值
0    14.666667
1    40.666667
2    56.333333
3    24.000000
4    41.333333
5    39.000000
6    20.000000
7    50.000000
8    44.000000
9    61.333333
"""# 分位数
print(df.quantile(q=[0.2, 0.4, 0.8]))
"""Chinese  Math  English
0.2     14.6  15.6     22.4
0.4     21.4  35.0     29.0
0.8     59.2  76.4     47.8
"""# 查看数值型列的汇总各类统计
"""Chinese       Math    English
count  10.000000  10.000000  10.000000
mean   38.100000  43.000000  36.300000
std    25.304589  29.101355  25.871692
min     7.000000   4.000000   0.000000
25%    15.250000  21.500000  25.250000
50%    39.000000  38.000000  30.000000
75%    58.250000  72.250000  38.750000
max    77.000000  79.000000  86.000000


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(5, 3)),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])
"""Chinese  Math  English
0       50    93       30
1       53    47       94
2       64    24       79
3       76    74       83
4       55    52        8
# 计算最⼩值位置 : 0
# 计算最⼤值位置 : 1
# 最⼤值索引标签
Chinese    3
Math       0
English    1
# 最⼩值索引标签
Chinese    0
Math       2
English    4


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(12, 3)),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])print(df)
"""Chinese  Math  English
0         0     3        2
1         7     8        1
2         4     3        9
3         5     5        0
4         4     5        5
5         8     0        4
6         4     1        2
7         8     0        4
8         0     0        1
9         2     7        0
10        7     2        0
11        1     8        0
"""# 统计元素出现次数
4    3
0    2
7    2
8    2
5    1
2    1
1    1
"""# 去重
[2 1 9 0 5 4]
"""# 累加
"""Chinese  Math  English
0         0     3        2
1         7    11        3
2        11    14       12
3        16    19       12
4        20    24       17
5        28    24       21
6        32    25       23
7        40    25       27
8        40    25       28
9        42    32       28
10       49    34       28
11       50    42       28
"""# 累乘
"""Chinese  Math  English
0         0     3        2
1         0    24        2
2         0    72       18
3         0   360        0
4         0  1800        0
5         0     0        0
6         0     0        0
7         0     0        0
8         0     0        0
9         0     0        0
10        0     0        0
11        0     0        0
# 标准差
Chinese    2.949063
Math       3.060006
English    2.741378
"""# ⽅差
Chinese    8.696970
Math       9.363636
English    7.515152
"""# 累计最⼩值
"""Chinese  Math  English
0         0     3        2
1         0     3        1
2         0     3        1
3         0     3        0
4         0     3        0
5         0     0        0
6         0     0        0
7         0     0        0
8         0     0        0
9         0     0        0
10        0     0        0
11        0     0        0
"""# 累计最⼤值
"""Chinese  Math  English
0         0     3        2
1         7     8        2
2         7     8        9
3         7     8        9
4         7     8        9
5         8     8        9
6         8     8        9
7         8     8        9
8         8     8        9
9         8     8        9
10        8     8        9
11        8     8        9
"""# 计算差分
"""Chinese  Math  English
0       NaN   NaN      NaN
1       7.0   5.0     -1.0
2      -3.0  -5.0      8.0
3       1.0   2.0     -9.0
4      -1.0   0.0      5.0
5       4.0  -5.0     -1.0
6      -4.0   1.0     -2.0
7       4.0  -1.0      2.0
8      -8.0   0.0     -3.0
9       2.0   7.0     -1.0
10      5.0  -5.0      0.0
11     -6.0   6.0      0.0
"""# 计算百分⽐变化
"""Chinese      Math  English
0        NaN       NaN      NaN
1        inf  1.666667    -0.50
2  -0.428571 -0.625000     8.00
3   0.250000  0.666667    -1.00
4  -0.200000  0.000000      inf
5   1.000000 -1.000000    -0.20
6  -0.500000       inf    -0.50
7   1.000000 -1.000000     1.00
8  -1.000000       NaN    -0.75
9        inf       inf    -1.00
10  2.500000 -0.714286      NaN
11 -0.857143  3.000000      NaN


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(6, 3)),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])print(df)
"""Chinese  Math  English
0        6     1        8
1        7     8        5
2        9     0        4
3        4     0        3
4        5     0        5
5        6     0        5
"""# 属性的协⽅差
"""Chinese  Math  English
Chinese  2.966667   1.3      0.2
Math     1.300000  10.3      0.6
English  0.200000   0.6      2.8
"""# Python和Keras的协⽅差 0.2
print(df['Chinese'].cov(df['English']))# 所有属性相关性系数
"""Chinese      Math   English
Chinese  1.000000  0.235175  0.069393
Math     0.235175  1.000000  0.111726
English  0.069393  0.111726  1.000000
"""# 单⼀属性相关性系数
Chinese    0.235175
Math       1.000000
English    0.111726


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 30, size=(6, 3)),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])print(df)
"""Chinese  Math  English
0       20    25       13
1       15     2       18
2       15    17       27
3        7    18       21
4       14    11       24
5       22    10       21
# 按索引排序,升序
print(df.sort_index(axis=0, ascending=True))# 按列名排序,降序
print(df.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=False))
"""Math  English  Chinese
0    25       13       20
1     2       18       15
2    17       27       15
3    18       21        7
4    11       24       14
5    10       21       22
"""# 按列名属性值排序
"""Chinese  Math  English
3        7    18       21
4       14    11       24
1       15     2       18
2       15    17       27
0       20    25       13
5       22    10       21
# 先按Chinese排序,再按English继续排序
print(df.sort_values(by=['Chinese', 'English']))
"""Chinese  Math  English
3        7    18       21
4       14    11       24
1       15     2       18
2       15    17       27
0       20    25       13
5       22    10       21
"""# 根据属性English排序,返回最⼤10个数据
print(df.nlargest(2, columns='English'))
"""Chinese  Math  English
2       15    17       27
4       14    11       24
"""# 根据属性Chinese排序,返回最⼩3个数据
print(df.nsmallest(3, columns='Chinese'))
"""Chinese  Math  English
3        7    18       21
4       14    11       24
1       15     2       18


  • 分箱操作就是将连续数据转换为分类对应物的过程

  • 分箱操作分为等距分箱和等频分箱

  • 分箱操作也叫⾯元划分或者离散化

import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0, 150, size=(15, 3)),columns=['Chinese', 'Math', 'English'])# 等宽分箱
print(pd.cut(df.Chinese, bins=3))
0     (76.0, 113.0]
1     (76.0, 113.0]
2      (39.0, 76.0]
3     (76.0, 113.0]
4     (1.889, 39.0]
5     (76.0, 113.0]
6     (76.0, 113.0]
7     (1.889, 39.0]
8     (76.0, 113.0]
9     (1.889, 39.0]
10     (39.0, 76.0]
11    (76.0, 113.0]
12    (1.889, 39.0]
13     (39.0, 76.0]
14    (76.0, 113.0]
"""# 指定宽度分箱
data1 = pd.cut(df.English,bins=[0, 60, 90, 120, 150],right=False,labels=['不及格', '中等', '良好', '优秀'])
0      良好
1      良好
2     不及格
3     不及格
4      良好
5     不及格
6      优秀
7      良好
8     不及格
9      良好
10     中等
11     中等
12     良好
13     良好
14    不及格
"""# 等频分箱
data2 = pd.qcut(df.Chinese, q=4,labels=['差', '中', '良', '优'])
0     优
1     优
2     中
3     中
4     差
5     良
6     优
7     差
8     良
9     差
10    中
11    优
12    差
13    中
14    良




import numpy as np
import pandas as pd# 准备数据
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'sex': np.random.randint(0, 2, size=10),'class': np.random.randint(1, 9, size=10),'Python': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'Keras': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'Tensorflow': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'Java': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'C++': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10)})# 将0,1映射成男⼥
df['sex'] = df['sex'].map({0: '男', 1: '⼥'})
"""sex  class  Python  Keras  Tensorflow  Java  C++
0   男      6      33    130          77    87   45
1   ⼥      6      53    102          62   108   23
2   ⼥      2     113     83          14    59  119
"""# 1、分组->可迭代对象
# 单分组
g = df.groupby(by='sex')[['Python', 'Java']]
for name, data in g:print('组名:', name)print('数据:', data)
组名: ⼥
数据:   sex  class  Python  Keras  Tensorflow  Java  C++
1   ⼥      6      53    102          62   108   23
2   ⼥      2     113     83          14    59  119
4   ⼥      4      28     16         115   127   37
5   ⼥      5      68    149          36    80   31
8   ⼥      2      67     58         120    60   90
9   ⼥      2     109    109          49    72    6
组名: 男
数据:   sex  class  Python  Keras  Tensorflow  Java  C++
0   男      6      33    130          77    87   45
3   男      2     110     47          17    29  143
6   男      3     113     24          70    90   78
7   男      5     141     90          90   133  102
df.groupby(by=['class', 'sex'])[['Python']] # 多分组
df['Python'].groupby(df['class']) # 单分组
df['Keras'].groupby([df['class'], df['sex']]) # 多分组
df.groupby(df.dtypes, axis=1) # 按数据类型分组
  • 通过字典进⾏分组
import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data={'sex': np.random.randint(0, 2, size=10),'class': np.random.randint(1, 9, size=10),'Python': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'Keras': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'Tensorflow': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'Java': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'C++': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10)})# 通过字典进⾏分组
m = {'sex': 'category', 'class': 'category', 'Python': 'IT', 'Keras': 'IT', 'Tensorflow': 'IT', 'Java': 'IT','C + +': 'IT'}
for name, data in df.groupby(m, axis=1):print('组名', name)print('数据', data)
组名 IT
数据    Python  Keras  Tensorflow  Java
0      89     59          29    82
1     150      7         128     4
2     127     15          25    66
3      83     67         126    16
4      83    120         101   109
5      29    116          18    87
6      34     40         123   137
7       9     11         105    79
8      29    117          25   140
9      63     33          47    71
组名 category
数据    sex  class
0    0      2
1    0      8
2    0      6
3    0      7
4    1      5
5    0      8
6    1      7
7    0      7
8    0      7
9    1      6


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data={'sex': np.random.randint(0, 2, size=10),'class': np.random.randint(1, 9, size=10),'Python': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'Keras': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'Tensorflow': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'Java': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10),'C++': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=10)})# 保留1位⼩数
"""class  Python  Keras  Tensorflow   Java   C++
0      3.2    38.8   45.2        94.6  115.0  68.0
1      2.6    50.4   61.6        88.0   53.0  89.8
"""# 按照班级和性别进⾏分组,Python、Keras的最⼤值聚合
print(df.groupby(by=['class', 'sex'])[['Python', 'Keras']].max())
"""Python  Keras
class sex
1     0        97     951        80     63
2     0        30     47
3     0        72     631       113     45
5     0       104    111
7     1       114     80
"""# 按照班级和性别进⾏分组,计数聚合。统计每个班,男⼥⼈数
print(df.groupby(by=['class', 'sex']).size())
class  sex
1      0      1
2      1      1
3      1      1
5      0      1
6      0      21      2
8      0      2
"""# 基本描述性统计聚合
print(df.groupby(by=['class', 'sex']).describe())
"""Python                           ...     C++                      count   mean        std    min  ...     25%    50%     75%    max
class sex                                  ...
1     0      1.0   97.0        NaN   97.0  ...   56.00   56.0   56.00   56.0
3     0      1.0   73.0        NaN   73.0  ...  134.00  134.0  134.00  134.0
4     0      2.0   88.0  60.811183   45.0  ...   44.25   69.5   94.75  120.0
5     1      2.0   61.0  53.740115   23.0  ...  106.50  110.0  113.50  117.0
6     0      1.0  135.0        NaN  135.0  ...  120.00  120.0  120.00  120.0
7     1      2.0  109.5  50.204581   74.0  ...   24.75   38.5   52.25   66.0
8     0      1.0   31.0        NaN   31.0  ...   23.00   23.0   23.00   23.0


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data={'sex': np.random.randint(0, 2, size=300),'class': np.random.randint(1, 9, size=300),'Python': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'Keras': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'Tensorflow': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'Java': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'C++': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300)})# 分组后调⽤apply,transform封装单⼀函数计算
data1 = df.groupby(by=['class', 'sex'])[['Python', 'Keras']].apply(np.mean).round(1)
"""Python  Keras
class sex
1     0      70.6   66.81      76.3   85.6
2     0      75.8   74.21      74.8   72.1
3     0      83.3   86.91      65.5   85.6
4     0      69.5   70.81      76.8   52.1
5     0      69.7   71.01      82.1   53.4
6     0      79.3   96.71      75.9   68.5
7     0      71.6   88.31      63.4   69.8
8     0      85.7   60.01      76.1  100.9"""# 最⼤值最⼩值归⼀化
def normalization(x):return (x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min())# 返回全数据,返回DataFrame.shape和原DataFrame.shape⼀样。
data2 = df.groupby(by=['class', 'sex'])[['Python', 'Tensorflow']].transform(normalization).round(3)
"""Python  Tensorflow
0     0.460       0.353
1     0.386       0.925
2     0.510       0.255
3     0.748       0.341
4     0.946       0.589
..      ...         ...
295   0.366       0.627
296   0.301       0.310
297   0.500       0.883
298   0.564       0.837
299   0.241       0.294


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data={'sex': np.random.randint(0, 2, size=300),'class': np.random.randint(1, 9, size=300),'Python': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'Keras': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'Tensorflow': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'Java': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'C++': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300)})# agg 多中统计汇总操作
# 分组后调⽤agg应⽤多种统计汇总
data1 = df.groupby(by=['class', 'sex'])[['Tensorflow', 'Keras']].agg([np.max, np.min, pd.Series.count])
"""Tensorflow            Keras           amax amin count  amax amin count
class sex
1     0          150   20    20   146   10    201          140   12    18   145    6    18
2     0          139   21    11   141   45    111          132   11    16   150   14    16
3     0          148   15    16   149   18    161          143    0    26   145    1    26
4     0          148    7    17   144    5    171          135    6    17   129    7    17
5     0          146   31    18   145    0    181          139   33    17   144   17    17
6     0          148    3    23   144    4    231          141    2    27   147    0    27
7     0          125    1    19   149    6    191          140    4    21   142    0    21
8     0          126    2    16   127    7    161          135    1    18   148    8    18
"""# 分组后不同属性应⽤多种不同统计汇总
data2 = df.groupby(by=['class', 'sex'])[['Python', 'Keras']].agg({'Python': [('最⼤值', np.max), ('最⼩值', np.min)],'Keras': [('计数', pd.Series.count),('中位数', np.median)]})
"""Python     Keras       最⼤值 最⼩值    计数    中位数
class sex
1     0      149  13    20   78.01      119   4    18  103.0
2     0      131   1    11  100.01      144   0    16   57.0
3     0      148   8    16   87.01      146   1    26   85.5
4     0      149   3    17   73.01      148   2    17   48.0
5     0      148  14    18   79.51      139   7    17   74.0
6     0      150   1    23   87.01      146   0    27  103.0
7     0      148   3    19   99.01      146   0    21   69.0
8     0      142  18    16   75.51      150   1    18   56.0


import numpy as np
import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(data={'sex': np.random.randint(0, 2, size=300),'class': np.random.randint(1, 9, size=300),'Python': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'Keras': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'Tensorflow': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'Java': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300),'C++': np.random.randint(0, 151, size=300)})# 透视表
def count(x):return len(x)# 要透视分组的值
data = df.pivot_table(values=['Python', 'Keras', 'Tensorflow'],index=['class', 'sex'],aggfunc={'Python': [('最⼤值', np.max)],'Keras': [('最⼩值', np.min), ('中位数', np.median)],'Tensorflow': [('最⼩值', np.min), ('平均值', np.mean), ('计数', count)]})
"""Keras       Python Tensorflow            中位数   最⼩值    最⼤值        平均值   最⼩值    计数
class sex
1     0     98.0  26.0    147  52.347826   4.0  23.01     50.0   4.0    126  89.562500   5.0  16.0
2     0     65.0   0.0    148  62.956522   0.0  23.01     91.0   9.0    146  84.850000  19.0  20.0
3     0     61.0   1.0    135  75.260870   6.0  23.01     85.0   2.0    139  44.250000   1.0  16.0
4     0     88.0   5.0    150  76.866667   6.0  15.01    101.0  20.0    142  76.125000   6.0  16.0
5     0    104.5   7.0    150  80.200000   1.0  20.01     55.0   1.0    150  77.238095  28.0  21.0
6     0     69.5   1.0    148  96.318182  31.0  22.01     81.0  16.0    138  74.800000  19.0  15.0
7     0     69.5   0.0    150  76.136364   2.0  22.01     67.0   2.0    141  56.142857   2.0  14.0
8     0     60.5   3.0    142  75.687500  10.0  16.01     72.5   5.0    135  79.111111   4.0  18.0



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd# 时刻数据 2022-12-07 10:00:00
print(pd.Timestamp('2022-12-07 10'))  # 2022-12-07 10:00:00# 时期数据
print(pd.Period('2022-12-07 10:08:08', freq='Y'))  # 2022
print(pd.Period('2022-12-07 10:08:08', freq='M'))  # 2022-12
print(pd.Period('2022-12-07 10:08:08', freq='D'))  # 2022-12-07
print(pd.Period('2022-12-07 10:08:08', freq='H'))  # 2022-12-07 10:00# 批量时刻数据
index = pd.date_range('2022.12.07', periods=5, freq='M')
"""# 批量时期数据
print(pd.period_range('2022.12.07', periods=5, freq='M'))
'2022-12', '2023-01', '2023-02', '2023-03', '2023-04'
"""# 时间戳索引Series
index_info = pd.date_range('2022.12.07', periods=5, freq='D')
ts = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0, 10, size=5), index=index_info)
2022-12-07    4
2022-12-08    7
2022-12-09    4
2022-12-10    5
2022-12-11    1
"""# 转换⽅法
print(pd.to_datetime(['2022.12.07', '2022-12-07', '07/12/2022', '2022/12/07']))
'2022-12-07', '2022-12-07', '2022-07-12', '2022-12-07'
"""print(pd.to_datetime([1670582232], unit='s'))  # 2022-12-09 10:37:12# 世界标准时间
dt = pd.to_datetime([1670582232401], unit='ms')
print(dt)  # 2022-12-09 10:37:12.401000# 东⼋区时间
print(dt + pd.DateOffset(hours=8))  # 2022-12-09 18:37:12.401000# 3天后⽇期
print(dt + pd.DateOffset(days=3))  # 2022-12-12 10:37:12.401000


import pandas as pdindex = pd.date_range("2022-12-05", periods=200, freq="D")
ts = pd.Series(range(len(index)), index=index)# ⽇期访问数据: 3
print(ts['2022-12-08'])# ⽇期切⽚
2022-12-08    3
2022-12-09    4
2022-12-10    5
"""# 传⼊年⽉
2022-12-05     0
2022-12-06     1
2022-12-07     2
2022-12-29    24
2022-12-30    25
2022-12-31    26
"""# 时间戳索引 : 3
print(ts[pd.Timestamp('2022-12-08')])# 切⽚
2022-12-08    3
print(ts[pd.date_range('2022-12-08', periods=10, freq='D')])
2022-12-08     3
2022-12-09     4
2022-12-10     5
2022-12-11     6
2022-12-12     7
2022-12-13     8
2022-12-14     9
2022-12-15    10
2022-12-16    11
2022-12-17    12
"""# 获取年
[2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022,...2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023]
# 获取星期⼏
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2,...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3]
"""# ⼀年中第⼏个星期⼏
[49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 50, 50, 50,...24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25]



pip install matplotlib -i
pip install jupyter -i

​ Matplotlib 是 Python 的绘图库,它能让使用者很轻松地将数据图形化,并且提供多样化的输出格式,Matplotlib 可以用来绘制各种静态,动态,交互式的图表。Matplotlib 是一个非常强大的 Python 画图工具,我们可以使用该工具将很多数据通过图表的形式更直观的呈现出来。Matplotlib 可以绘制线图、散点图、等高线图、条形图、柱状图、3D 图形、甚至是图形动画等等

​ Jupyter Notebook是一款开发工具,基于网页的用于交互计算的应用程序。其可被应用于全过程计算:开发、文档编写、运行代码和展示结果,经常可以大大增加调试代码效率,快速的展现数据输出结果和图像。

  • Jupyter启动命令行终端

    • Windows----> 快捷键:win + R ----->输⼊:cmd回⻋------>命令⾏出来
    • Mac ---->启动终端
  • 命令行终端中启动jupyter

    • 进⼊终端输⼊指令:jupyter notebook

    • [注意]:在哪⾥启动jupyter启动,浏览器上的⽬录,对应哪⾥


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randn(1000, 4),index=pd.date_range(start='27/6/2012', periods=1000),columns=list('ABCD'))


df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.rand(10, 4),columns=list('ABCD'))


df3 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.rand(4, 2),index=list('ABCD'),columns=['One', 'Two'])
df3.plot.pie(subplots=True, figsize=(8, 8))


df4 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(50, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))
df4.plot.scatter(x='A', y='B')
ax = df4.plot.scatter(x='A', y='C', color='DarkBlue', label='Group 1')
df4.plot.scatter(x='B', y='D', color='DarkGreen', label='Group 2', ax=ax)
df4.plot.scatter(x='A', y='B', s=df4['C'] * 200)


df5 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.rand(10, 4),columns=list('ABCD'))


df6 = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.rand(10, 5),columns=list('ABCDE'))


df7 = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.random.randn(1000) + 1, 'B': np.random.randn(1000),'C': np.random.randn(1000) - 1})
df7.hist(figsize=(8, 8))


  1. python使用pandas模块介绍以及使用,dataframe结构,Series结构,基本数据操作,DataFrame运算,pandas画图,存储,缺失值处理,离散化,合并

    目录 1 pandas介绍 1.1 Pandas介绍 1.2 为什么使用Pandas 1.3 案例:在numpy当中创建的股票涨跌幅数据形式 1.4 DataFrame 1.4.1 DataFrame ...

  2. bufferedreader读取中文乱码_python之pandas模块关于csv文件乱码问题解决

    介绍 相信部分小伙伴们在处理windows系统生成的csv文件时会遇到中文显示乱码的问题,尤其是使用Excel打开这类文件时这类问题尤为突出. 解决 如图,我们通过Excel工具打开该csv文件时,中 ...

  3. Python Pandas模块教程

    Python Pandas模块 (Python Pandas Module) Pandas is an open source library in Python. It provides ready ...

  4. 『Python核心技术与实战』pandas.DataFrame()函数介绍

    pandas.DataFrame()函数介绍! 文章目录 一. 创建DataFrame 1.1. numpy创建 1.2. 直接创建 1.3. 字典创建 1.4. Series和DataFrame 二 ...

  5. Python开发案例,pandas模块使用,实现预测NBA比赛结果

    主要思路 (1)数据选取 获取数据的链接为: 获取的数据内容为: 每支队伍平均每场比赛的表现统计: 每支队伍的对手平均每场比 ...

  6. python读写excel模块pandas_Windows下Python使用Pandas模块操作Excel文件的教程

    安装Python环境ANACONDA是一个Python的发行版本,包含了400多个Python最常用的库,其中就包括了数据分析中需要经常使用到的Numpy和Pandas等.更重要的是,不论在哪个平台上 ...

  7. Pandas模块:表计算与数据分析

    目录 Pandas之Series Pandas之DataFrame 一.pandas简单介绍 1.pandas是一个强大的Python数据分析的工具包. 2.pandas是基于NumPy构建的. 3. ...

  8. 正则表达式re模块使用介绍

    1. re模块的介绍 在Python中需要通过正则表达式对字符串进行匹配的时候,可以使用一个 re 模块 # 导入re模块 import re# 使用match方法进行匹配操作 result = re ...

  9. pythonexcel介绍_Python 中pandas.read_excel详细介绍

    Python 中pandas.read_excel详细介绍 #coding:utf-8 import pandas as pd import numpy as np filefullpath = r& ...


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