We’re going to assume that most How-To Geek writers know how to delete the history, cookies, and cache in Mobile Safari, but just in case you don’t know, here is how to do it.

我们将假设大多数“ How-To Geek”作者都知道如何删除Mobile Safari中的历史记录,Cookie和缓存,但是以防万一,您可以执行以下操作。

Open up the Settings app and find Safari in the left-hand list, and then scroll down the right side until you find the “Clear History and Website Data” button.


You’ll be prompted to verify that you really want to do this, and it will point out that this is also going to delete the history from other devices using your iCloud account to sync Safari.


Perhaps this is a good time to point out that you should use private browsing mode if you don’t want history being saved on your device!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/205653/how-to-clear-history-cache-and-cookies-in-safari-on-iphone-or-ipad/


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