Ctrl+Alt+T  选中

ctrl+alt+o 去除没有使用的import

 Ctrl+K 打开代码提交页面.
  Ctrl+F 搜索,接着 Ctrl+R 替换
   Ctrl+Shift+R.全环境替换, Ctrl+Shift+F 全环境搜索
   选中关键字  Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T,  牛逼了

Ctrl+Alt+V  重构
  Ctrl+斜杠 and Ctrl+Shift+斜杠. 注释
  Ctrl+P  展示方法参数信息
  Ctrl+Shift+Backspace (Navigate | Last Edit Location) brings 
  Use Ctrl+Shift+F7 搜索某个关键词当前文件中使用情况,下一个 F3 上一个shift+F3 
  ALT+insert 自动生成函数
  Alt+Q (View | Context Info) to see the declaration of the current method without the need to scroll to it.
  Use Ctrl+J to complete any valid Live Template abbreviation if you don't remember it. For example, type it and press Ctrl+J to see what happens
  Use Alt+向上箭头 and Alt+向下箭头 keys to quickly move between methods in the editor.
  Ctrl+Shift+V  打开剪贴板
  You can use the Extract Variable refactoring even on incomplete statements. Just press Ctrl+Alt+V, and choose the desired expression:
  To open any particular method or field in the editor quickly, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N (Navigate | Symbol) and start typing its nam
  Use Basic Completion (Ctrl+空格) within HTML, CSS and other files, for completing image file names.
  With a single keystroke, you can apply another code style/coloring scheme or keymap right from the editor. Just press Ctrl+后引号 (View | Quick Switch Scheme), to specify the scheme you want to change.
 使用 Ctrl+Shift+Enter, 快速补齐 as if, do-while, try-catch, return (or a method call) into a syntactically correct construct (e.g. add curly braces).
  Alt+Shift+F10 you can access the Run/Debug dropdown on the main toolbar, without the need to use your mouse.
  To quickly find and run an inspection, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I and start typing the name of the inspection or its group. Choose the desired inspection from the suggestion list and then specify the desired scope.
   Ctrl+Shift+I  迅速查看选中内容的定义
   Alt+Shift+C 查看工程中文件增删修改情况
  Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C 复制引用位置
  ctrl+D 复制到下一行
   Shift+F6 (Refactor | Rename) 重构、重命名
   Ctrl+Shift+向上箭头 or Ctrl+Shift+向下箭头.  代码下、上移动
   Ctrl+Alt+F7  全文查找
   Ctrl+shift+F7  选中某个关键字,查看某个关键字,高亮显示在当前文件中的使用情况
    Ctrl+Shift+A   迅速找到相关操作

Ctrl+Click (on Windows) or Cmd+Click (on MacOS) a tab in the editor to navigate to any part of the file path. Select the necessary element in the drop-down, and the corresponding file path opens in an external browser (e.g., in the Explorer, if your OS is Windows).
 . With the caret at the class name in the editor, press Alt+Enter, and choose Create Test from the suggestion list:
 Use the Switcher (Ctrl+Tab) to switch between open files and tool windows. Keeping Ctrl pressed, use the Up and Down arrow keys, Tab or Shift+Tab, Alt for navigation; use Delete or BackSpace to close editor tab or hide a tool window.

Fix doc comment 设置给类方法加注释

Ctrl+斜杠 comments or uncomments the current line or selected block with single line comments (//...).
Ctrl+Shift+斜杠 encloses the selected block in a block comment (/*...*/).
To uncomment a commented block press Ctrl+Shift+斜杠 anywhere inside it.

ctrl+alt+v  变量重构
Ctrl+Shift+V  打开复制面板
Ctrl+D 生成相同一行代码

Use the Tab key to move between the template fields. See File | Settings | Live Templates for more details. ****************tab键 默认功能

Ctrl+Shift+Backspace 回到最近代码编辑处
 Ctrl+Shift+F7  选中关键字,此快捷键,高亮 显示当前文档中关键字使用情况 ,F3 找下个使用该关键字地方,shift+f3 找上一个
 ctrl+alt+t  将选中代码,外面增加if,while等
  Alt+Q (View | Context Info) to see the declaration of the current method without the need to scroll to it.
   Ctrl+J to complete any valid Live Template abbreviation if you don't remember it. For example, type it and press Ctrl+J to see what happens.
 Alt+向上箭头 and Alt+向下箭头  在editor中,迅速在上下方法间切换.
 Ctrl+Shift+J 将两行合并为一行,移除不必要的空格 
 Refactor | Copy 复制生成一个新的类
 调试期间 选中表达式,按 Alt+F8 查看表达式执行结果
  Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N 直接查询方法等关键字
   Ctrl+Shift+向上箭头 or Ctrl+Shift+向下箭头.  选中内容,上下移动位置
   Ctrl+U 大小写转换
Cmd + Shift + T作为类和测试之间的导航

Alt+Home keyboard shortcut to show the navigation bar, and arrow keys to locate the necessary files or folders.
 To quickly find and run an inspection, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I and start typing the name of the inspection or its group. Choose the desired inspection from the suggestion list and then specify the desired scope.???
选中类名或接口名,ALT+ENTER  可以选择创建子类、测试类等等

Use the Switcher (Ctrl+Tab) to switch between open files and tool windows. Keeping Ctrl pressed, use the Up and Down arrow keys, Tab or Shift+Tab, Alt for navigation; use Delete or BackSpace to close editor tab or hide a tool window.

There are two ways of closing all tabs in the editor, except the current one:
First, right-click the editor tab, and choose Close Others on the context menu.
Second, keeping the Alt key pressed, click   on the editor tab.

To compare two directories, select one or both of them in the Project view and press Ctrl+D.   对比差异

Lucene Solr

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