UCI: Unified Configuration Interface 通用配置接口,主要用于集中控制openwrt的配置文件。






package 'example'config 'example' 'test'option   'string'      'some value'option   'boolean'     '1'list     'collection'  'first item'list     'collection'  'second item'
  • The config 'example' 'test'  statement defines the start of a section with the type example and the name test. There can also be so called anonymous sections with only a type, but no name identifier. The type is important for the processing programs to decide how to treat the enclosed options.


  • The option 'string' 'some value'  and  option 'boolean' '1'  lines define simple values within the section. Note that there are no syntactical differences between text and boolean options. Per convention, boolean options may have one of the values '0', 'no', 'off', 'false' or 'disabled' to specify a false value or '1' , 'yes', 'on', 'true' or 'enabled' to specify a true value.

“string”和“some value”组成了一对值(value)。并且对于文本和布尔型没有明确的界限

  • In the lines starting with a list keyword an option with multiple values is defined. All list statements that share the same name, collection in our example, will be combined into a single list of values with the same order as in the configuration file.

关键字“list”定义了一个数组,共用一个数组名(例如本例中的 collection),

  • The indentation of the option and list statements is a convention to improve the readability of the configuration file but it's not syntactically required.
  • If an option is absent and not required, the default value is assumed. If it is absent and required, it may trigger an error in the application or other unwanted behaviour.
  • A way to disable a config section, that does not have a enabled option to be disabled, is renaming the config section identifier (or type, in this case example) to a value not recognized by the processes that uses those values. Normally a disabled_identifier as config section type/identifier is sufficient.


It is important to know that UCI identifiers and config file names may contain only the characters a-z0-9 and _.





root@hbg:/# cat /etc/config/snmpd
config agent
        option agentaddress UDP:161


root@hbg:/# uci show snmpd


root@hbg:/# uci get snmpd.@agent[0].agentaddress


root@hbg:/# uci get snmpd.agent.agentaddress
uci: Entry not found

来源于:  http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci


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