Component Life Cycle(组件生命周期)

In general, the Component architecture in 2.0 will "just work." It's been designed to handle most of the management of components transparently to the end developer. However, there will come a time when something needs to be customized, or a Component needs to be extended. That's when a thorough understanding of the Component life cycle will become quite helpful. Following are the most important stages in the life cycle of every class based on Component:



  1. The config object is applied(应用配置选项)
    Classes that extend Component do not need to (and usually should not) provide a separate constructor. Component's constructor will not only apply any config passed into its subclasses, it also provides all of the following steps.


  1. The base Component events are created(创建事件)
    These are events that can be fired by any Component, and they are enable, disable, beforeshow, show, beforehide, hide, beforerender, render, beforedestroy, destroy.


  1. The component is registered in ComponentMgr(在ComponentMgr中注册组件实例)
    As such it will always be available via Ext.getCmp.


  1. The initComponent method is called(initComponent方法的调用)
    This is the most important initialization step for subclasses, as this is a template method intended to be implemented by each subclass to provide any needed constructor logic. The class being created is called first, and each class in the hierarchy back up to Component is expected to call superclass.initComponent. This method makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the constructor logic at any step in the hierarchy.


  1. State is initialized (if applicable)(状态被始化)
    If the Component is state-aware, its state will be reloaded if available.


  1. Plugins are loaded (if applicable)(加载插件)
    If this Component has any plugins specified in the config, they will be initialized at this time.


  1. The component is rendered (if applicable)(组件呈现)
    The component is rendered immediately if either renderTo or applyTo is provided in the config, otherwise rendering is deferred until the Component is actually displayed or is told to render by its container.



  1. The beforerender event is fired(beforerender事件被触发)
    This is a cancelable event, giving any handler the ability to prevent the Component from rendering if needed.


  1. The container is set(设置容器)
    If a container is not specified, its element's parent is set as the container.


  1. The onRender method is called(onRender方法被调用)
    This is the most important rendering step for subclasses, as this is a template method intended to be implemented by each subclass to provide the needed rendering logic. The class being created is called first, and each class in the hierarchy back up to Component is expected to call superclass.onRender. This method makes it easy to implement and, if needed, override the rendering logic at any step in the hierarchy.


  1. The Component is "unhidden"(不隐藏组件)
    By default, many components are hidden using special CSS classes like "x-hidden". If the autoShow config value is true, any "hide" classes are removed from the component.


  1. Custom class and/or style applied(应用自定义样式)
    All Component subclasses support the special config properties of cls and style which are a special CSS class and rule respectively that will be applied to the Element underlying this Component. Adding a cls to a Component and using standard CSS inheritance rules is the preferred method for visually customizing a Component and its constituent parts.


  1. The render event is fired(render方法被触发)
    This is simply a notification that the Component has been successfully rendered at this point.


  1. The afterRender method is called(调用afterRender
    This is another template method that can be implemented or overridden to provide any special post-rendering logic that may be needed. Each subclass is expected to call superclass.afterRender.


  1. The Component is hidden and/or disabled (if applicable)(组件隐藏或不可用)
    The hidden and disabled config values are applied at this point.


  1. Any state-specific events are initialized (if applicable)(状态事件被初始化)
    State-aware Components can declare special events that are specific to loading and saving state. If supplied, any such events will be added.



  1. The beforedestroy event is fired(beforedestroy事件被触发)
    This is a cancelable event, giving any handler the ability to prevent the Component from being destroyed if needed.


  1. The beforeDestroy method is called(beforeDestroy方法被调用)
    This is another template method that can be implemented or overridden to provide any special pre-destruction logic that may be needed. Each subclass is expected to call superclass.beforeDestroy.


  1. Element and its listeners are removed(事件监听者(代理)被移除)
    If the Component has been rendered, its underlying Element's event listeners are removed and the Element itself is then removed from the DOM.


  1. The onDestroy method is called(onDestroy被调用)
    This is another template method that can be implemented or overridden to provide any special post-destruction logic that may be needed. Each subclass is expected to call superclass.onDestroy. Note that the Container class (and any subclasses as well) provides a default implementation of onDestroy that automatically loops through its items collection and calls destroy on each child Component.


  1. Component is unregistered from ComponentMgr(组件实例从ComponentMgr中反注册)
    It will no longer be available via Ext.getCmp.


  1. The destroy event is fired(destroy事件被触发)
    This is simply a notification that the Component has been successfully destroyed at this point.


  1. Event listeners on the Component are removed(Component上的事件代理被移除)
    The Component itself can have event listeners separate from its underlying Element. If any exist, they are removed.


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