
The browser wars are at an end, or are they? After what seemed like a long hiatus, it appears the conflict might begin anew, only on a new playing field. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser has been deemed the winner by many. Now, with the efforts of (which comprises many Netscape engineers) and an open-source approach, the new Netscape browser is attempting a comeback; an endeavor in which it might just succeed…

浏览器大战已经结束,或者是? 经过一段漫长的中断之后,似乎冲突可能会重新开始,只有在新的竞争环境上。 微软的Internet Explorer浏览器被许多人视为赢家。 现在,在包括许多Netscape工程师)和开放源代码方法的努力下,新的Netscape浏览器正试图卷土重来。 一种可能成功的努力…

安装 (Installation)

Ever since the unveiling of the NS 6 Preview Releases, Netscape has followed Microsoft’s lead, using a small application to download the core components of their browsers. However, Netscape’s versions of these apps tended to be buggy, and never seemed to connect very well, which made those users with slow dial-up connections wince at the prospect of downloading these large files. All in all, the installation of Netescape 6 was renowned as a nightmare, and it once seemed that the only reason users might endure the process would be to test compatibility.

自从NS 6预览版发布以来,Netscape一直紧随Microsoft的领导,使用一个小型应用程序下载其浏览器的核心组件。 但是,这些应用程序的Netscape版本往往是错误的,而且似乎从未很好地连接,这使得那些拨号连接速度较慢的用户不愿下载这些大文件。 总而言之,Netescape 6的安装被誉为一场噩梦,而且曾经看起来用户可以忍受此过程的唯一原因是测试兼容性。

In this round however, Netscape’s installer application not only receives a facelift (indeed, it looks quite different), it also seems to be crash-resistant. Additionally, I never experienced any "hang time" while downloading (and I’m one of those aforementioned slow dial-up users)! The download is roughly 20 megs — but it’s still smaller than the equivalent IE download. And immediately after all the files I’d opted to download (yes, you can customize of course) were safely saved on my computer, the installation took over. I wasn’t even at my computer, and yet when I returned the installation was complete! Now I was ready to load up this new monster.

然而,在这一轮中,Netscape的安装程序不仅进行了改头换面(实际上,它看起来完全不同),而且似乎具有防崩溃功能。 此外,我在下载时从未经历过任何“闲置时间”(而且我是上述慢速拨号用户之一)! 该下载大约为20兆-但仍小于等效的IE下载。 然后,在我选择下载的所有文件(是的,您可以自定义)之后,将这些文件安全地保存在了我的计算机上之后,安装即接手了。 我什至不在电脑旁,但是当我返回时,安装已完成! 现在我准备加载这个新怪物。

性能 (Performance)

When Mozilla released the .092 build of its browser, they bundled with it the ability to run the massive Mozilla engine in the background, which effectively makes the excruciating load time Mozilla-based browsers originally required a thing of the past. Netscape has followed suit, and now I can open Netscape 6.1 with just a 10 second wait (and if that sounds too long to you, just picture it taking 30 seconds… see your worries disappearing?). Immediately upon opening the browser, I dove into the first test — page loading. The Mozilla engine has always seemed to render pages and content a little faster than its IE counterpart — of course provided that one’s computer could run the program without choking…. Good news everybody: it still can. Upon startup, I noticed a small increase in memory usage (an increase of roughly 5%), which allowed Netscape to actually run and perform what it was meant to do — browse — more effectively than it has in previous iterations!

当Mozilla发布其浏览器的.092版本时,他们捆绑了在后台运行大型Mozilla引擎的功能,这实际上使基于Mozilla的浏览器原本需要的冗长加载时间已成为过去。 Netscape也效仿了,现在我只需等待10秒钟即可打开Netscape 6.1(如果这听起来对您来说太长了,只需想象一下要花30秒的时间……您的担心就消失了吗?)。 打开浏览器后,我立即进入了第一个测试-页面加载。 Mozilla引擎似乎总是比IE引擎渲染页面和内容要快一些—当然,只要人的计算机可以运行该程序而不会阻塞……。 大家好消息:还可以。 启动时,我注意到内存使用量略有增加(大约增加了5%),这使Netscape可以实际运行和执行其意图-浏览-比以前的迭代更有效!

I went to several sites (SitePoint Forums was one of them), and noticed all of the pages seemed to load more quickly than they do in IE. Whenever I loaded a page, it seemed to chew through the code like it was cotton candy. That’s really worth something.

我去了几个站点(SitePoint论坛就是其中之一),并且注意到所有页面的加载似乎比IE中的加载更快。 每当我加载页面时,它似乎都会像棉花糖一样仔细检查代码。 那真的很值得。

Anyone who has had the privilege of using prior releases of Netscape 6 will know that crashes occurred so frequently that for one to use Netscape for any extended period of time was suicide, so to speak. Well, not any longer. I have yet to crash this version — it just won’t bite the dust. It seems that now I can actually use 6.1 for practical tasks over a decent amount of time. As I was unable to crash it, I decided to take a look into some of the other features of this new release.

有权使用Netscape 6以前版本的任何人都将知道崩溃发生的频率如此之高,以至于长时间使用Netscape的人自杀。 好吧,不再。 我还没有崩溃这个版本-它只是不会咬灰尘。 看来现在我可以在相当长的时间内实际将6.1用于实际任务。 由于无法崩溃,因此决定查看此新发行版的其他一些功能。

特征 (Features)

Upon first opening 6.1, users will notice a slight face lift. There isn’t quite so much green as before, but instead more of a gray tone. The status bar on the bottom left has been moved to the right (following the example of IE6), and as a whole, the browser looks more streamlined.

首次打开6.1时,用户将注意到轻微的面部提升。 没有像以前那么多的绿色,而是更多的灰色调。 左下方的状态栏已移至右侧(按照IE6的示例),并且从整体上看,浏览器看起来更加简化。

It seems that standard in today’s IE and NS programs are enough bells and whistles to satisfy any user. As they say "imitation is the highest form of flattery", and I imagine the crew over at Netscape should be feeling pretty good about that saying now. IE6 reminds me of Netscape 6.1 in more ways than one — leaving the question open: "is Netscape really all that bad?" Obviously some people don’t think so…

如今的IE和NS程序中的标准似乎足以满足任何用户的要求。 正如他们所说的“模仿是奉承的最高形式”,我想Netscape的工作人员现在应该对这句话感到很好。 IE6使我想起了Netscape 6.1的方式不止一种-让问题悬而未决:“ Netscape真的那么糟糕吗?” 显然有些人不这么认为……

Bookmarks are managed via the same manager Netscape has used since version 4 (which, incidentally, I have always preferred over IE’s methods). Additionally, in many prior releases of NS6, I had a lot of trouble even running the Mail program (facing issues that ranged from crashes, to freezes, and even load failures which made it hard to consider the Mail client useful). Well, surprise. I have encountered no trouble at all utilizing it in this version — perhaps I’ll make it my default Mail handler one of these days.

书签是由Netscape自版本4开始使用的同一管理器来管理的(顺便说一句,我总是比IE的方法更喜欢)。 此外,在许多以前的NS6版本中,即使运行Mail程序,我也遇到很多麻烦(面临着崩溃,冻结,甚至加载失败等问题,这使得Mail客户端很难用)。 好吧,惊喜。 在此版本中使用它时,我一点都没有遇到麻烦-也许我将其中之一作为默认邮件处理程序。

底线 (The Bottom Line)

Overall, Netscape 6.1 is a vast improvement over the prior releases. Bugs are virtually nonexistent. Usability and load time have made a lot of progress in terms of stability and speed, respectively. And the program as a whole runs faster and consumes less system resources than before.

总体而言,Netscape 6.1是对先前版本的巨大改进。 错误实际上是不存在的。 可用性和加载时间分别在稳定性和速度方面取得了很大进步。 整个程序运行速度比以前更快,消耗的系统资源也更少。

Simply put, NS6.1 may be the missing link Netscape has needed in order to grab back a decent chunk of market share. However, only time will tell. Web developers who only use Mozilla-based browsers to test Web page compatibility will probably opt to stick with the latest version of Mozilla (.093). But you shouldn’t ignore NS6.1 altogether. I’m sure I’ll be using both.

简而言之,NS6.1可能是Netscape夺回相当一部分市场份额所需的缺失环节。 但是,只有时间会证明一切。 仅使用基于Mozilla的浏览器来测试Web页面兼容性的Web开发人员可能会选择坚持使用最新版本的Mozilla(.093)。 但是,您不应完全忽略NS6.1。 我确定我会同时使用两者。

Download Netscape 6.1 today, and try it for yourself.

立即下载 Netscape 6.1,然后自己尝试。



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