Adding a text box to a document is a great way to highlight relevant information—like a pull quote—and be able to move it around easily. Google doesn’t make adding one obvious, so here’s how to add a text box to a Google Docs file.

在文档中添加文本框是突出显示相关信息(如拉引号)并能够轻松移动它的好方法。 Google不会明显地添加一个,因此下面是向Google Docs文件添加文本框的方法。

如何在Google文档中添加文本框 (How to Add a Text Box in Google Docs)

Google Docs lets you add text boxes to your documents to personalize and highlight specific information, but it does so in a different way than you might expect. To add one, you must first open up the Drawing Tool—not something that springs to mind when it’s text you want to add.

Google文档可让您在文档中添加文本框,以个性化和突出显示特定信息,但是这样做的方式与您预期的不同。 要添加一个,您必须首先打开“绘图工具”-当您要添加的文本时,不会想到任何东西。

In your document, open the “Insert” menu and then choose the “Drawing” command.


In the Drawing window that opens, click the “Text Box” button on the toolbar at the top.


Now, click and drag your mouse to create a text box in the space provided, and then add your desired text.


After you’ve created a text box and added some text, you can customize it to your liking by using the toolbar. Click the three dots to reveal the extended text toolbar.

创建文本框并添加一些文本后,可以使用工具栏根据自己的喜好对其进行自定义。 单击三个点以显示扩展的文本工具栏。

This lets you change the color of the background, border, and font, as well as apply other formatting choices like bold, italics, bullets, and so on.


Once your text box is looking the way you want, click “Save & Close” to add it to your document.


You can now move the text box where you like. If you need to make any changes to it, double-click the text box to bring up the drawing tools again. Alternatively, you can click on the text box you want to change, and then click “Edit.”

现在,您可以将文本框移动到所需的位置。 如果需要对其进行任何更改,请双击文本框以再次调出绘图工具。 或者,您可以单击要更改的文本框,然后单击“编辑”。

Although this method isn’t the most straightforward way to add a text box to a document, it provides you with an easy way to insert and manipulate text boxes throughout your entire file.




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