
And they lived across the street from MITS in the Sundowner motel,and the prostitutes and the drug dealers are out on the corner,and they were writing BASIC for the Altair computer and gradually they actually started Microsoft here in Albuquerque.We hired some of our high school friends basically to come down and stay with us in our apartment which because very crowded.We were pretty young,we started when I was 19,so we just had a lot of energy,They worked really hard,they listened to really loud music,I couldn't stand to go to the software room sometimes because the music banging off the walls,mostly acid rock.We usually go out and eat pizza and then go out and watch action movies.They would work all night long,and there were days when Bill Gates would be sleeping on the floor in the software lab....all sitting on tables around the apartment with stacks of paper writing the BASIC for the,,,,I still know the source code by heart,that was a work of love,we just kept tuning and tuning that thing,and that kind of craftsmanship paid off.BASIC let the Altair be used for both fun stuff and real work.People attached terminals to the computer and began writing games,word processors and accounting programs.Most of us didn't notice,but soon there was a thriving industry for enthusiasts.By the end of 1975,dozens of other companies were building micro-computers.We created an industry,and I think that goes completely unnoticed.There was nothing aspect of the industry,whether software,hardware,or application,you name it,it was all done at MITS.It was a wild time,it was a very exciting time.At the very first user convention,we've got people come in and tell us what they were doing,what they're excited about to other companies.Like processor technology or inside command codes,got going as add-on companies.These companies are long forgotten,but forgotten,but they were the humble beginning of the PC industry. Lift in the hands of those early hobbyist,the PC might have never made


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