










Service robots which act in environmentspopulated by humans have become very popular in the last few years. A varietyof systems exists which act for example in hospitals, office buildings,department stores, and museums. Furthermore, several multi-robot systems havebeen developed for tasks which can be accomplished more efficiently by a wholeteam of robots than just by a single robot. These tasks include surfacecleaning, deliveries, and the exploration of unknown terrain. Whenever teams ofmobile robots are operating in the same environment their motions have to becoordinated in order to avoid congestions or collisions. At the same time therobots should perform their navigation tasks in a minimum amount of time. Thus,sophisticated path planning techniques are needed that fulfill theserequirements. Since the joint configuration space of the robots is typicallyhuge and grows exponentially with the number of robots, existing path planningmethods for single robot systems cannot directly be transferred to multirobotsystems. Many existing path planning methods for multi-robot systems aredecoupled, which means that they first plan paths for the individual robotsindependently. Afterward, they check if the robots would get too close to eachother if the paths were executed. In such a case the paths are recomputed toavoid these conflicts. Many decoupled methods assign priorities to theindividual robots. These priorities define an order in which the paths of therobots have to be recomputed. By computing the path of a robot, the paths ofthe robots with higher priority are considered as fixed. This way, the size ofthe search space is extremely reduced. Most of the existing prioritizeddecoupled methods use a fixed priority scheme (order of the robots). However,the order in which the paths of the robots are recomputed has a seriousinfluence on whether a solution can be found at all and on how efficient thesolution is for the overall multi-robot system. In the first part of thisthesis we present an approach which searches in the space of all priorityschemes to find an order of the robots for which a solution to the pathplanning problem can be computed. During the search, we utilize constraintsbetween the priorities of the robots which are automatically derived from thetask specification. After an appropriate priority scheme has been found, ourtechnique tries to improve it by using a hill-climbing strategy. Our searchmethod can be used to find and optimize paths generated by any prioritizedpathplanning technique. In several experiments with a real-robot system as wellas in simulation we show that our approach produces efficient solutions evenfor difficult path planning problems. The second part of this thesis is focusedon robots acting in environments populated by humans. These systems can improvetheir behavior if they react appropriately to the activities of the surroundingpeople and do not interfere with them. In contrast to a multi-robot pathplanning system, the future movements of people are not known. Therefore, therobots have to be able to detect people with their sensors, to identify them,and to learn their intentions in order to be able to make better predictions oftheir future behavior. In this thesis we present an approach to learn typicalmotion patterns of people from sensor data using the EM algorithm. Furthermore,we describe how the learned patterns can be used to predict future movements ofthe people. Afterward, we explain how this knowledge can be integrated into thepath planning process of a mobile robot. Finally, we introduce a method whichautomatically derives Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) from the learned motionmodels. These HMMs can be used by a mobile robot to predict the positions ofmultiple persons even when they are outside its field of view. To update theHMMs based on laser-range data and vision information we apply JointProbabilistic Data Association Filters. In practice, the robot becomesuncertain about the positions of people if it does not observe them for a longperiod of time. We therefore propose a decision-theoretic approach to determineobservation actions that are carried out while the robot is executing its tasks.Practical experiments carried out with our mobile robot demonstrate • that ourmethod is able to learn typical motion patterns of people, • that thenavigation behavior of the robot can be improved by predicting the motions ofpeople based on the learned motion patterns, • that the derived HMMs can beused to reliably maintain a probabilistic belief about the current positions ofmultiple persons even if they are currently not in its field of view, and •that our technique generates effective actions that seriously reduce theuncertainty in the belief about the positions of people. Our approach is usefulfor service robots of various types that are designed to coexist with humans.In many tasks it is helpful to know the current locations of the people in theenvironment. For example, this knowledge enables a robot to more efficientlycarry out personal delivery tasks since the number of detours is reduced. Alsoa cleaning robot that knows which rooms are currently empty can carry out itstasks without disturbing anyone. Furthermore, a home care robot can improve itsbehavior by knowing where the person it is providing service to currently is orwhere it is going to. The robot can then, for instance, generate motion actionsthat avoid interferences with the person. Additionally, this knowledge allowsstrategic positioning of the robot for providing personal assistance. Insummary, we present techniques which facilitate the coexistence of robots andhumans in real world environments as well as the interaction between them.

1 引言
2 多机器人路径规划
3 学习人类运动模式
4 自适应导航策略
5 使用HMM估计多人位置信息
6 结论
附录A.1 B21r机器人Albert
附录A.2 概率理论
附录A.3 证明:EM单调增大数据似然性
附录A.4 概率近似
附录A.5 指派概率的计算





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