

88W8801不支持Ad-Hoc点对点模式, 请不要使用程序中与Ad-Hoc有关的函数。





1. 收到命令回应时,如果result字段不为0,则调用回调函数时,传入的参数status为WIFI_STATUS_FAIL或WIFI_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED,不再是WIFI_STATUS_OK
2. 数据帧确认超时时,串口会输出提示(WIFI_DISPLAY_RESPTIME选项启用的情况下)
3. 添加了连接WEP热点的支持(单WEP密钥),并能够显示已添加的密钥(串口发送k)
4. 修复了当关联热点成功但尚未认证成功时,串口发送R可以重连热点导致系统故障的bug
5. 添加了WiFi_EventProcess函数处理WiFi事件,修复了WiFi掉线后WiFi_Deauthenticate仍能执行成功的bug(wifi_ssid_info未清零)
6. 把wifi_test中的IP4_*全部改成了IP_*,如ip4_addr_t改成了ip_addr_t
7. 修复了测速上位机程序中freeaddrinfo释放不了内存的问题











1. 串口输出

2. ping IP地址和计算机名

3.  IE浏览器通过计算机名访问板上的HTTP服务器


STM32F103ZE SDIO 88W8801
RESPCMD63, RESP1_b0ff8000
RESPCMD63, RESP1_b0300000
Number of I/O Functions: 3
Memory Present: 0
Relative Card Address: 0x0001
Card selected! RESP1_00001e00
SDIO Clock: 24MHz
[CIS] func=0, ptr=0x00008000
Product Information: Marvell 802.11 SDIO ID: 48
Manufacturer Code: 0x02df
Manufacturer Information: 0x9138
Card Function Code: 0x0c
System Initialization Bit Mask: 0x00
Maximum Block Size: 256
Maximum Transfer Rate Code: 0x5a
[CIS] func=1, ptr=0x00008080
Manufacturer Code: 0x02df
Manufacturer Information: 0x9139
Card Function Code: 0x0c
System Initialization Bit Mask: 0x00
Maximum Block Size: 512
[CIS] func=2, ptr=0x00008100
[CIS] func=3, ptr=0x00008180
Firmware is successfully downloaded!
CMDRESP 0x804d at 19ms
MAC Addr: 08:EA:40:31:21:8B
CMDRESP 0x8006 at 441ms
SSID 'CMCC-EDU', MAC 76:14:4B:57:E0:A8, RSSI 67, Channel 1Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'CMCC-EDU', MAC 06:14:4B:57:FD:01, RSSI 77, Channel 1Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'CMCC-EDU', MAC C6:14:4B:57:DA:5D, RSSI 78, Channel 1Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'Xiaomi', MAC F0:B4:29:23:03:F5, RSSI 72, Channel 1Capability: 0x0c11 (Security: WPA2, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 9.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'CMCC-Young', MAC D6:14:4B:57:E8:5F, RSSI 74, Channel 1Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'CMCC-Young', MAC 66:14:4B:62:E8:88, RSSI 66, Channel 1Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'CMCC-Young', MAC 16:14:4B:63:0A:33, RSSI 85, Channel 1Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'CMCC-Young', MAC C6:14:4B:57:DA:5E, RSSI 81, Channel 1Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
CMDRESP 0x8006 at 441ms
SSID 'CMCC-EDU', MAC 66:14:4B:57:FE:57, RSSI 57, Channel 6Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'Oct1158-2', MAC FC:D7:33:FE:D6:02, RSSI 36, Channel 6Capability: 0x0431 (Security: WPA2, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 6.0Mbps 9.0Mbps 12.0Mbps 18.0Mbps
SSID 'CMCC-Young', MAC 66:14:4B:57:FE:58, RSSI 55, Channel 6Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'CMCC-EDU', MAC C6:14:4B:62:AB:CD, RSSI 64, Channel 6Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'CMCC-Young', MAC C6:14:4B:62:AB:CE, RSSI 67, Channel 6Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'CMCC-EDU', MAC 46:14:4B:57:DF:E5, RSSI 75, Channel 6Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID 'CMCC-Young', MAC 46:14:4B:57:DF:E6, RSSI 77, Channel 6Capability: 0x0621 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 24.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
SSID '', MAC 38:91:D5:5D:72:9E, RSSI 59, Channel 8Capability: 0x0401 (Security: Unsecured, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 6.0Mbps 9.0Mbps 12.0Mbps 18.0Mbps
SSID 'wifi-for-study-in-485', MAC 38:91:D5:5D:72:9B, RSSI 58, Channel 8Capability: 0x0411 (Security: WPA2, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 6.0Mbps 9.0Mbps 12.0Mbps 18.0Mbps
CMDRESP 0x8006 at 443ms
SSID 'LieBaoWiFi603', MAC 2E:E0:10:4F:A4:78, RSSI 63, Channel 11Capability: 0x0431 (Security: WPA2, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 6.0Mbps 9.0Mbps 12.0Mbps 18.0Mbps
SSID 'leibaowife123', MAC D4:83:04:E3:99:9C, RSSI 38, Channel 11Capability: 0x0431 (Security: WPA2, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 6.0Mbps 9.0Mbps 12.0Mbps 18.0Mbps
SSID 'cdu??', MAC C8:ED:7D:87:78:E0, RSSI 64, Channel 11Capability: 0x0431 (Security: WPA2, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 6.0Mbps 9.0Mbps 12.0Mbps 18.0Mbps
SSID 'MERCURY_B35C', MAC 00:4B:F3:01:B3:5C, RSSI 80, Channel 12Capability: 0x0411 (Security: WPA2, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 9.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
CMDRESP 0x8006 at 224ms
SSID 'yu', MAC BC:5F:F6:F5:76:79, RSSI 71, Channel 13Capability: 0x0411 (Security: WPA2, Mode: Infrastructure)Rates: 1.0Mbps 2.0Mbps 5.5Mbps 11.0Mbps 9.0Mbps 18.0Mbps 36.0Mbps 54.0Mbps
Scan finished!
CMDRESP 0x80c4 at 0ms
CMDRESP 0x8028 at 0ms
CMDRESP 0x8006 at 1527ms
CMDRESP 0x8012 at 10ms
Waiting for authentication!
[Event 23] size=77
WMM status change event occurred!
[Event 43] size=10
[Send] len=350, port=1
[Recv] len=590, port=1
[Send] len=350, port=2
[Recv] len=590, port=2
[Send] len=42, port=3
[Send] len=42, port=4
[Send] len=42, port=5
[Send] len=42, port=6
DHCP supplied address!
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
DNS Server:
[Send] len=42, port=7
Not in cache!
[Recv] len=42, port=3
[Send] len=79, port=8
[Recv] len=95, port=4
DNS Found IP:
Connecting to
[Send] len=58, port=9
[Recv] len=54, port=5
[Send] len=54, port=10
[Send] len=58, port=11
Packet on port 1 ACK at 1284ms
Packet on port 2 ACK at 1282ms
Packet on port 3 ACK at 1276ms
Packet on port 4 ACK at 860ms
Packet on port 5 ACK at 824ms
Packet on port 6 ACK at 326ms
Packet on port 7 ACK at 315ms
Packet on port 8 ACK at 312ms
Packet on port 9 ACK at 304ms
Packet on port 10 ACK at 29ms
[Send] len=42, port=1
[Recv] len=58, port=6
Connected! err=0
[Send] len=115, port=2
[Recv] len=54, port=7
[Recv] len=590, port=8
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=3
[Recv] len=590, port=9
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=4
[Recv] len=590, port=10
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=5
[Recv] len=590, port=11
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=6
[Recv] len=590, port=12
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=7
[Recv] len=590, port=13
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=8
[Recv] len=590, port=14
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=9
[Recv] len=590, port=15
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=10
Packet on port 1 ACK at 700ms
Packet on port 2 ACK at 599ms
Packet on port 3 ACK at 312ms
Packet on port 4 ACK at 308ms
Packet on port 5 ACK at 305ms
Packet on port 6 ACK at 302ms
Packet on port 7 ACK at 37ms
Packet on port 8 ACK at 34ms
Packet on port 9 ACK at 30ms
Packet on port 11 ACK at 907ms
[Recv] len=590, port=1
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=11
[Recv] len=590, port=2
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=1
[Recv] len=590, port=3
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=2
[Recv] len=590, port=4
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=3
[Send] len=42, port=4
[Recv] len=590, port=5
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=5
[Recv] len=590, port=6
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=6
[Recv] len=590, port=7
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=7
[Recv] len=590, port=8
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=8
[Recv] len=590, port=9
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=9
Packet on port 1 ACK at 571ms
Packet on port 2 ACK at 565ms
Packet on port 3 ACK at 562ms
Packet on port 4 ACK at 548ms
Packet on port 5 ACK at 301ms
Packet on port 6 ACK at 297ms
Packet on port 7 ACK at 293ms
Packet on port 8 ACK at 290ms
Packet on port 10 ACK at 866ms
Packet on port 11 ACK at 601ms
[Recv] len=590, port=10
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=10
[Recv] len=590, port=11
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=11
[Recv] len=590, port=12
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=1
[Recv] len=590, port=13
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=2
[Recv] len=590, port=14
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=3
[Recv] len=590, port=15
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=4
[Recv] len=590, port=1
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=5
[Send] len=42, port=6
[Recv] len=590, port=2
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=7
[Recv] len=590, port=3
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=8
Packet on port 1 ACK at 561ms
Packet on port 2 ACK at 297ms
Packet on port 3 ACK at 294ms
Packet on port 4 ACK at 287ms
Packet on port 5 ACK at 284ms
Packet on port 6 ACK at 157ms
Packet on port 7 ACK at 25ms
Packet on port 9 ACK at 626ms
Packet on port 10 ACK at 595ms
Packet on port 11 ACK at 592ms
[Recv] len=590, port=4
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=9
[Recv] len=590, port=5
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=10
[Recv] len=590, port=6
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=11
[Recv] len=590, port=7
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=1
[Recv] len=590, port=8
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=2
[Recv] len=590, port=9
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=3
[Recv] len=590, port=10
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=4
[Recv] len=590, port=11
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=5
[Recv] len=590, port=12
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=6
[Recv] len=590, port=13
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=7
Packet on port 1 ACK at 335ms
Packet on port 2 ACK at 305ms
Packet on port 3 ACK at 302ms
Packet on port 4 ACK at 65ms
Packet on port 5 ACK at 60ms
Packet on port 6 ACK at 22ms
Packet on port 8 ACK at 638ms
Packet on port 9 ACK at 606ms
Packet on port 10 ACK at 603ms
Packet on port 11 ACK at 367ms
[Recv] len=590, port=14
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=8
[Recv] len=590, port=15
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=9
[Recv] len=590, port=1
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=10
[Recv] len=590, port=2
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=11
[Recv] len=590, port=3
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=1
[Recv] len=590, port=4
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=2
[Recv] len=590, port=5
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=3
[Recv] len=590, port=6
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=4
[Recv] len=590, port=7
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=5
[Recv] len=590, port=8
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=6
Packet on port 1 ACK at 294ms
Packet on port 2 ACK at 291ms
Packet on port 3 ACK at 251ms
Packet on port 4 ACK at 248ms
Packet on port 5 ACK at 19ms
Packet on port 7 ACK at 826ms
Packet on port 8 ACK at 596ms
Packet on port 9 ACK at 593ms
Packet on port 10 ACK at 554ms
Packet on port 11 ACK at 551ms
[Recv] len=590, port=9
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=7
[Recv] len=590, port=10
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=8
[Recv] len=590, port=11
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=9
[Recv] len=590, port=12
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=10
[Recv] len=590, port=13
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=11
[Recv] len=590, port=14
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=1
[Recv] len=590, port=15
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=2
[Recv] len=590, port=1
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=3
[Recv] len=590, port=2
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=4
[Recv] len=590, port=3
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=5
Packet on port 1 ACK at 288ms
Packet on port 2 ACK at 60ms
Packet on port 3 ACK at 56ms
Packet on port 4 ACK at 16ms
Packet on port 6 ACK at 637ms
Packet on port 7 ACK at 598ms
Packet on port 8 ACK at 594ms
Packet on port 9 ACK at 365ms
Packet on port 10 ACK at 362ms
Packet on port 11 ACK at 319ms
[Recv] len=590, port=4
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=6
[Recv] len=590, port=5
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=7
[Recv] len=590, port=6
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=8
[Recv] len=590, port=7
536 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=9
[Recv] len=196, port=8
142 bytes received!
[Send] len=54, port=10
[Recv] len=54, port=9
Connection is closed! err=0, count=32302
[Send] len=54, port=11
[Recv] len=54, port=10
[Recv] len=92, port=11
[Send] len=42, port=1
[Send] len=42, port=2
[Recv] len=92, port=12
[Send] len=42, port=3
[Recv] len=42, port=13
[Send] len=104, port=4
Packet on port 1 ACK at 1254ms
Packet on port 2 ACK at 1102ms
Packet on port 3 ACK at 102ms
Packet on port 5 ACK at 10917ms
Packet on port 6 ACK at 10689ms
Packet on port 7 ACK at 10686ms
Packet on port 8 ACK at 10646ms
Packet on port 9 ACK at 10643ms
Packet on port 10 ACK at 10334ms
Packet on port 11 ACK at 6986ms
[Recv] len=42, port=14
[Send] len=42, port=5
[Recv] len=74, port=15
[Send] len=74, port=6
[Recv] len=74, port=1
[Send] len=74, port=7
[Recv] len=74, port=2
[Send] len=74, port=8
[Recv] len=74, port=3
[Send] len=74, port=9
[Recv] len=74, port=4
[Send] len=74, port=10
[Recv] len=74, port=5
[Send] len=74, port=11
[Recv] len=74, port=6
[Send] len=74, port=1

【程序】Marvell 88W8801 WiFi模块连接路由器,并使用lwip2.0.3建立http服务器(20180807版)相关推荐

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    该程序是旧版本!最新版本为20220213版: https://blog.csdn.net/ZLK1214/article/details/122915474 本程序所用的单片机型号为:STM32F1 ...

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  3. 【方法】Marvell 88W8801 WiFi模块创建能上网的热点

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    该程序是旧版本!最新版本为20180706版: https://blog.csdn.net/ZLK1214/article/details/80941657 本程序所用的单片机型号为:STM32F10 ...

  6. 关于wifi模块连接路由器远程控制的一些问题

    问题一,wifi模块可以连接路由器,是不是就能实现远程控制呢? 回答:wifi模块可以连接路由器,说明实现路由器的局域网控制没有问题. 问题二:在远程控制的过程中,我可以自己在家里面搭建服务器实现吗? ...

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  8. 【用法】Marvell 88W8801 WiFi模块中CMD_802_11_KEY_MATERIAL命令的用法

    一.WPA/WPA2认证命令 88W8801通过固件内部自带embedded supplicant关联WPA/WPA2热点的方法是,先发送CMD_SUPPLICANT_PMK命令设置路由器密码,然后发 ...

  9. 【教程】Marvell 88W8686 WiFi模块驱动程序的编写(一)

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  18. temp = (temp 0x55555555) + ((temp 0xaaaaaaaa) 1)
  19. 保护眼睛的Windows和IE、Firefox、谷歌等浏览器颜色设置
  20. VirtualBox打开虚拟电脑提示Call to NEMR0InitVMPart2 failed: VERR_NEM_INIT_FAILED (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED).


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