9.7. Pattern Matching

9.7. 模式匹配

There are three separate approaches to pattern matching provided by PostgreSQL: the traditional SQL LIKE operator, the more recent SIMILAR TO operator (added in SQL:1999), and POSIX-style regular expressions. Aside from the basic “does this string match this pattern?” operators, functions are available to extract or replace matching substrings and to split a string at matching locations.

PostgreSQL提供了三种单独的模式匹配方法:传统的SQL LIKE运算符,SIMILAR TO运算符(在SQL:1999中添加)和POSIX样式的正则表达式。除了基本的“此字符串是否匹配此模式?”运算符,函数可用于提取或替换匹配的子字符串并在匹配的位置拆分字符串。



If you have pattern matching needs that go beyond this, consider writing a user-defined function in Perl or Tcl.




While most regular-expression searches can be executed very quickly, regular expressions can be contrived that take arbitrary amounts of time and memory to process. Be wary of accepting regular-expression search patterns from hostile sources. If you must do so, it is advisable to impose a statement timeout.


Searches using SIMILAR TO patterns have the same security hazards, since SIMILAR TO provides many of the same capabilities as POSIX-style regular expressions.

使用SIMILAR TO模式进行的搜索具有相同的安全隐患,因为SIMILAR TO提供了许多与POSIX样式正则表达式相同的功能。

LIKE searches, being much simpler than the other two options, are safer to use with possibly-hostile pattern sources.


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