

  第一个也是最明显的问题是内存回收问题。 比如在并发执行的过程中,如果只是一个节点b的逻辑移除,即使它不再存在于抽象集合中。 但实际上还是有联系的,只是一开始就达不到。 如下所示
这样,如果项目不是空闲的,随着时间的推移,它会导致内存激增。 因此分配给项目节点的内存被回收。


但是这个方法只来自 Java 和 C#,而不是 C/C++(至少官方)

解决方案 2:智能指针(Smart Pointers)

C++ 及更高版本中的智能指针(#include),它通过三个 API 扮演每个对象的垃圾收集角色和 RAII。 而如果我们只是调用API,就像一个黑匣子,我们只知道结果而不知道过程。

解决方案 3:特定领域的回收



  条件变量设置不合理,加锁解锁过程没有设置休眠时间。 如果超时到期,它将无限期地等待。 (没有有效和有用的等待功能)。
  节点是否标记与标记参考情况的功能设计是高度耦合的。 如果实际情况发生变化,修改起来会相当麻烦。 有效性检查和搜索功能是相同的。 插入和删除函数不考虑 while 循环中的异常。 如果中间出现错误,就会陷入死循环。


  1. 通过引用传递而不是传递指针
  2. 尽可能依赖构造函数、复制构造函数和析构函数
  3. 不能只使用堆栈分配

三.lazy-list 代码详解

  1. coupling.c
int lockc_delete(intset_l_t *set, val_t val) {node_l_t *curr, *next;int found;//Lock the first two elementsLOCK(&set->head->lock);curr = set->head;LOCK(&curr->next->lock);next = curr->next;//如果下一个节点的值<当前值:解锁前一个,保留当前的所有权,并在循环中锁定下一个while (next->val < val) {UNLOCK(&curr->lock);curr = next;LOCK(&next->next->lock);next = next->next;}// wait until next node's value == current valuefound = (val == next->val);// 'found' = 1, 然后找到下一个节点,同时解锁并删除它。最后,解锁它的下一个节点if (found) { curr->next = next->next;UNLOCK(&next->lock);node_delete_l(next);UNLOCK(&curr->lock);} else {              // 'found' = 0, only unclock it and its next node UNLOCK(&curr->lock);UNLOCK(&next->lock);}//return whether delete next nodereturn found;

delete, find, and insert方法也差不多

  1. insert.c
//当 d->unit_tx == 2 时,返回 ((curr->val == val) && !is_marked_ref((long) curr->next)),否则,在获取元素副本之前Locking每个元素
int set_contains_l(intset_l_t *set, val_t val, int transactional)
{if (transactional == 2) return parse_find(set, val);else return lockc_find(set, val);

3) linkedlist-lock.c

node_l_t *new_node_l(val_t val, node_l_t *next, int transactional){// INIT_LOCK and assign memory to new node
intset_l_t *set_new_l(){//insert node and set min and max for node
void node_delete_l(node_l_t *node) {//DESTROY_LOCK
void set_delete_l(intset_l_t *set){//DESTROY_LOCK and move current node to next
int set_size_l(intset_l_t *set){//compute length of nodes
  1. lazy.c
/** File:*   lazy.c* Author(s):*   Vincent Gramoli <vincent.gramoli@epfl.ch>* Description:*   Lazy linked list implementation of an integer set based on Heller et al. algorithm*   "A Lazy Concurrent List-Based Set Algorithm"*   S. Heller, M. Herlihy, V. Luchangco, M. Moir, W.N. Scherer III, N. Shavit*   p.3-16, OPODIS 2005** Copyright (c) 2009-2010.** lazy.c is part of Synchrobench* * Synchrobench is free software: you can redistribute it and/or* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License* as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2* of the License.** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the* GNU General Public License for more details.*/#include "lazy.h"inline int is_marked_ref(long i) {return (int) (i &= LONG_MIN+1);
}inline long unset_mark(long i) {i &= LONG_MAX-1;return i;
}inline long set_mark(long i) {i = unset_mark(i);i += 1;return i;
}inline node_l_t *get_unmarked_ref(node_l_t *n) {return (node_l_t *) unset_mark((long) n);
}inline node_l_t *get_marked_ref(node_l_t *n) {return (node_l_t *) set_mark((long) n);
}/** Checking that both curr and pred are both unmarked and that pred's next pointer* points to curr to verify that the entries are adjacent and present in the list.*/
inline int parse_validate(node_l_t *pred, node_l_t *curr) {return (!is_marked_ref((long) pred->next) && !is_marked_ref((long) curr->next) && (pred->next == curr));
}int parse_find(intset_l_t *set, val_t val) {//wait until curr->val == val, set next node to unmark node_l_t *curr;curr = set->head;while (curr->val < val)curr = get_unmarked_ref(curr->next);return ((curr->val == val) && !is_marked_ref((long) curr->next));
}int parse_insert(intset_l_t *set, val_t val) {node_l_t *curr, *pred, *newnode;int result, validated, notVal;while (1) {//Initpred = set->head;curr = get_unmarked_ref(pred->next);//Unmark and lock each nodewhile (curr->val < val) {pred = curr;curr = get_unmarked_ref(curr->next);}LOCK(&pred->lock);LOCK(&curr->lock);//check its validated and curr->val whether equals valvalidated = parse_validate(pred, curr);notVal = (curr->val != val);result = (validated && notVal);//only meeting at same time, make pred->next = newnodeif (result) {newnode = new_node_l(val, curr, 0);pred->next = newnode;} //UNLOCK curr and predUNLOCK(&curr->lock);UNLOCK(&pred->lock);//wait until pred and curr meet the validate conditions, exit this loopif(validated)return result;}
}/** Logically remove an element by setting a mark bit to 1 * before removing it physically.** NB. it is not safe to free the element after physical deletion as a * pre-empted find operation may currently be parsing the element.* TODO: must implement a stop-the-world garbage collector to correctly * free the memory.*/
int parse_delete(intset_l_t *set, val_t val) {node_l_t *pred, *curr;int result, validated, isVal;while(1) {//Initpred = set->head;curr = get_unmarked_ref(pred->next);//Unmark and lock each nodewhile (curr->val < val) {pred = curr;curr = get_unmarked_ref(curr->next);}LOCK(&pred->lock);LOCK(&curr->lock);
* Mark Phase:
* Start from the root set to find all memory block references, and then mark the referenced memory block (mark)
*///check its validated and curr->val whether equals valvalidated = parse_validate(pred, curr);isVal = val == curr->val;result = validated && isVal;//only meeting at same time, make pred->next = newnodeif (result) {curr->next = get_marked_ref(curr->next);pred->next = get_unmarked_ref(curr->next);}//UNLOCK curr and predUNLOCK(&curr->lock);UNLOCK(&pred->lock);
* Sweep Phase:
* All memory blocks that are not marked are considered garbage and can be recycled
*///find memory blocks that are not marked, setting a mark bit to 1result = result && parse_find(curr,isVal);//wait until pred and curr meet the validate conditions, exit this loopif(validated){//free the elementfree(curr);return result;}}
}//Checking this node whether null
bool isEmpty(intset_l_t *set, val_t val) {node_l_t  *curr = set->head;//search an element that exist in the list, both logically and physicallywhile (curr->val != val) {//make sure element was not removed logicallycurr = get_unmarked_ref(curr->next);}return ((curr->val == val) && !is_marked_ref((long) curr->next));
}/*Table of sleeping threads. */
static struct array *sleepers;struct node_l_t *thread_bootstrap(void){node_l_t *curr, *pred, *newnode;/*Create the data structures we need.*/sleepers = array_create();if(!sleepers){printf("Cannot create sleepers array\n");}
}void node_sleep(intset_l_t *set, val_t val){//may not sleep in an interrupt handlernode_l_t *curr, *pred;LOCK(&pred->lock);LOCK(&curr->lock);mi_switch(S_SLEEP);UNLOCK(&curr->lock);UNLOCK(&pred->lock);
}/* Release lock, put node to sleep until cv is signaled; when node wakes up again, re-acquire lock before returning */
void node_wakeup(const void *addr){int i, result;isVal = val == curr->val;node_l_t *curr;//This is inefficient, Feel free to improve it.for(i=0; i<array_getnum(sleepers); i++){node_l_t *n = array_getguy(sleepers, i);if (n->val == val) {//Remove from listarray_remove(sleepers. i);//must look at the same sleepers[i] againi--;UNLOCK(&curr->lock);curr = curr->next;/*Because we preallocate during therad_fork,this should never fail. */result = make_runnable(t);assert(result==0);}}
  1. lazy.h
/** File:*   lazy.c* Author(s):*   Vincent Gramoli <vincent.gramoli@epfl.ch>* Description:*   Lazy linked list implementation of an integer set based on Heller et al. algorithm*   "A Lazy Concurrent List-Based Set Algorithm"*   S. Heller, M. Herlihy, V. Luchangco, M. Moir, W.N. Scherer III, N. Shavit*   p.3-16, OPODIS 2005** Copyright (c) 2009-2010.** lazy.c is part of Synchrobench* * Synchrobench is free software: you can redistribute it and/or* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License* as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2* of the License.** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the* GNU General Public License for more details.*/#include "coupling.h"/* handling logical deletion flag */
inline int is_marked_ref(long i);
inline long unset_mark(long i);
inline long set_mark(long i);
inline node_l_t *get_unmarked_ref(node_l_t *n);
inline node_l_t *get_marked_ref(node_l_t *n);/* linked list accesses */
int parse_validate(node_l_t *pred, node_l_t *curr);
int parse_find(intset_l_t *set, val_t val);
int parse_insert(intset_l_t *set, val_t val);
int parse_delete(intset_l_t *set, val_t val);

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