1. 单表查询


select distinct 字段 from 库名.表名

where 条件

group by 字段 # 分组

having 筛选 # 过滤

order by 字段 # 排序

limit 限制条件


1. from :找到表

2. where:拿着where指定的约束条件,去文件/表中取出一条条记录

3. group by:将取出的一条条记录进行分组,如果没有 group by则整体作为一组

4. having:将分组的结果进行having过滤

5. select:执行select

6. distinct:去重

7. order by:将结果按条件排序

8. limit:限制结果的显示条数



create table employee(

id int not null unique auto_increment,

name varchar(20) not null,

sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male', #大部分是男的

age int(3) unsigned not null default 28,

hire_date date not null,

post varchar(50),

post_comment varchar(100),

salary double(15,2),

office int, #一个部门一个屋子

depart_id int



insert into employee(name,sex,age,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id) values
















1. distinct 去重:

select distinct post from employee;

distinct 必须写在所有查询字段的前面

2. 四则运算查询:

select name,salary*12 from employee;


3. 自定义显示格式 concat 用法

select concat ('姓名:',name,'年薪:',salary*12) as Annual_salary from employee;

as + 新字段名,就是起一个别名的意思

concat_ws() # 第一个参数为分隔符来进行字符串拼接

select concat_ws(':',name,salary*12) as Annual_salary from employee;

4. where 约束:

1. 比较运算符:> < >= <= <> !=

select name from employee where post = 'sale';

2. between 10 and 15 # id值在10到15之间

select * from employee where id between 10 and 15;

3. in(1,3,6) # id值是 1,3,6

select * from employee where id in(1,3,6);

4. like 'egon%'

pattern可以是 % 或 _

% 表示任意多个字符:

select * from employee where name like 'wu%';

_ 表示一个字符:

select * from employee where name like 'al_';结果空

select * from employee where name like 'al__';结果alex

5. 逻辑运算符:在多个条件直接可以使用逻辑运算符 and or not

select * from employee id > 10 and name like 'al%';

select * from employee not id > 10; not 取反

5. group by 分组:

select post,max(salary) from employee group by post;


select post from employee group by post,id;

分组时可以跟多个条件,那么这么多个条件同时重复才算是一组,group by 后面多条件用逗号分隔


set global sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY';

如果设置了这个模式,那么select后面只能写 group by 后面的分组依据字段和聚合函数统计结果


select post,group_concat(name) from employee group by post;

# 按照岗位分组,并查看组内所有成员名,通过逗号拼接在一起

SELECT post,GROUP_CONCAT(name,':',salary) as emp_members FROM employee GROUP BY post;

# 按照岗位分组,并查看组内所有成员名:薪资,通过逗号拼接在一起


count() # 统计个数





6. having 分组再进行过滤:

select post,max(salary) from employee group by post having max(salary) > 2000;

having 过滤后面的条件可以使用聚合函数,where不行

7. order by 排序:


select * from employee order by age;

select * from employee order by age asc;


select * from employee order by age desc;


select * from employee order by age asc,salary desc;


8. limit 限制查询的记录数:

select * from employee order by salary desc

limit 3; # 默认初始位置为0,从第一条开始顺序取出3条

limit 0,5 # 从位置0(第一条)开始往后查询5条

limit 5,5 # 从位置5(第六条)开始往后查5条

9. 使用正则表达式查询:

select * from employee where name regexp '^ale';

select * from employee where name regexp 'on$';

select * from employee where name regexp 'm{2}';

2. 多表查询


笛卡尔积: 将两表所有的数据一一对应生成一张大表.

select * from dep,emp; # 将两个表拼一起

select * from dep,emp where dep.id = emp.dep_id; # 找到两表之间对应的关系记录

select * from dep,emp where dep.id = emp.dep_id and dep.name = '技术'; # 筛选部门名称为技术的大表中的记录

select emp.name from dep,emp where dep.id = emp.dep_id and dep.name = '技术'; # 拿到筛选后的记录的员工姓名字段数据


inner join 内连接

第一步: 连表

select * from dep inner join emp on dep.id = emp.dep_id;

第二步: 过滤

select * from dep inner join emp on dep.id = emp_id where dep.name = '技术';

第三步: 找到对应字段数据

select emp.name from dep inner join emp on dep.id =emp.dep_id where dep.name = '技术';

left join 左连接(left join左边的表为主表,主表记录必须全部显示,辅表没办法对应上的,就通过null来补全)

select * from dep left join emp on dep.id = emp.dep_id;

right join 右连接

select * from dep right join emp on dep.id = emp.dep_id;

union 全连接

select * from dep left join emp on dep.id = emp.dep_id


select * from dep right join emp on dep.id = emp.dep_id;

子查询: (一个查询结果集作为另一个查询的条件)

select name from emp where dep_id = (select id from dep where name = '技术');

1. 子查询是将一个查询语句嵌套在另一个查询语句中.

2. 内层查询语句的查询结果,可以为外层查询语句提供查询条件.

3. 子查询中可以包含: in,not in,any,all,exists,not exists等关键字.

4. 还可以包含比较运算符: = , != , < , > 等.


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