题意:给你一个序列,找两个长度为 k 且没有重合区间的数使得其和最大



想了半天想不出只能先用线段树撸了一发,这题dp 第一名只要了 9分钟。

就是把起点为 i  长度为 k 的和预处理出来,再用线段树枚举去找。


  1 // File Name: 332b.cpp
  2 // Author: darkdream
  3 // Created Time: 2014年07月30日 星期三 08时10分45秒
  5 #include<vector>
  6 #include<list>
  7 #include<map>
  8 #include<set>
  9 #include<deque>
 10 #include<stack>
 11 #include<bitset>
 12 #include<algorithm>
 13 #include<functional>
 14 #include<numeric>
 15 #include<utility>
 16 #include<sstream>
 17 #include<iostream>
 18 #include<iomanip>
 19 #include<cstdio>
 20 #include<cmath>
 21 #include<cstdlib>
 22 #include<cstring>
 23 #include<ctime>
 24 #define LL long long
 25 using namespace std;
 26 #define M 200004
 27 struct node{
 28   int l , r ,m;
 29   LL maxn,s;
 30 }tree[M <<2];
 31 LL a[200004];
 32 LL sum[200004];
 33 int L(int x)
 34 {
 35   return 2 * x;
 36 }
 37 int R(int x)
 38 {
 39    return 2 * x + 1;
 40 }
 41 void  pushup(int c)
 42 {
 43    if(tree[L(c)].maxn >=tree[R(c)].maxn)
 44    {
 45       tree[c].maxn = tree[L(c)].maxn;
 46       tree[c].s = tree[L(c)].s;
 47    }else{
 48       tree[c].maxn = tree[R(c)].maxn;
 49       tree[c].s = tree[R(c)].s;
 50    }
 51 }
 52 void build(int c ,int l, int r)
 53 {
 54       tree[c].l = l ;
 55       tree[c].r = r ;
 56       tree[c].m = (l+r)/2;
 57       if(l == r)
 58       {
 59         tree[c].maxn = sum[l];
 60         tree[c].s = l ;
 61         return ;
 62       }
 63       build(L(c),l,tree[c].m);
 64       build(R(c),tree[c].m+1,r);
 65       pushup(c);
 66 }
 67 LL maxa;
 68 int site;
 69 void find(int c, int l , int r)
 70 {
 71     //printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",c,tree[c].l,tree[c].r,l,r);
 72      if(r <  l )
 73          return ;
 74      if(l <= tree[c].l && r >= tree[c].r)
 75      {
 76          if(tree[c].maxn > maxa)
 77          {
 78            maxa = tree[c].maxn;
 79            site = tree[c].s;
 80          }
 81          return ;
 82      }
 83      if(l <= tree[c].m)
 84          find(L(c),l,r);
 85      if(r > tree[c].m)
 86          find(R(c),l,r);
 87 }
 88 int main(){
 89    int n , k;
 90    scanf("%d %d",&n,&k);
 91    int temp ;
 92    a[0] = 0 ;
 93    for(int i = 1; i <= n;i ++)
 94    {
 95        scanf("%d",&temp);
 96        a[i] = a[i-1] + temp;
 97    }
 98    for(int i = 1 ;i <= n-k+1; i ++)
 99    {
100       sum[i] = a[i+k-1] - a[i-1];
101    }
102    build(1,1,n-k+1);
103    LL  ans = -1e9;
104    int a, b ;
105    for(int i =1 ;i <= n-k+1;i ++)
106    {
107       maxa = -1e9 ;
108       site = 0 ;
109       find(1,i+k,n-k+1);
110       if(sum[i] + maxa > ans)
111       {
112           ans  = sum[i] + maxa;
113           a= i ;
114           b = site;
115       }
116    }
117    printf("%d %d\n",a,b);
118 return 0;
119 }

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2)由第一种思路突然想到还可以预处理出来 i 以后 的最大值是多少,位置是多少,这样就可以直接dp了

 1 // File Name: 332b.1.cpp
 2 // Author: darkdream
 3 // Created Time: 2014年07月30日 星期三 10时13分41秒
 5 #include<vector>
 6 #include<list>
 7 #include<map>
 8 #include<set>
 9 #include<deque>
10 #include<stack>
11 #include<bitset>
12 #include<algorithm>
13 #include<functional>
14 #include<numeric>
15 #include<utility>
16 #include<sstream>
17 #include<iostream>
18 #include<iomanip>
19 #include<cstdio>
20 #include<cmath>
21 #include<cstdlib>
22 #include<cstring>
23 #include<ctime>
24 #define LL long long
25 #define maxn 200050
26 using namespace std;
27 LL a[maxn];
28 LL sum[maxn];
29 LL m[maxn];
30 int s[maxn];
31 int n , k ;
32 int main(){
33      scanf("%d %d",&n,&k);
34      a[0] = 0 ;
35      int temp ;
36      for(int i = 1;i <=  n;i ++)
37      {
38         scanf("%d",&temp);
39         a[i] =a[i-1]+ temp;
40      }
41      int p = n - k + 1;
42      for(int i = 1;i <= p ; i ++)
43      {
44        sum[i] = a[i+k-1] - a[i-1];
45      }
46      m[p] = sum[p];
47      s[p] = p ;
49      for(int i = p -1;i >= 1 ;i --)
50      {
51         if(sum[i] >= m[i+1])
52         {
53             m[i] = sum[i];
54             s[i] = i ;
55         }else{
56            m[i] = m[i+1];
57            s[i] = s[i+1];
58         }
59      }
60      int a, b ;
61      LL maxa = -1e9 ;
62      for(int i =1 ;i <= p;i ++)
63      {
64         if(sum[i] + m[i+k] > maxa)
65         {
66            a = i ;
67            b = s[i+k];
68            maxa = sum[i] + m[i+k];
69         }
70      }
71      printf("%d %d\n",a,b);
72 return 0;
73 }

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