
The dual function provides a lower bound on the optimal value for convex optimization problems only.


The dual function of an optimization problem evaluated at some (λ,ν), with λ⪰0, is equal to 42. Enter a number that can represent the optimal value of the original problem.



Consider a convex optimization problem

that satisfies Slater's constraint qualification.

Which of the following are true?



If the feasible set of an optimization problem is not convex, then the duality gap is always nonzero.



Consider a convex optimization problem

that satisfies Slater's constraint qualification.

What is the value of  if   ?





Consider the convex optimization problem

with variable , where s is some fixed real number. Let  be an optimal dual variable (Lagrange multiplier) associated with the constraint . Below we consider scenarios in which we change the value of s, and then solve the modified problem. We are interested in the optimal objective value of this modified problem, compared to the original one above.

If  is large, then decreasing s

If  is small, then increasing s

If =0, then increasing s


  1. 如果比较大,加强第i个约束,即,减小s,则最优值会大幅增加。
  2. 如果比较小,放松第i个约束,即,增大s,则最优值不会减小太多。
  3. 如果为0,第i个约束对最优值无影响。


When you apply a transformation of an optimization problem (for example, introduce new variables and new constraints), the dual problem does not change.


Every element of a generalized Lagrange multiplier λ associated with a vector inequality constraint has to satisfy  for dual feasibility.


Numerical perturbation analysis example

Consider the quadratic program

with variables , and parameters .

(a) Solve this QP, for parameter values , to find optimal primal variable values  and , and optimal dual variable values  and . Let denote the optimal objective value. Verify that the KKT conditions hold for the optimal primal and dual variables you found (within reasonable numerical accuracy).

Hint: See §§4.7 of the CVX users' guide to find out how to retrieve optimal dual variables. To specify the quadratic objective, use quad_form().

What is ? Enter your result rounded to two decimal places.

What is ? Enter your result rounded to two decimal places.



(b) We will now solve some perturbed versions of the QP, with

where  and  each take values from {−0.1,0,0.1}. (There are a total of nine such combinations, including the original problem with δ1=δ2=0.) For each combination of   and , make a prediction  of the optimal value of the perturbed QP, and compare it to , the exact optimal value of the perturbed QP (obtained by solving the perturbed QP). Find the values that belong in the two righthand columns in a table with the form shown below. Check that the inequality holds.


A simple example

Consider the optimization problem

with variable x∈R.

(a) Analysis of primal problem. What is the optimal value?

b) Lagrangian and dual function. Plot the objective  versus x. On the same plot, show the feasible set, optimal point and value, and plot the Lagrangian L(x,λ)versus x for a few positive values of λ. Verify the lower bound property (for λ≥0). Derive and sketch the Lagrange dual function g.

(c) Lagrange dual problem. The Lagrange dual problem is

The correct equation that fills the blank spot is





Note that the dual problem is convex. What is the dual optimal solution ?


Note that strong duality holds.

(d) Sensitivity analysis. Let  denote the optimal value of the problem

as a function of the parameter u.

We can show that

The correct equation that fills the blank spot is

Note that .




Lagrangian relaxation of Boolean LP

Boolean linear program is an optimization problem of the form

and is, in general, very difficult to solve. In exercise 4.15 we studied the LP relaxation of this problem,

which is far easier to solve, and gives a lower bound on the optimal value of the Boolean LP. In this problem we derive another lower bound for the Boolean LP, and work out the relation between the two lower bounds.

(a) Lagrangian relaxation. The Boolean LP can be reformulated as the problem

which has quadratic equality constraints. The Lagrange dual of this problem is

The correct equation that fills the blank spot is


The optimal value of the dual problem (which is convex) gives a lower bound on the optimal value of the Boolean LP. This method of finding a lower bound on the optimal value is called Lagrangian relaxation.

(b) The lower bound obtained via Lagrangian relaxation, and via the LP relaxation are the same. The dual of the LP relaxation is

The correct equation that fills the blank spot is

Option Price Bounds

In this problem we use the methods and results of Example 5.10 to give bounds on the arbitrage-free price of an option. (See Exercise 5.38 for a simple version of option pricing.) We will use all the notation and definitions from Example 5.10.

We consider here options on an underlying asset (such as a stock); these have a payoff or value that depends on S, the value of the underlying asset at the end of the investment period. We will assume that the underying asset can only take on m different values, . These correspond to the m possible scenarios or outcomes described in Example 5.10.

A risk-free asset has value r>1 in every scenario.

A put option at strike price K gives the owner the right to sell one unit of the underlying stock at price K. At the end of the investment period, if the stock is trading at a price S, then the put option has payoff  (K−S)+=max{0,K−S} (since the option is exercised only if K>S). Similarly a call option at strike price K gives the buyer the right to buy a unit of stock at price K. A call option has payoff .

A collar is an option with payoff

where F is the floor, C is the cap and  is the price of the underlying at the start of the investment period. This option limits both the upside and downside of payoff.

Now we consider a specific problem. The price of the risk-free asset, with r=1.05, is 1. The price of the underlying asset is . We will use m=200 scenarios, with uniformly spaced from to . The following options are traded on an exchange, with prices listed below.

Type Strike Price
Call 1.1 0.06
Call 1.2 0.03
Put 0.8 0.02
Put 0.7 0.01

A collar with floor F=0.9 and cap C=1.15 is not traded on an exchange. Find the range of prices for this collar, consistent with the absence of arbitrage and the prices given above. Enter your results rounded to three decimal places.

Lower bound =

Upper bound =


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