





还有一个特性:在树模型运行的每台计算机上安装机器学习包(例如 XGBoost、LightGBM、scikit-learning 等)非常麻烦。

这种情况不再如此:Treelite 将导出模型作为独立预测库,以便无需安装任何机器学习包即可进行预测。

1 安装

python3 -m pip install --user treelite treelite_runtime

2 Treelite介绍与原理


如上图,黑色曲线为XGBoost在不同batch size下的吞吐量,红色曲线为XGBoost经过TreeLite编译后的吞吐量。

Treelite支持众多的树模型,特别是随机森林和GBDT。同时Treelite可以很好的支持XGBoost, LightGBM和 scikit-learn,也可以将自定义模型根据要求完成编译。

2.1 逻辑分支


if ( [conditional expression] ) {foo();
} else {bar();



/* expected to be false */
if( __builtin_expect([condition],0)){...
} else {...

2.2 逻辑比较


if (data[3].fvalue < 1.5) {
/* floating-point comparison */...
if (data[3].qvalue < 3) {
/* integer comparison */...

3 快速入门


import treelite
model = treelite.Model.load('my_model.model', model_format='xgboost')


# Produce a zipped source directory, containing all model information
# Run `make` on the target machine
model.export_srcpkg(platform='unix', toolchain='gcc',pkgpath='./mymodel.zip', libname='mymodel.so',verbose=True)


# Like export_srcpkg, but generates a shared library immediately
# Use this only when the host and target machines are compatible
model.export_lib(toolchain='gcc', libpath='./mymodel.so', verbose=True)


import treelite_runtime
predictor = treelite_runtime.Predictor('./mymodel.so', verbose=True)
batch = treelite_runtime.Batch.from_npy2d(X)
out_pred = predictor.predict(batch)

4 快速load几类数据模型:XGB、LGB、SKlearn

4.1 XGB

  • 从xgboost.Booster加载XGBoost模型

# bst = an object of type xgboost.Booster
model = Model.from_xgboost(bst)
  • 从binary 二进制格式加载XGBoost模型

# model had been saved to a file named my_model.model
# notice the second argument model_format='xgboost'
model = Model.load('my_model.model', model_format='xgboost')

4.2 LGB

Microsoft/LightGBM的LightGBM 可以使用load(),可以指定参数:model_format='lightgbm'

# model had been saved to a file named my_model.txt
# notice the second argument model_format='lightgbm'
model = Model.load('my_model.txt', model_format='lightgbm')

4.3 scikit-learn模型


  • sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor

  • sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier

  • sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor

  • sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier

# clf is the model object generated by scikit-learn
import treelite.sklearn
model = treelite.sklearn.import_model(clf)

5 java版本:Treelite4J

Treelite4J 是Java使用的依赖,在本地文件系统中找到编译的模型(dll / so / dylib)。我们通过创建Predictor对象来加载已编译的模型:

import ml.dmlc.treelite4j.Predictor;Predictor predictor = new Predictor("path/to/compiled_model.so", -1, true, true);


// Get the input dimension, i.e. the number of feature values in the input vector
int num_feature = predictor.GetNumFeature();// Get the number of classes.
// This number is 1 for tasks other than multi-class classification.
// For multi-class classification task, the number is equal to the number of classes.
int num_class = predictor.GetNumClass();


// Create an array of feature values for the input
int num_feature = predictor.GetNumFeature();
Entry[] inst = new Entry[num_feature];// Initialize all feature values as missing
for (int i = 0; i < num_feature; ++i) {inst[i] = new Entry();inst[i].setMissing();
}// Set feature values that are not missing
// In this example, we set feature 1, 3, and 7
inst[7].setFValue(-1.7);// Now run prediction
// (Put false in the second argument to get probability outputs)
float[] result = predictor.predict(inst, false);
// The result is either class probabilities (for multi-class classification)
// or a single number (for all other tasks, such as regression)


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