mint 安装chrome

In this tutorial, we will see how to install Chrome on Linux Mint. Google Chrome is a popular web browser that is suitable for surfing amazing websites like this one. We will also cover a better alternative to Chrome that is easier to install.

在本教程中,我们将了解如何在Linux Mint上安装Chrome。 Google Chrome浏览器是一种流行的网络浏览器,适用于浏览像这样的出色网站。 我们还将介绍易于安装的Chrome替代产品。

在Linux Mint上安装Google Chrome的步骤 (Steps to Install Google Chrome on Linux Mint)

Let’s go over the steps to install Google Chrome, which is Google’s version of the original open-source Chromium browser. Since Google Chrome isn’t natively available in the package repositories, we need to add their Linux repos and install the package from there.

让我们看一下安装Google Chrome的步骤,它是原始开源Chromium浏览器的Google版本。 由于Google Chrome浏览器不在软件包存储库中,因此我们需要添加其Linux存储库并从那里安装软件包。

1.下载Chrome专用金钥 (1. Downloading the Key for Chrome)

Before we proceed, install Google’s Linux package signing Key. This key will automatically configure the repository settings necessary to keep your Google Linux applications up-to-date.

在继续之前,请安装Google的Linux软件包签名密钥。 此项将自动配置必要的存储库设置,以使您的Google Linux应用程序保持最新。

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
Google Chrome Key

2.添加Chrome存储库 (2. Adding Chrome Repo)

For installing Chrome you need to add Chrome repository to your system source. You can do this with the command:

要安装Chrome,您需要将Chrome存储库添加到系统源中。 您可以使用以下命令执行此操作:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb stable main"

You may also add the repository manually by editing your /etc/apt/sources.list file.


3.运行Apt更新 (3. Run an Apt Update)

After you add the Chrome repository in the last step you need to do an apt-update. The command for doing that is:

在最后一步中添加Chrome存储库后,您需要执行apt-update 。 这样做的命令是:

sudo apt update
Add Chrome Repo and Update

4.在Linux Mint上安装Chrome (4. Install Chrome on Linux Mint)

After going through the commands above you are ready to finally install Chrome. The command for doing that is :

完成上述命令后,您就可以准备最终安装Chrome。 这样做的命令是:

sudo apt install google-chrome-stable
Install Google Chrome Stable
安装Google Chrome稳定版

This command installs the stable version of Chrome.


While installing you will be prompted to grant permission to proceed with the installation. Press ‘y’ to continue.

在安装过程中,系统将提示您授予许可以继续进行安装。 按“ y”继续。

That is it! Now you can run Google Chrome by typing in :

这就对了! 现在,您可以输入以下命令来运行Google Chrome:


Or you can use the GUI to go to your applications and find Google Chrome there.

或者,您可以使用GUI转到您的应用程序并在其中找到Google Chrome。

5.卸载Chrome (5. Uninstalling Chrome )

To uninstall Google Chrome use the command :

要卸载Google Chrome,请使用以下命令:

sudo apt remove google-chrome-stable

This will successfully remove Google Chrome from your system.

这将成功从系统中删除Google Chrome。

更好的选择:Chrome (A better Alternative: Chromium )

Chromium is an open-source version of Chrome. It is present by default in the Linux repositories. So you won’t need to add it explicitly.

Chromium是Chrome 的开源版本。 默认情况下,它存在于Linux存储库中。 因此,您无需显式添加它。

To install Chromium you just need to run the command :


sudo apt install chromium-browser

One command and Chromium is ready to go!


就是这样,伙计们! (That’s it, folks! )

In this tutorial, we saw how Chrome can be installed on Linux systems. Apart from that we also saw Chromium, a better open-source version of Chrome that is readily available on Linux.

在本教程中,我们了解了如何在Linux系统上安装Chrome。 除此之外,我们还看到了Chromium,这是一种更好的开源版本的Chrome,可以在Linux上轻松使用。


mint 安装chrome

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