Deep Learning with Differential Privacy

除此以外,还有一种在模型输出阶段加入噪声来实现差分隐私的方法:DP-Logits,见论文:Sampling Attacks: Amplification of Membership Inference Attacks by Repeated Queries

参照https://github.com/pytorch/opacus/blob/main/tutorials/building_image_classifier.ipynb 进行讲解。


需要用到 opacus 、 tqdm 包,用 pip 安装就好了。

1 确定超参数

To train a model with Opacus there are three privacy-specific hyper-parameters that must be tuned for better performance:
Max Grad Norm: The maximum L2 norm of per-sample gradients before they are aggregated by the averaging step.
Noise Multiplier: The amount of noise sampled and added to the average of the gradients in a batch.
Delta: The target δ of the (ϵ,δ)-differential privacy guarantee. Generally, it should be set to be less than the inverse of the size of the training dataset. In this tutorial, it is set to 10−510^{−5}10−5 as the CIFAR10 dataset has 50,000 training points.

We use the hyper-parameter values below to obtain results in the last section:

MAX_GRAD_NORM = 1.2 # 这个参数很重要 见 7 总结
EPSILON = 50.0  # 这个参数重要,即隐私预算,越小越隐私!
DELTA = 1e-5  # 这个参数不重要
EPOCHS = 20LR = 1e-3

There’s another constraint we should be mindful of—memory. To balance peak memory requirement, which is proportional to batch_size^2, and training performance, we use virtual batches. With virtual batches we can separate physical steps (gradient computation) and logical steps (noise addition and parameter updates): use larger batches for training, while keeping memory footprint low. Below we will specify two constants:


2 选择数据集

Now, let’s load the CIFAR10 dataset. We don’t use data augmentation here because, in our experiments, we found that data augmentation lowers utility when training with DP.

import torch
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as transforms# These values, specific to the CIFAR10 dataset, are assumed to be known.
# If necessary, they can be computed with modest privacy budget.
CIFAR10_MEAN = (0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465)
CIFAR10_STD_DEV = (0.2023, 0.1994, 0.2010)transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(),transforms.Normalize(CIFAR10_MEAN, CIFAR10_STD_DEV),

注意,最好把数据全部缩放到区间 [-1, 1]

from torchvision.datasets import CIFAR10
from opacus.utils.uniform_sampler import UniformWithReplacementSamplerDATA_ROOT = '../cifar10'train_dataset = CIFAR10(root=DATA_ROOT, train=True, download=True, transform=transform)SAMPLE_RATE = BATCH_SIZE / len(train_dataset)train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_dataset,num_workers=NUM_WORKERS,batch_sampler=UniformWithReplacementSampler(num_samples=len(train_dataset),sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE,),
)test_dataset = CIFAR10(root=DATA_ROOT, train=False, download=True, transform=transform)test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(test_dataset,batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,shuffle=False,num_workers=NUM_WORKERS,

3 模型

from torchvision import models
model = models.resnet18(num_classes=10)

3.1 检查是否支持该模型



from opacus.dp_model_inspector import DPModelInspector
inspector = DPModelInspector()



from opacus.dp_model_inspector import DPModelInspector
from opacus.utils import module_modificationmodel = module_modification.convert_batchnorm_modules(model)
inspector = DPModelInspector()
print(f"Is the model valid? {inspector.validate(model)}")



device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = model.to(device)

3.2 定义优化器

可以在https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/optim.html 选择自己想要的优化器。

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optimcriterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = optim.RMSprop(model.parameters(), lr=LR)

4 准备训练


def accuracy(preds, labels):return (preds == labels).mean()


from opacus import PrivacyEngineprivacy_engine = PrivacyEngine(model,sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE * N_ACCUMULATION_STEPS,epochs = EPOCHS,target_epsilon = EPSILON,target_delta = DELTA,max_grad_norm=MAX_GRAD_NORM,
privacy_engine.attach(optimizer)print(f"Using sigma={privacy_engine.noise_multiplier} and C={MAX_GRAD_NORM}")



import numpy as npdef train(model, train_loader, optimizer, epoch, device):model.train()criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()losses = []top1_acc = []for i, (images, target) in enumerate(train_loader):        images = images.to(device)target = target.to(device)# compute outputoutput = model(images)loss = criterion(output, target)preds = np.argmax(output.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=1)labels = target.detach().cpu().numpy()# measure accuracy and record lossacc = accuracy(preds, labels)losses.append(loss.item())top1_acc.append(acc)loss.backward()# take a real optimizer step after N_VIRTUAL_STEP steps tif ((i + 1) % N_ACCUMULATION_STEPS == 0) or ((i + 1) == len(train_loader)):optimizer.step()else:optimizer.virtual_step() # take a virtual stepif i % 200 == 0:epsilon, best_alpha = optimizer.privacy_engine.get_privacy_spent(DELTA)print(f"\tTrain Epoch: {epoch} \t"f"Loss: {np.mean(losses):.6f} "f"Acc@1: {np.mean(top1_acc) * 100:.6f} "f"(ε = {epsilon:.2f}, δ = {DELTA})")def test(model, test_loader, device):model.eval()criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()losses = []top1_acc = []with torch.no_grad():for images, target in test_loader:images = images.to(device)target = target.to(device)output = model(images)loss = criterion(output, target)preds = np.argmax(output.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=1)labels = target.detach().cpu().numpy()acc = accuracy(preds, labels)losses.append(loss.item())top1_acc.append(acc)top1_avg = np.mean(top1_acc)print(f"\tTest set:"f"Loss: {np.mean(losses):.6f} "f"Acc: {top1_avg * 100:.6f} ")return np.mean(top1_acc)

5 开始训练

from tqdm import tqdmfor epoch in tqdm(range(EPOCHS), desc="Epoch", unit="epoch"):train(model, train_loader, optimizer, epoch + 1, device)

6 评估模型

top1_acc = test(model, test_loader, device)

7 总结

Tuning MAX_GRAD_NORM is very important. Start with a low noise multiplier like 0.1, this should give comparable performance to a non-private model. Then do a grid search for the optimal MAX_GRAD_NORM value. The grid can be in the range [0.1, 10].

You can play around with the level of privacy, EPSILON. Smaller EPSILON means more privacy, more noise – and hence lower accuracy. Reducing EPSILON to 5.0 reduces the Top 1 Accuracy to around 53%. One useful technique is to pre-train a model on public (non-private) data, before completing the training on the private training data.

7.1 对比性能

Private Model vs Non-Private Model Performance

Now let us compare how our private model compares with the non-private ResNet18.

We trained a non-private ResNet18 model for 20 epochs using the same hyper-parameters as above and with BatchNorm replaced with GroupNorm. The results of that training and the training that is discussed in this tutorial are summarized in the table below:

我们可以发现,Private Resnet 可以实现 53.54 的隐私开销。


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