终极英语单词12000 1 变身口语达人3000词 1-3000

终极英语单词12000 2 成为英语学霸3000词 3001-6000

终极英语单词12000 3 畅读英文报刊3000词 6001-9000

machine               0762

machinery            3790

mad                     1486

madam                 2602

madden                8327

madly                   6036

madness               3493

magazine              0539

magic                   1800

magical                 3907

magician               3423

magistrate            7310

magnet                 3541

magnetic              5846

magnificent           4291

magnify                6361

magnitude            6685

maid                     3006

maiden                 5903

mail                      0498

mailman               1580

main                     1364

mainland              5685

mainly                  2071

mainstream          6647

maintain               2027

maintenance         3234

majestiv                7865

majesty                 4631

major                   2877

majority                2658

make                    0471

maker                   1028

makeup                4803

making                 3621

male                     1930

malice                   6541

malicious              8099

mama                   1663

mammal               5381

mammoth            7340

man                     0090

manage                1384

management        2105

manager               1674

maneuver             8652

mango                 4654

manhood             5534

manifest               6145

manifestation        7667

manifesto             8038

manimize              8337

manipulate           8331

manipulation        8653

manital                 8490

mankind               1690

manly                   5904

manner                1427

manor                  7729

manpower            7668

mansion               6189

mantle                  6648

manual                 3232

manufacture         3622

manufacturer        4418

manuscript           5308

many                    0255

map                     0763

maple                   6217

mar                      7351

marathon             4394

marble                  3542

March                   0651

march                   1244

mare                    8504

margin                 4691

marhinal               7437

marijuana             8310

marine                  3930

mark                    1801

marked                 3363

marker                 4732

market                  0884

marketable           7927

marketing             4378

marketplace          5686

marking                4804

marmalade           7695

marriage               2791

married                1022

marry                   0477

marsh                   6006

marshal                6442

martial                  8904

marvel                  5415

marvelous            3959

masculine             6910

mask                    2406

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massacre              8335

massage               5041

massive                4015

mast                     3791

master                  0114

masterpiece          5348

mastery                7716

mat                      4805

match                   1071

mate                     1691

material                1803

materialism           7562

materialistic           8921

materialize            7050

maternal               8784

mathematical        4858

mathematician      5230

mathematics         1804

matrix                   8654

matter                  0832

mattress               4806

mature                 3013

maturity                6686

maxim                  8568

maximum             3668

may                      0502

May                      0653

maybe                  1983

mayonnaise          8451

mayor                  3141

maze                    7730

me                       0144

meadow               3163

meager                 8963

meal                     0629

mean                    0594

meaning               1805

meaningful           7965

meaningless         7966

means                  2174

meantime             2720

meanwhile            3138

measure               1385

measurement       3750

meat                     0630

mechanic              4279

mechanical           3830

mechanics            8569

mechanism           3623

medal                   1806

meddle                 7356

media                   2792

median                 8785

mediate                7357

mediator               6723

medical                 1197

medication            7337

medicine               1031

medieval               4366

mediocre              8964

meditate               6474

meditation            6542

medium                3815

meek                    8112

meet                     0189

meeting                0516

melancholy           6387

mellow                 5847

melodrama           7189

melody                 2291

melon                   1530

melt                      1072

melting                 5848

member               0732

membership         2793

memo                  4807

memorable           7832

memorandum      6649

memorial              4808

memorize             5364

memory               0833

men                     0721

menace                6650

mend                   3314

mental                  2922

mentality              6607

mentally               4042

mention                1172

menu                   1531

merchandise         6076

merchandising      8319

merchant              2581

merciful                6911

merciful                6911

merciless              7233

mercury                6585

mercy                   3297

mere                    3960

merely                  2212

merge                  7361

merger                 7669

merit                    2794

merrily                  3989

merry                   1931

mesh                    7210

mess                    3575

message               1251

messenger            3069

Messrs                  8655

messy                   6853

metal                    1807

metallic                 5849

metaphor             5445

meter                   0873

method                1415

metric                   7967

metro                   8123

metropolis            6077

metropolitan         6050

microphone          2424

microscope           5222

microwave            4809

mid                      4849

midday                 4576

middle                  0278

midnight               0640

midst                    3961

midway                7978

midweek               8718

migrate                 7365

migration              7670

mild                      1479

mildly                   5043

mile                      0874

mileage                6687

milestone              8656

militant                 8056

military                 2659

milk                      0631

milkman               4733

milky                    5850

mill                       3792

millennium           7717

millimeter             1704

milliomaire            3269

million                  1712

millionth               4969

mimic                   8129

mind                    0673

mindless               8106

mine                     0976

miner                   6063

mineral                 2333

minght                 1196

mingle                  5255

mini                      5851

miniature              5783

minimize               7053

minimum              3669

minister                2582

ministry                2660

minning                5301

minnrity                3091

minor                   2878

minssion               4734

mint                     7696

minute                  0877

miracle                 3576

miraculous            6972

mirror                   0764

misbehavior          8616

mischief                4100

mischienous         7901

misdirect               8132

miser                    8742

miserable              3908

misery                  3577

misfit                    8104

misfortune            4096

misguided            8905

mislead                 5259

misleading            7122

misolace               6221

miss                     0478

Miss                     0722

Missing                 2923

missionary            7126

missle                   4632

mist                      3198

mistake                 0834

mistaken               2924

mister                   5732

mistress                3068

mistrust                8536

misty                    7481

misunderstand      3411

misunderstanding 5002

misuse                  8339

mitten                   4810

mix                       1388

mixed                   3909

mixer                    2535

moan                   4180

mob                     7140

mobile                  7866

mobility                7671

mobilize                8343

mock                    5261

mockery               7532

mode                   3578

model                   1114

modem                8756

moderate              4457

moderately           5982

moderation           5535

modern                1932

modernize            8042

modest                 3845

modestly              5983

modesty               5345

modification          6608

modify                  4337

module                 7403

moist                    4053

moisture               4399

mold                    5257

molecule               5446

moment               1217

momentary           5905

momentum          8510

monarch               4735

monarchy             6651

Mondy                 0643

monetary              5949

money                  0004

monk                   6360

monkey                0372

monltor                3793

monologue           8187

monopolize          8344

monopoly             5602

monotonous         6973

monotony            8699

monster                1327

monstrous            6854

month                  0308

monthly                1892

monument           3794

mood                   1320

moody                 7902

moon                   0693

moonlight             2497

moor                    8347

mop                     7768

moral                   2925

morale                  8657

morality                5536

morally                 4446

more                    0101

moreover             2976

morning               0286

mortal                  5906

mortality               6348

mortality               6348

mortgage             6652

mosaic                  8757

mosquito              1612

moss                    4537

most                     0360

mostly                  2136

moth                    7411

mother                 0187

motherhood         8026

motibate               5265

motif                    8553

motion                 2795

motionless            6855

motivation            6543

motive                  4527

motor                   1808

motorbike             4193

motorboat            2688

motorcar              5666

motorcycle            2689

motorist                4736

motorway             5688

motto                   7563

mound                 7276

mount                  2142

mountain              0362

mountaineering    8511

mourn                  4470

mournful              8211

mourning             7533

mouse                  0684

mouth                  0664

mouthful              5641

movable               7867

move                    0325

movement            1728

mover                  6724

movie                   0305

moving                 2926

mow                     7165

Mr.                       0043

Mrs.                      0723

Ms.                       0724

much                    0418

mud                     1437

muddy                 3931

muffin                  8077

multimedia           5018

multinational         8922

multiple                3033

multiple                4970

multiplication        7564

multitude              5642

mum                    7868

mumble                7116

mummy               4167

munch                  8171

municipal              6338

murder                 1080

murderer              5223

murmur                4135

muscle                  2459

muscular              8035

muse                    6477

museum               0170

mushroom           2242

music                   0281

musical                 1933

musician               0727

Muslim                 5216

must                     0014

mustache              2450

mustard                2385

mute                    6856

mutter                  5066

mutton                 5620

mutual                  3816

mutually               7993

my                       0008

myriad                  8275

myself                  1989

mysterious            2063

mystery                1508

mystical                7472

mystify                 8133

myth                    4064

mythology            8570


nail                       0671

naive                    8153

naked                   2210

name                    0550

namely                 3990

nap                      3169

napkin                  2536

narration              5537

narrative               5538

narrator                7742

narrow                 0904

narrowly               7187

nasty                    3846

nation                   1729

national                1310

nationalism           6653

nationalist             5098

nationalistic           7928

nationality             3624

nationalize            6062

nationwide            7458

native                   1934

natural                  0508

naturally               1984

nature                  1626

naughty                5260

naval                    5950

navigate               6362

navigation            5539

navigator              6490

navy                     1730

near                     0363

nearby                  3020

nearly                   1417

neat                      1935

neatly                   5335

necessary             0941

necessity               2796

neck                     0667

necklace               1300

necktie                  7044

need                     0099

needle                  1572

needless               2927

needy                   5145

negative               2928

neglect                 2101

negligence            6544

negligent              7903

negligible              8923

negotiate              4139

negotiation           3294

negotiator             8743

neighbor              0216

neighborhood      2119

neighboring          5140

neither                  1985

nephew                1465

nerve                    2461

nervous                1501

nest                      1627

net                       1225

network                2797

neutral                  4850

neutrality              8658

neutralize              8047

never                    0076

nevertheless         3124

new                      0113

newcomer            5733

newly                   3976

news                    0220

newscaster            5734

newsletter             5540

newspaper            0596

next                      0201

nice                      0942

nicely                    4987

nick                      8260

nickel                    4811

nickname              2798

niece                    1666

night                    0188

nightclub              5869

nightdress            4812

nightfall                7176

nightgown            4813

nightly                  7980

nightmare             4578

nine                      0848

nineteen               0858

nineteenth            1875

ninetieth               1883

ninety                   0866

ninth                    1865

ninus                    5000

nip                       8175

no                        0966

noased                 7291

nobelty                 7469

nobility                 5347

noble                    1936

nobleman             5735

nobody                0977

nod                      1175

noise                    0568

noiseless               5852

noisily                   5080

noisy                    1135

nominate              6365

nomination           5541

none                    0978

nonetheless          5992

nonsense              2799

nonstop                4196

noodle                  5621

noon                    0345

nor                       1997

norm                    8700

normal                 1937

normally               3992

north                    0711

northeastern         8786

northern               2870

northward            7792

northwest             3438

northwestern        8114

nose                     0254

not                       0091

notable                 6974

notably                 7063

note                     0816

notebook              0817

noted                   4142

noteworthy           8965

nothing                0979

notice                   1492

noticeable             4144

notify                    7118

notion                  3494

notional                8797

notorious              8229

nottheast              3437

notwithstanding    6999

noun                    4507

nourish                 6368

nourishment         7697

novel                    2034

novelist                 4362

November            0659

novice                  7106

now                      0018

nowadays             3298

nowhere               1986

nuclear                 3831

nucleus                 8719

nude                    4891

nudity                   8521

nuisance               5416

number                0160

numeral                7565

numerous             4323

nurse                    0728

nursery                 4692

nursing                 3064

nurure                  7367

nut                       1532

nutrient                8682

nutrition               5258

nutritious              8172

nuxture                 4577

nylon                    4814

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