终极英语单词12000 1 变身口语达人3000词 1-3000

终极英语单词12000 2 成为英语学霸3000词 3001-6000

终极英语单词12000 3 畅读英文报刊3000词 6001-9000


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board                   1885

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bookshelf             2511

bookshop             1644

bookstore             1645

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boy                      0071

boycott                        5483

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broadly                 6990

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broom                         5761

brother                 0365

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browse                 8456

bruise                   6057

brunch                 6167

brush                   1219

brutal                          4098

brute                    6201

bubble                  2739

buck                     8173

bucket                  2512

buckle                  7142

bud                             3529

Buddhism                    5430

Buddhist                      5710

buddy                  7247

budget                        3086

buffalo                  7001

buffet                   6694

bug                             4051

build                     0407

builder                         5711

building                0793

bulb                            4401

bulk                             4661

bulky                    7249

bull                       2467

bulldozer                     3674

bullet                    2740

bulletin                 6163

bully                     7031

bum                     7348

bump                          4153

bumper                7007

bumt                    6836

bunch                   2741

bundle                         4776

bungalow             7318

burden                        3281

burdensome         8942

bureau                        4674

bureaucracy          6337

burger                  2373

burgiar                        4330

burglary               7394

burial                           5485

burn                     1302

burning                       4876

burst                    1011

bury                     2128

bus                       0530

bush                     1227

busily                   2270

business               0199

businesslike                 5867

businessman        1668

businesswoman    2571

bust                      8249

busy                            0026

but                       0614

butcher                        3709

butter                   0621

butter                   8477

butterfly                1609

button                  1250

buttonhole            7582

buy                      0411

buyer                          3710

buzz                           5079

by                        0017

bye                       0997

bypass                  6695

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