
By default, Siri only responds when you press and hold the home button on your iPad or iPhone. You can, however, configure Siri to respond when you say “Hey Siri.”

默认情况下,仅当您按住iPad或iPhone上的主页按钮时,Siri才会响应。 但是,您可以将Siri配置为在您说“嘿Siri”时做出响应。

Siri is useful as means for doing many things. She’s meant to be something of a digital personal assistant and, as such, can do a great deal more than simply looking stuff up on the Internet. She can take notes, set alarms, place calls, handle directions, and so on.

Siri作为执行许多操作的手段很有用。 她本来应该是一名数字个人助理,因此,不仅可以在Internet上查找东西,还可以做更多的事情。 她可以记笔记,设置警报,拨打电话,处理指示等。

Using Siri won’t take long to figure out, but to completely master her, you will need to spend some time learning all the things she can do. To help make this easier and a bit more natural feeling, you can turn on her hands-free voice activation. (Note: If you have an iPhone 6 or older, you’ll need your phone to be plugged in for “Hey Siri” to work. The iPhone 6s and later do not have this limitation, and you can invoke “Hey Siri” at any time.)

使用Siri不会花很长时间,但是要完全掌握她,您将需要花一些时间来学习她可以做的所有事情 。 为了使这种操作更轻松,更自然,您可以打开她的免提语音激活功能。 (注意:如果您使用的是iPhone 6或更低版本的iPhone,则需要插入手机才能使用“ Hey Siri”。iPhone6s和更高版本没有此限制,您可以在以下位置调用“ Hey Siri”任何时间。)

Having “Hey Siri,” however, is a great way to interact with your device and is comparable to Android’s “Ok Google” as well as Microsoft’s upcoming “Hey Cortana” search feature in Windows 10 (this already available to Windows Phone users).

但是,拥有“ Hey Siri”是与您的设备进行交互的一种很好的方式,可以与Android的“ Ok Google”以及Microsoft 即将在Windows 10中推出的“ Hey Cortana”搜索功能相媲美(Windows Phone用户已经可以使用)。

启用“嘿Siri” (Enabling “Hey Siri”)

“Hey Siri” isn’t enabled right out of the box. You have to first turn it on in the settings. To do this, unlock your iPad or iPhone and open the “Settings.” Tap on the “General” category and then tap on “Siri.

尚未立即启用“嘿Siri”。 您必须先在设置中将其打开。 为此,请解锁iPad或iPhone并打开“设置”。 点击“常规”类别,然后点击“ Siri”。

Siri doesn’t have a lot of options to deal with. First and foremost, there’s an option to completely turn her off, and then below that is the “Allow ‘Hey Siri'” toggle.

Siri没有太多选择。 首先,有一个选项可以完全关闭她,然后在其下方是“允许'Hey Siri'”切换。

Once again note that “Hey Siri” will only work when your device is connected to a power outlet.
再次请注意,“ Hey Siri”仅在您的设备连接到电源插座时才起作用。

As long as we’re poking around in Siri’s settings, have a look at the other remaining options. You can turn Siri from a she to a he using the “Voice Gender” option. There’s also an option to configure “Voice Feedback” from “Always” to “Handsfree Only.”

只要我们在Siri的设置中四处浏览,请查看其他剩余选项。 您可以使用“语音性别”选项将Siri从她变成她。 还有一个选项可以将“语音反馈”从“始终”配置为“仅免提”。

You’re not stuck using only one identity with Siri either. Tapping the “My Info” button lets you assign who Siri talks to from your contacts.

您也不会只在Siri中使用一个身份。 轻按“我的信息”按钮,即可从联系人中分配与Siri通话的对象。

Siri is also a serious polyglot as well, if you tap the “Language” button, you’ll see a wide and extensive array of different languages, often in several variations.

Siri也是一个严重的杂音,如果您点击“ Language”按钮,您将看到各种各样的不同语言,通常会有几种变化。

As we said, enabling “Hey Siri” is a great way to interact with your iOS device without having to look around, pick it up, and push the home button.

如前所述,启用“ Hey Siri”是与iOS设备进行交互的一种好方法,而无需四处查看,捡起它并按下主页按钮。




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